This is NOT a another chapter (sorry!) it's a long AN

A/N: Sorry guys if I got your hopes up, this isn't another chapter of Troll. I just wanted to quickly say thank you guys for reading/following/favouriting/ reviewing. You have been amazingreadies and it saddens me that Troll is over. But I'm here to ask you guys for a favour. I know it's a lot but would you guys mind reading my new fanfiction Rangers Assemble. I would very much appreciate it. Also my friehas and I have created a starkid twitter, would any of you lovely people mind following us? We are called (remove space) DikratsRanger . Again I'm really sorry this isn't a Troll update. Please don't hate me. Hope to see you on Rangers Assemble and twitter. I love you all, hugs and butterfly kisses takeawalk xx