Dear god, I didn't realize it's been SO long since I've last updated. ;^; Please don't kill me. I promise none of my stories are dead. I'm just a horrible writer. Happy new year everyone! :D
Allen shifted nervously in his seat. A warmer than usual breeze was making the hair on the back of his neck dance. Why had he agreed to go along with this "company meal"? He swallowed slightly, swirling the ice in his drink with the straw. The condensation on the glass was making his already sweaty palms worse. He glanced at his table mates and wanted to run. The pale boy knew it was stupid to still be so nervous around everyone, but with Kanda's piercing gaze and Lavi's several snide remarks, it was hard for the easily frightened male to adjust; even if he had been with the company for a few weeks now.
"You look like a mouse under the gaze of a lion, Allen." Komui looked over at the albino boy and tilted his head. "Is something bothering you?"
Allen's eyes broke their gaze from his glass and he shook his head. "N-no, everything is fine. I'm just a little tired."
Lenalee reached over and patted his arm. Her fingertips felt cool against his sun warmed skin. The little café they were all lunching at was right off of the boardwalk. "Allen, I know all of this can be a little… scary. But you're doing really well. You are actually catching on with touch ups and cover ups faster than I did when I first started."
The silver haired boy gave the girl with pigtails a gentle smile. "Thank you, Lenalee."
"I still think you should consider being an actor," Lavi piped up from across the table before taking a bite out of the raspberry pastry he had ordered.
Allen shot the fire crotch a glare and tried to pick at the brownie he had requested. For some reason, it tasted almost disgustingly too sweet now. He sipped at his water to clean his palette and pushed up from the chair he was stationed in. "I…I'm going to walk around the boardwalk for a little bit until we have to get back… Is that alright, Komui?"
The beret wearer arched his eyebrow at the small framed male and laughed softly. "I'm not your owner, Allen. Go do what you want. Just be back at the studio before 3."
Allen nodded softly and departed from the group, wanting nothing more than to clear his head. He didn't quite understand his mood swing at all. Just earlier he was perfectly fine playing with Timcampy and talking to Lenalee. A sigh rattled his chest and the boy leaned against the railing connecting to the boardwalk. This area was beautiful. The water was a beautiful aqua blue and it kissed against the sand like they were destined lovers. The boardwalk's wood looked aged, probably due to the bay air, but it only added to the charm of the vendors and rides along the walkway. Allen sighed softly yet again, feeling a little more at ease with everything.
"It's beautiful out here, you know." A soft murmur from behind Allen made him jump near three feet in the air.
"Oh geez, I'm sorry, Short stack. I thought you saw me leave the table after you." Lavi's voice had a soft tone embedded in it unlike any other time he has spoken to the white haired boy.
"O-oh, Lavi," Allen turned his head and looked at the older and much taller male. Allen watched the gentle breeze sweep the red head's hair against his forehead and bandana but also noticed how his light blue shirt hugged his broad shoulders all of the way down his slim waist. Even the green eyed wonder's jeans looked perfect on him.
Allen felt slightly flustered and turned back to the boardwalk. He couldn't look at the male anymore without wanting to speak or at least touch him. Lavi kept quiet but moved beside the smaller boy, propping his arms against the wood railing, mimicking Allen's position. The two stayed like that for a few peaceful moments.
"You know," Lavi knocked his shoulder in Allen's lightly to get his attention, "I really like that you work with us now. I mean it." Allen caught a glimpse of Lavi's ever goofy smile on his face.
"Why is that?" Allen asked lamely, "Do you really enjoy making fun of the sixteen year old virgin that much?"
Lavi looked at Allen, shock and an unknown emotion written over his face. "You're a virgin?"
Allen rolled his eyes but didn't look away from the sparkling blue ocean. "Yeah, I'm only sixteen. And I've been homeless since I even really knew what puberty was. It's kind of hard to get girls to realize you exist enough for a hello let alone sex when you smell like the dumpster behind a subway."
Lavi rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and smiled, moving closer and wrapping his arms around Allen's waist. It wasn't a perverse gesture, and somehow Allen knew that. His body reacted and molded to Lavi's form before he could even properly think about what happened. Allen touched at the red head's arms softly, enjoying the touch of another human for once.
"You're wrong, you know." Lavi's voice lacked the playful tone he had earlier.
"About what…?" The boy with a scar on his face looked up at Lavi in a slight daze.
"That's not why I'm glad you work with us. You're like a breath of fresh air, really. So many people move to this city for fame and fortune and will do all means necessary to get it done, but you… You just want to live normally and be happy. I like that a lot. And you're so innocent," Lavi couldn't help but smirk at this point, "It's so cute to make you look uncomfortable and red faced. It reminds us all that there are still innocent kids in the world despite what our profession and the rest of the media says."
Allen's face held a rather deep red blush and he looked away. "It's all a matter of circumstance… I'm just an idiot that wound up on the streets and used as a charity case."
Lavi's stare hardened and he dropped his hold of Allen. The younger boy suddenly felt cold. "You think we only see you as some good deed so we can all feel better about fucking in front of a camera? You really are an idiot."
Allen flinched and shied away Lavi; that tone in the red head's voice reminded him of his last care taker and it scared him to the very core. A warm and broad hand gripped at Allen's chin and he was forced to look Lavi in the eye.
"I don't give a fuck about how you've been treated in the past. We all have back stories, but no one here is going to judge or think of you any differently." There was a fire a light in that deep emerald iris. "We all decided to show you kindness and love out of the want of friendship. We all want you to be a part of this fucked up family we have going on. It's your choice to accept it, little one." Slightly chapped but warm lips met the middle of Allen's forehead and he felt weak at the knees.
So uh… Yeahh… o.o that happened. I have an update :D I also quit my job at Subway. Thank the stars. I'm seriously considering selling my original stories on amazon (the kindle store) and iBooks as eBooks. Would anyone be interested in buying them if I did? :3