Summary: Katara is pregnant and Zuko wants to keep it a secret except that Lady Ursa keeps on bothering him for a grandchild. A banter between the Fire Lord and his Fire Lady in which they decide what to do. A short drabble.

"My mother wants to know if you're pregnant yet", said Fire Lord Zuko, looking concerned as he entered the master bedroom. "Have you thought of anything yet?"

Katara nodded. "She asked me too", she said.

"The key word is that she asked you while she demanded an answer from me", he grumbled. "She won't be nice to me even though I'm the Fire Lord. But she's always nice to you 'cause she loves you."

"She loves you too", replied his wife. "Don't be jealous just because she likes me more."

"That's probably because you're carrying her first grandchild", pointed out Zuko.

"She doesn't know that."

"Why haven't we told her again?" he asked.

"Because YOU want some privacy for once", she said with a shrug. "I want to tell her but you..."

"Why do you listen to me?"

"You don't want me too?" Katara looked puzzled. "What happened to the Zuko who wanted-"

He cut in between. "Stop it." He hated it when she was right. She always was, almost a hundred percent of the time.

She smiled at him. "Can you stop being so childish?" she said. "We've got to tell your mother at some point. My brother knows which means Suki knows and you know what that means. Those two have big mouths so..."

"The rest of the Southern Water Tribe knows too!" he groaned.

"Exactly", she gave him a pointed look. "There's no harm in Ursa and the rest of the Fire Nation knowing as well."

He glared at her. "You won't have another moment of peace if these people know. Random women will stop you on the streets and ask to kiss your stomach. Doesn't that creep you out?"

Katara made a face. "I won't go out then."

"Yes you will", he sighed. "No matter what I do to stop you, you'll sneak out for some reason or the other, if not only to make me worry."

"I wouldn't!" she seemed appalled at the mere thought of it.

"You don't know yourself like I know you."

"Fine", she said. "Then let's just tell your mother and request her to not tell anyone but Uncle Iroh."

"Iroh's an even bigger blabber-mouth than your brother and sister-in-law", said Zuko.

"Arghh!" screamed Katara in frustration. "Then what do you want to do?"

"I dunno."

"Some ruler you are."

"I'm a very good ruler, I'll have you know."

"Doesn't seem like it."

"Katara", he said in shock. "You don't mean that."

She didn't answer and instead grabbed him by his hand, dragging him to Ursa's chambers.

They were going to tell the older woman whether Zuko liked it or not, she decided.

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