A/N: So i'm back again with a brand new story, only this time I have finished writing this one so I won't be so quick to update. Thia one is really quite different to TSK at Hogwarts. This one is set in the real world so no magic spells this time sorry. If you want to see anything in this story don't hesitate to review asking for it, because as I said I haven't finished this one so I can write it in. Anyway long authors note over enjoy the story.

Disclaimer: Don't own the Starkids as that would be iilegal.

Chapter 1 ~ La Bella Luna

Meredith sat with her legs under her, curled into her couch. She pulled her blanket towards her chin until she felt her hand graze her dampened cheek. She glanced down at her blackened finger through blurry eyes. This is the last time I wear mascara and cry. She tried to regain her composure before lifting her head and turning it towards The Lord of the Rings on her TV. Normally it she would say it could cheer her up from almost anything but today it didn't, she felt so alone. If you were watching her you would have been forgiven for thinking that she was absorbed in the movie, she had seen it eight times at the cinema. She was staring directly at the TV but her mind was elsewhere. It was with him, the man who was the sole reason for her being alone in her apartment crying. As her thoughts deepened a single tear fell down her already wet face.

Earlier that day…

Meredith stared at her reflection in her bedroom mirror. She had cleaned up well even if she did say so herself. She had slipped on a simple but elegant white one-shoulder dress. It fitted her figure perfectly and pulled her in at all the right places. She had left her hair down as it was naturally curly and sat wonderfully, just above her shoulders. To finish off her look she applied a thin black line to her top eyelid and deep red lipstick now adored her pout. Stepping into nude coloured kitten heels and pulling on a chocolate coloured leather jacket, see grabbed her phone, purse and keys before leaving for 'La Bella Luna' the restaurant they were holding their date.

It was just before seven when she arrived, she was really excited. It was their four month anniversary and the food here was apparently fantastic. Her excitement grew when she saw him outside, she felt like she was in some corny old movie as she felt her heart literally skip a beat. He was currently hunched over his phone texting; his sleek black hair was covering his normally vibrant green eyes. He was wearing a tight black leather jacket which showed off his muscles well, and black jeans that were very flattering. Meredith felt her face reddening as her eyes explored her boyfriend's body. The things that boy did to her. Craig.

It took until she was a couple metres away, but when he noticed her his face lit up into a dazzling smile. He quickly put his phone in his trouser pocket before embracing her with open arms.

"Hey babe, you look gorgeous." He said before planting a kiss on her cheek which she gladly accepted. After a few minutes they went inside and were shown to their table.

The dinner was going amazingly. Meredith and Craig had conversed the whole evening on everything from their jobs, to the weather, to who they thought was the younger polar bear. Tonight couldn't be going any better. Halfway through their main course Craig left the table to go to the toilet. He was only gone a minute but in that time his phone had chimed about four times. It was on the table and was lighting up constantly. I wonder who that is? What if it's something important? No Meredith don't be that kind of girlfriend, the kind that checks her boyfriend's phone. But really what harm could it do? Someone obviously wants a hold of him. When Meredith checked the texts her heart stopped, like it had been ripped and shredded into small fragments only to be scattered around the room.

'Makaila: You left in such a rush earlier didn't even get to tell you how great you were ;) Miss you already, see you tomorrow xxxxx BTW you left your sock on my bedroom floor'

Who the hell is Makaila? Then she did something she wished she hadn't, she looked back at some of the conversations her 'boyfriend' had been having with this skank.

'Craig: Had great time last night, see you Saturday? ;) xxxxxx

Makaila: You bet xxxx

Craig: Can't wait xxx

Makaila: Craig who is that skank in your Facebook picture? (Meredith's face dropped, that was her!)

Craig: That skank happens to be my sister x (I'm not your fucking sister; if we were last night was fucking incest!)

Makaila: Oh my god! I'm so sorry, just lost it a bit there xxx

Craig: Doesn't matter, that's one of the reasons I love you xxxx'

These conversations had been going on since long before they started dating. Meredith's blood had run cold. She was that skank. That lying, cheating, deceiving bastard, I hate him! It took all her strength not to burst into tears. She was going to pay that fucker back. She quickly typed out a new message to this Makaila before placing his phone back on the table. When she saw his smarmy face coming towards the table her face grew cold. She grabbed her jacket before leaving. As she passed him she slapped him across the face.

"You can tell Makaila we're over!" She yelled before exiting the restaurant and walking in the direction on her apartment, the moonlight shining over her way home. Craig was stunned for a moment before almost sprinting to the table. He opened his phone to a string of angry texts for Makaila, his girlfriend of a year and a half. He grimaced as he spotted the message Meredith had sent her.

'Don't trust your boyfriend. He's been seeing me for four months and he never mentioned your existence once. I'm sorry to tell you this – a fellow victim of Craig Bailey aka that skank in his Facebook photo'

Back to now…

She didn't understand how in the space of four hours she had gone from being the happiest she had possibly ever been to a crying mess lying alone in the dark on the couch in her living room. It was gone eleven and all she wanted to do was go to bed and sleep. She didn't want to face the reality that he was gone. Just as she was about to turn the light off and go to sleep she heard her phone play the opening bars of 'The Way I do'. She removed her arm from the warmth of her quilt and pressed the answer button before placing at her ear.

