Lacey: Woohoo! My first PJO fanfic! I really need to add 'fanfic' to my dictionary, oh well I'll do it next time. Anywho, he he anywho that's such a funny word. So blah blah blah, a bunch of stuff that normal people say in their first fanfic in a fandom. Is fandom the right word? Eh whatever, just read.

Chapter 1 – The Capture of P & A

Percy POV

I'm sitting on the end of the dock next to Annabeth. She is rambling (A/n: rambling, he he he such a funny word) about architecture and I am tuning her out and thinking about how beautiful she is.

Suddenly I feel like my stomach is on fire and everything goes black.


Annabeth and Percy were sitting on the dock together. I smile an evil smile and rub my hands together like one of those bad guys from a movie.

I creep up behind a tree a couple yards from where Percy and Annabeth are sitting. I put my canvas backpack down and pull out my crossbow and a specially designed arrow I call a tranquilizer arrow.

I need a name for my weapon. Oh, I know I'll call it Lullaby, because it puts people to sleep like a lullaby.

I silently load Lullaby with a tranquilizer arrow. I'm a couple yards from Annabeth's left, the perfect position for my plan.

I carefully aim Lullaby. I only have one chance to make my plan work.

I shoot. A tranquilizer arrow grazes Percy and Annabeth's stomachs. They only have a second to panic before they black out.

I put my crossbow back in my backpack and put it over my shoulder. Then I walk over to where Percy and Annabeth are lying unconscious.

I tie ropes around their ankles and wrists. I pull two extra large potato sacks out of my backpack and put Percy in one and Annabeth in the other.

Then I drag them over the river and through the woods. To my car we go.

I put their limp bodies (A/n: he he the bodies it sounds so scary) in the trunk of my car and drive them to my house.

Lacey: So awesome isn't it? I'm sorry it's short. I have to put an author's note because I didn't have time to say 'R&R' and 'thanks for reading' when I was sneaking away with the bodies. He he he. So thanks for reading.

Can everyone please send in questions for me to ask Percy and Annabeth? Awesomeness!
