This is the third part of the Second series, Dean and Deana, Sam and Sadie. It begins nearly seven years from the end of Second Time Around. Dean and Sam have settled into semi domestic bliss, well as domestic as you can get being married to witches and knowing your kids are far from normal, working normal jobs and hunting only when they have too.
"You're cheating again dad." Little Dean chided.
"I don't cheat son I'm just that good." Dean chuckled as he knocked the last ball into the pocket of the pool table.
"My dad says you're a hustler." Sammy added.
"Your dad is jealous cuz he could never beat me." Dean eyed Sam.
"I can beat you Dean I just don't bother because you'll get all butt hurt." Sam huffed.
"Whatever gets you through the day dude." Dean laughed. "Ok Sam let's play and if you can beat me I promise with the boys as our witness that I will not say one word in butt hurtness."
"That's not a word Uncle Dean." Sammy informed him.
Dean sighed. "Sam Jr. alright, anyway Sam whoever loses has to mow the lawn for the whole summer."
Sam eyed the table then his brother. "You're on."
It took Dean all of five minutes to make a shot that any hustler would kill to make and every ball heading home.
Dean smiled. "You never learn." He slapped Sam on the back.
"Dran's birthday is in three weeks Dean." Deana said worriedly calling their son the nickname Sammy had given his cousin.
"I may not have the best memory but I do remember our son's birthday Deana."
"You know that's not what I mean." Deana huffed.
"Yeah I get that you're worried because he leaves for Hogwarts." Dean tried to make light.
"He is not Harry Potter Dean and this is serious." Deana snapped.
"Easy baby, I'm not the enemy." Dean sighed pulling her into a hug. "Worrying won't get us anywhere, we've raised him the best that we can and his powers come into full effect on his seventh birthday and we have to trust him."
"Dean part of his power is from your time in hell."
"I know." Dean breathed and how he wished that he could change that.
Dean slid out from under the car that he was working on at the garage that he had bought and it had soon thrived thanks to his awesome mechanic skills.
He wiped his hands on a rag checking the time to make sure that he could be home in time for dinner. He loved to sit with his little family and talk and laugh.
Sam would be coming by for them to head home in another hour from his own job as a paralegal.
Dean looked up to see one of the locals heading towards him.
"Hey Roger how the truck running?" Dean smiled.
"Stop trying to garner compliments son makes you look needy." Roger laughed. "Honestly if my knees weren't going out on me I would bow down to your greatness."
Dean chuckled. "I'm here to help you back to your feet."
"Nice Dean very nice, how that lovely family of yours?"
"Lovely." Dean grinned.
"Apparently someone told you were funny and you believed them."
"Oh my feelings are mortally wounded." Dean staggered back with a hand to his stomach.
"Hey we need a diva like you for the drama club."
"No I think you need Sam for that."
"Alright Dean so how did it go?" Roger asked.
Dean raised an eyebrow. "Clarification for the man who has had enough concussions Ali would be jealous."
"You know when I ran into in Porter's a couple of days ago."
Dean instantly felt his hunter's instinct kick into high gear, he might not be a full time hunter anymore but he kept himself sharp. Porter's was a gun store nearly a hundred miles away and he hadn't been there in months.
"Dean you alright, I didn't mean to pry." Roger was suddenly concerned.
"Sorry Roger it's been a long day." Dean worked his brain on how he could find out what had happened without sounding like he'd lost his mind.
"I just was a little worried about you because you looked at me as if you had no idea who I was at first and then you just zoned out then started talking about a mile a minute about Little Dean and his little league game, and you said you were nervous because you were having a physical done."
"Oh that." Dean sighed relieved that Roger was a talker and his heart racing that Roger had run into another Dean. Shape shifter or doppelganger either one dangerous especially to his family. "I haven't heard anything yet."
Sam walked in the door in the next moment and Dean was relieved that his brother was early now he wouldn't have to clarify anything.
"Hey Roger." Sam called out.
