She stalked her prey with precision and dexterity, making sure she wasn't caught. She had checked everything: the direction of the wind, camouflaging herself, making sure she covered up all of her tracks. The door creaked open to the lot outside, and she waited for her victim. Said victim, a girl with auburn hair and fair complexion, wearing a pink frilly not-catholic-school-appropriate dress, was holding a trash bag, and walking to the silver cans. She was hiding in the bushes, poised and ready, and when she had come close enough, she went into action.
She had prepared for everything- but not the camera-like noise your phone makes when you take a picture.
This Story Is Exceptional
Because of Middle-Aged Men Magic
Azula was bored. She was bored and squished. Boished. Or squored, whichever way you looked at it. But anyways, squished and bored. Now don't get me wrong, Azula was not bored because she was squished, (Being squished is actually very exciting) or squished because she was bored (In which case we'd call the mental hospital), she was bored because she was in a holding cell, and squished because everyone else was, too.
As in, everyone was in a holding cell, which equals drama.
It's a wonder how she stayed bored.
Because beyond Pipsqueak (who was squishing her) and Appa (Who was squishing Pipsqueak) Ozai was hitting Jet over the head with Smellerbee, and Momo and Haru were having a tea party. And Zhao was running away from Yue, who was running away from Hahn, who was running away from Zhao, because Hahn does not like Zhao's sideburns. So they were all running in circles. And Ty Lee was throwing things at someone just because she could. There wasn't really much logic to anything. So Azula, who could not see over Appa, was really missing out on the illogical miracle of an entire fandom being squished in a jail cell.
Did I mention they were at a movie theater?
Yes, and they could all blame Mike and Bryan, because it was they who put them into that mess. They were the reason Azula was locked up in a convenient holding cell at a movie theater. As in, there was a sign above the door that read 'Holding Cell of Convenience'.
But they wouldn't get into that right now. Instead, Azula would flashback to when it all began…
Once upon a time, Mike and Bryan got a call from M. Night Shyamalan. He wanted to ruthlessly steal their ideas and make a terrible rendition of their show, but instead he decided to call him and ask for permission to do so. Mike and Bryan said yes, after an incident involving teacups and memory loss. So M. Night was all like, "Oh yeah, and I want the Avatar crew to watch it and review it," and Mike and Bryan were all like, "Waffle bananas!" And so it begun. Mike and Bryan, after regaining their senses (and their teacups) realized the foolish decision they made and decided to run away to Guatemala, where they could raise porcupines under the false names Horatio and Steve. So Horatio and Steve packed, booked a flight, and wet to the airport. And that's when they got an amazing idea…they would watch Disney Mobile on Mike's iPad. So they watched Phineas and Ferb, and Mike was all like, "Those children have an interdimensional travel device! We should get one of those!"
And Bryan was all like, "So we can go to another dimension where we are fruit?"
Bryan was hopping up and down, and Mike slapped him. "So we don't have to move to Guatemala. Idiot." And so they made an Interdimensional Travel Device in the airport, using merely paper towels and straws from Starbucks. And whe they pushed the button, it didn't work. Go figure.
"Maybe we need saliva," Bryan added.
"Bryan, we are middle-aged men." Mike said matter-of-factly, waggling his finger. "So we should have some middle-aged men powers, because we are middle-aged men."
"Can we be fruit?" Bryan asked. Mike slapped him.
"Let's just skip this part and hope the readers assume that we went to the Avatar world and somehow collected all of the characters and brought them to the movie theater." Mike suggested.
And so they did.
But when M. Night Somethingsomethingalan opened the door at the end of the movie to ask how it was, Aang was in the Avatar State, Azula was shooting lightning everywhere, Mai and Katara were in a fight to the death, Suki, Yue, and Ty Lee were in a catfight, Toph was in the corner possibly eating Momo, and there was some lunatic in the front foaming at the mouth and flailing around everywhere. And then Zhao threw a chair at Ozai, who ducked, but not before shoving Zuko in the way, who ducked, which sent the chair directly at M. Night Syamalan, who cried. 'Cause Zhao is a good aim.