"Hey Mere, how'd the date go? How's Craig?" the voice asked, she recognised it immediately as Brian. Normally his voice alone could make her laugh but in that moment with the mentioning of Craig's name she burst into tears through the phone. Brian was stunned. 'Mere? You okay? Why are you crying? What did that jackass do?" Brian's voice grew angrier and more anxious with each question. After a couple of sniffles Meredith attempted to speak.

"H-h-e d-didn't-t l-love me B-Bri. I… I … w-was j-just his s-skank…I'm a skank' the last shreds of Meredith's composure dissolved into the flood of tears that cascaded down her cheeks. Brian was confused, angry and worried all at the same time. He didn't know what to do. Meredith obviously couldn't be alone right now.

"Mere? Calm down. I'll be over in ten and you can explain to me what happened' Meredith almost didn't hear him.

"Y-you don't h-have to ... to do that B-Brian." She spoke in the most convincing voice she could muster.

"Yes I do, you sound like you need someone to talk to right now. Go put on the kettle I'll be round in ten minutes." Brian said as he tied his shoes.

"T-Thanks" Meredith said feebly.

"See you soon," As she paused the TV and headed towards the kitchen she heard him hang up.


After she stirred the hot water into two mugs she brought the two cups of tea into her sitting room and went back to her previous position, curled into her sofa. A few minutes later she heard a knock at her front door.

"Come in!" she spoke while trying to swallow the lump lodged in her throat. "I'm in the L-living room Brian". She listened to the sound of door shutting behind him as he stepped inside.

"Mer?! You okay? What the hell happened?" He asked quickly a mixture of fear and worry dripping from his voice. He caught his breath when he saw Meredith lying in the sitting room. Her face was turned towards here TV. He followed her gaze to a freeze frame of LOTR. Brian realised something must be really wrong if she was feeling better watching it. His fear spiked as she turned to face him. She looked like someone had thrown a pot of ink on her face; large dark streaks of tears covered her face. She had on her old comfy jammy bottoms and her favourite but faded jumper. She smiled sadly as she approached him. In a matter of seconds he had sat down next to her and embraced her in a hug. Meredith grabbed tightly round his waist as she let herself cry again. Brian was really confused. He didn't know what he felt: upset for his friend? Anger at whoever did this to her? He was still not entirely sure what was wrong. "Mere? You're worrying me. What wrong? What's happened?" He felt her shift a little as she raised her head. Their eyes met in a collision of sapphire and chocolate. She didn't released him for her grasp like he thought she would, she tightened it.

"Well … its Craig… he … he … is... well… was …cheating on me… well … actually I was… was the … other women…"Meredith stammered, trying not to break down into tears again. She watched as Brian's face changed from confusion to anger before turning to a look of understanding.

"That asshole… Wow. I don't really know what to say Mere. That bastard, I could strangle him. How dare he! How dare he do that to you." He spoke in shock, before her hugged her again. She couldn't hold back her water works anymore, more tears spilled down her cheeks. She continued to sob into Brian's chest for a while as she couldn't stop. She tilted her head up and their eyes met once again. She was still crying however and her normally bright eyes were red and hard.

"I…I …am a-a-a s-skank, a-and a stupid-d one at that. I-I was-s just his little w-whore, w-why didn't I s-see that? I p-probably wasn't g-good enough for him. I mean I'm not p-pretty or p-particularly s-smart" She sobbed. Brian felt tears prick at his own eyes but in more of anger than sadness. She honestly thought that? Believed that she wasn't good enough for him? The lying cheating vulgar piece of shit. How could he do this to Mer? She actually thinks that this is her fault? Looking into her hazel doe shaped eyes he felt her pain as if it were his own.

"Mere, Don't you dare down yourself like this. Don't let that dickhead make you feel this bad. You are worth a million and one of him, never forget that! You will always be worth it no matter the 'it' maybe. Always. I should go kick that assholes head in for treating like this, for making you believe that you're not beautiful, for making you believe you were the whore or skank in this situation!" She felt his eyes burn into her and she knew from the intensity of his stare that he was telling the truth. A questioning look fleeted across her own eyes.

"You think I'm pretty?" she said with a slight smile. Relief that she was smiling but disbelief that she would even ask that flooded his face. Did she honestly think she wasn't? She stared at him questioningly for what to him felt like a lifetime. He gulped before answering.

"Mer … you are the most beautiful, the funniest and... and the smartest girl I have ever met, and that is the truth, you must know that surely?" She knew he was quoting Joey's line from Starship but she felt as if Brian was speaking them for the first time, for her. A smile spread across her face.

"Were you just quoting one of our shows or do you really believe that?" She yawned as she lowered her head to rest on his shoulder. Brian thought for a moment, what should he say? Oh I may be quoting Starship but guess what? I wrote that line about you. I've never told you this before but I've been secretly falling in love with you since the day we met? Every time I saw you with that asshole Craig or any other guy all I ever wanted to do was cry? Brian's continued his internal debate while Meredith curled herself in towards him. He was worried in case she could feel the fast pace his heart was beating. What is she doing to me? Meredith was unsure if she heard correctly as she drifted out of consciousness.

"With all my heart"