"Sam either I'm shrinking or you're still growing." Roger laughed.
"I'm a growing boy." Sam snickered.
"Sideways. " Dean laughed.
"No that would be you big, big brother." Sam grinned.
"Guess you're heading home guys well I won't keep you, if you need anything just let me know." Roger walked out waving.
"Alright Dean what's wrong?" Sam asked having noticed his brother's furrowed brow the instant he walked in.
Dean explained what Roger had seen.
"What's the plan?" Sam asked worriedly.
"Tomorrow during your lunch break you grab a badge and get the video from Porter's, we'll figure it out from there." Dean sighed amazed at easily their lives jumped right back into the rhythm.
Dean didn't keep things from Deana never would if could help it and he needed to tell her about this look alike just in case he came near his family.
He and Sam walked into the door of their house being met by the most amazing scents that was their dinner and then squeals of 'Daddy's home' for both men.
Dean lifted his daughter into his arms tossing her high and catching her holding her close. "Danielle if you don't stop growing I have no idea what I'm going to do with you, you're going to be taller than Uncle Sam."
"Maybe then I can help you beat him at basketball." Danielle giggled.
"I can't beat him just fine he cheats."
Sam laughed as he spun his own daughter around. "Sara you taking the miracle grow too?"
"I drink milk cuz mommy makes me."
The sound of rushing footfalls came from the stairs and both Dean and Sammy came tearing into the living room to meet their dad's.
"What did I tell you pain in the ass little sister's always get the attention first." Dran said.
"Excuse me but what just popped out of that mouth of yours young man."
Deana stood with crossed arms behind her son.
"I meant pain in the butt." Dran said sheepishly.
"I'm sure you did." Deana said shooting daggers at Dean.
"What I can't help who the boy hangs out with." Dean defended besides he's a Winchester.
"Oh and that makes it alright to talk like a sailor."
"Honey you don't lead our lives and say oh darn and gosh dang." Dean snickered.
Deana laughed.
They sat down to eat dinner and the table was awash with conversation all around and Dean finally decided to tell Deana and his kids what had happened.
"What does that mean Dean?" Deana asked in concern.
"We'll know more tomorrow." Dean said squeezing her hand next to him.
"Two daddies' like you would be fun." Danielle giggled.
"Danni this man looks exactly like me but he's not nice he's mean and not fun."
"Oh." She saddened at the news.
Dran sat picking at his food quietly.
"Dran something wrong?" Dean asked.
"Does he have yellow eyes?" Little Dean asked.
Dean's heart quickened and he shot a look at Sam. "Why would you ask that squeaker?"
"I used to dream about you a lot when I was smaller but you had yellow eyes." Dran said. "The dreams stopped for a long time but they started again not too long ago." Dran hitched a breath as he began to cry. "They weren't dreams were they daddy that man was in my room?" Dran jumped from his chair and ran into his dad's arm wrapping his little arms around Dean's neck shaking.
Dean pulled him in tight feeling a fury course through his body that he had not known for a long time, this thing this whatever had been in his house had been near his family. "Nothing is going to happen to you, you hear me, as long as I'm breathing nothing is going to happen to you."
They agreed that it was safer for the time being to all sleep in the living room together until they figured out what was happening. They turned it into a fun camping adventure with blanket tents for the kids and the parents on soft pallets nearby.
In the time that they set everything up Dean had his mask in place perfectly even when Deana and Sam kept looking at him but the second that he stepped out on the front porch with Sam it melted away and he flipped out punching the porch beam with a powerful punch without flinching and emitting an eerie growl.
"He was in our boys room Sam and we didn't even know, what does that say about us? He could have taken them or hurt them or….." Another solid punch to the beam followed.
"Breaking your hand isn't going to solve anything Dean." Sam tried his calming voice. "Why would he just go in the room?"
"Dran said he had yellow eyes Sam what if he's been making him drink blood like yellow eyes did to you?"