So M. Night Shame-llama made them pay for his broken leg, and made sure they couldn't leave. because he's M. Night Shame-llama.
And now, according to Mike and Bryan who are on their way to Guatemala for vacation, they had to make up the money because they spent all of theirs on porcupine food.
And so here they were, in a convenient holding cell, waiting to be let out into the real world which they knew nothing about that would totally not end in disaster once they see technology because they are used to that sort of thing, except not because they have no idea where they are or what will happen next.
So yeah. This was going to end badly.
Azula rolled her eyes at the screaming Lu Ten who was being eaten by Appa. Azula made a little blue flame in her hand, shooing the bison off, and saved her cousin.
"I thought you were dead." Azula deadpanned.
"That didn't stop Jet," Lu Ten pointed out.
They both nodded and spoke simultaneously, "It was really unclear…"
"Anyways. I'm going to dominate this world's economy. See you later." Azula said. And Lu Ten walked off, somewhat scared.
Azula put her chin in her hand, elbowing Teo in the process. A moment later Mai walked up, glaring at her. "Hi." She said slowly.
"Where's Ty Lee?" Azula asked.
"Why?" Mai scoffed.
"I'm going to destroy the world, and I need your help." Azula said. "And Ty Lee's."
"She's over there by Suki and Yue." Mai deadpanned.
Azula smiled politely, but falsely. She walked over to Suki and Yue and Ty Lee, 'accidentally' pushing Jin in the process.
"Azula!" Ty Lee said cheerily.
"Listen, I am going to start a little business here," she started. "And I need your help. We are going to get out of this place if I die trying."
"But then-"
"Yes, yes, I know. It's a figure of speech. Now, we need more help. Mai would be appreciated, but-" Azula was cut off by Yue.
"We'll help!" she said.
"Bu-" Suki was interrupted by a sharp elbow, belonging to Yue.
"Eep-Kay or-yay Emmies-enay ose-clay!" she said.
Suki held her arms in the air. "I don't know French!" she exclaimed, and Yue frowned.
"We'll help you," Yue grumbled.
"Good. Now, we just need…" Azula looked around. "An idea for a business. Anyone?"
The impromptu meeting was stopped when Mai suddenly stood next to everyone. "I'm in," she said.
"You missed the time to say that. We'll let you join, but the normal time to do that would be when I said, 'We're going to start a little business here.' Got it?" Azula explained. Mai nodded unsurely.
"Ideas…" Ty Lee said.
"Knives." Mai said.
"The moon." Yue said.
"Hot shirtless boys," Suki yelled. A few people stared.
"CANDY!" Ty Lee screamed. More stares ensued.
"Yes…we will…COMBINE ALL THE IDEAS TO MAKE AN AMAZING CANDY STORE!" Azula exclaimed maniacally. Everyone stared.
"So…moon-flavored shirtless knife candies?" Yue wondered aloud.
"Yes. So, let's get started! Suki, you steal the guards newspaper while Mai, Ty Lee, and Yue laugh at you." Suki frowned but obeyed.
Ty Lee made a pouty-thinky face, and it looked as if it she was going to say something important. "So...What flavor is the moon?"
Why yes, I AM starting a story! With more than one chapter! It should be about one more chapter than Fyre's longest story, just because.
So yes. Don't ask why. I just AM.
And... Updates will be intensely slow, so I can make you all SUFFER.
It won't be all about Azula. So don't worry. And this is not the entire story, like Azula starts a half-naked candy business or something. There's a twist. You'll see.
This is dedicated to Spry, just because. So yeah. Here you go, Spry! And it's all for betaing!
I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender. I think that's obvious enough, though.
Press da button.
...So...What flavor is the moon?