I've been listening, and watching the video, to All I Want by Kodaline. It makes me want to cry basically.. So I thought I'd kind of base this fic on that song and the concept of the video I guess.. It's kind of loosely based on it.

Dean entered the school gates, closely followed by Sam. It was likely to be another day of torture.

He hadn't even been on the school's premises a minute before the bullies started throwing insults at him, calling him a freak and miming vomiting.

Dean had suffered critical facial damage at the age of four in a house fire. Little Sam was just a baby. His mother had perished and he had paid the price for trying to run in after her. Thick flames had enveloped him as he had run through the burning house. All memories of it were hazy as he had been quite young but he had scars to show from the awful incident.

'Hey, Freak! You're melting!' A kid behind Zach started pulling at his face and dragging his skin down. He was screaming and then laughing.

Dean started to walk more quickly towards the school building, desperate to get away from those pricks.

'Dean, wait!' Sam called but Dean didn't listen. He just wanted to be at least near a teacher. It was little protection but it was always worth having that tiny bit of safety. He certainly didn't want Zach catching up to him, not that he was the only bully.

As he strode down the hall he could see his classmates turning away from him and even looking slightly scared. After being at the school for five years, you'd think that they may have gotten used to his disfigurement.

'Ah, Dean, you're early again.' His form tutor muttered as the door burst open.

'Er, yeah..' Dean made his way over to his seat at the front of the class and dropped his bag to the floor.

The truth was, his classmates didn't know the half of it. They didn't even give Dean the chance to get to know them. They didn't know that his mother had died in that fire and Dean had felt his flesh melting off his face as he tried to find her. They didn't know his father had stumbled through the burning building to try and save his son and wife. They didn't know that he had almost ended up an orphan at the age of four. They didn't know the pain they caused him daily. But Dean was supposed to take it all on the chin and not even feel upset about any of it. 'That was the Winchester way' his father had always told him. He was supposed to bury his emotions and not let on that he was constantly hurting.

At some point, Dean had become aware of voices surrounding him, his peers clattering chairs around as they settled in their seats for registration.

'Freak! Did that fire make you fucking retarded?! Answer!'

'Oh.. Uh.. Here, Sir.' Dean stuttered.

'Zach! Language!' Mr Edlund barked, 'And don't you dare treat your fellow classmates like that!'

Well that was the first time a teacher had stood up for him. Dean's head lifted up off the desk and he looked ahead at his tutor. A small, awkward smile was on his lips when Dean made eye contact with him.

Edlund coughed and then spoke, 'Ok, that's the end of the register.. Um, we have a new student joining us today, it seems, he should be arriving in first period.'

'Can we leave now?' Zach asked, impatiently.

'Hang on, we still have five minutes of registration left. Talk quietly among yourselves'

Dean rested his head back on the desk, hoping to wait out the five minutes without being noticed. However, that was not to be. There was a small knock on the classroom door and then he heard someone enter.

'Um, am I in the right-' The gravelly voice had morphed into a scream as Dean had looked up.

Great. The new kid was already scared of him.

'You scared me.. I'm sorry..' The deep voice babbled.

You scared me Dean thought as he turned away.

Mr Edlund coughed uncomfortably and then said, 'Um, yes, you're in the right room.' He turned to face the class and then said, 'This is your new classmate, Castiel Novak.'