The thought made Sam's stomach flip. "Sammy never saw him."
"He's after my son he wants something from him and I have to protect him." Dean roared.
"We have to protect him Dean, he's my nephew and you know Deana's a powerful witch and Sadie doesn't sell Avon."
"The last time my wife let her powers fly we all nearly died."
"That was because she had barely discovered being a witch give her some credit dude and besides I want to see you try to convince her not to protect her only son." Sam raised an eyebrow at his brother.
Dean frowned shaking his head. "You have a point."
"We'll blow that bridge up when we get to it." Sam sighed.
In seconds Dean had the mask back in place and they headed inside to go to bed.
Dean woke up looked around then snuggled in closer to Deana and then he was sitting bolt upright and Sam was doing the same not too far off.
Neither moved barely breathing listening and then the creaking of the porch boards came again.
They were both up and moving silently weapons in hand. They knew from living in the house so long that the porch boards didn't creak unless someone was walking across them.
Dean motioned for Sam to open the door on three then mouthed the count down and they both jumped onto the porch facing different directions guns aimed. There was nothing in sight but they could feel that they weren't alone, they didn't move from the door not wanting anything to get inside. They waited for another sound or any motion.
Dean was about to give up and go back inside to keep vigil when both he and Sam were suddenly being flung into the wall. Dazed Dean stood back up on shaky legs looking for his gun that he had dropped and then bending to check Sam who had not moved yet.
"Seems little brother is out of practice." A low voice said behind Dean.
Dean prepared himself for whatever was about to happen and stood straight and turned. He was looking in a mirror except for the different clothes.
"What the hell do you want?" Dean hissed.
"Getting straight to the point." His look alike smirked.
"You can't pretend to be me and not know the extent I will go to protect my family." Dean growled.
His look alike laughed a low throaty laugh. "Dean, Dean, Dean, I'm not pretending to be you I am you released by in you're never ending self-destructive need to be the hero and daddy of the year."
Dean stared in confusion. "Released?"
"In the realm."
Dean remembered bringing another version of himself to help him against Reina to get Deana back and he had always assumed his helper had just simply returned once done. Now he realized that the other Dean had been roaming free for nearly seven years.
"Don't worry Dean I haven't tarnished your reputation…..yet, I didn't need the attention drawn to me not until I'm ready."
"Ready for what?" Dean asked dreading the answer.
"You know how powerful our son is going to be."
"He's not your son." Dean hissed.
"Oh but he is and once he has that power coursing through his blood he'll understand what he needs to do to be what he destined to be."
"He's just a baby still." Dean murmured his head pounding and his heart aching.
"A very powerful baby."
Dean twisted his neck to try to relieve the pressure that he felt. "What makes you think that I'm just going to step aside and allow this?"
His look alike sneered stepping closer to Dean. "Call me Dev since I can see you will have a hard time recognizing me as you, not that you'll be around long enough for it to matter."
"Well you sure do have the same bound for glory confidence as me." Dean snickered. "FYI it'll probably work about as well for you as it has for me, nothing comes without consequences."
Dev smiled slyly and his green eyes suddenly burned yellow and Dean couldn't help but gasp. He hadn't seen yellow eyes in so long and they brought on a crap load of bad memories.
"You act so shocked Dean, you fucking broke in hell became Alistair's pet and he knew that you were destined to be Michael's vessel so he made you powerful so that you would stay dark side but Castiel pulled you out before you could learn any of the things you needed to learn, I have all of that brother." Dev snapped his hand up bringing Dean to his knees with a grunt of pain.
"They'll never know that it's not you." Dev smirked as Dean struggled to get up.
Dean suddenly stilled lifting his head to look up at Dev. "If you know anything about me you know that I always have a trick or two up my sleeve and no one comes near my family with bad intent without going through me."
Dev laughed. "This is going through you little man."
Dean's face spread into a wicked smile. "Think again." Dean's eyes slid eerily into solid white and his evil laughter drifted through the night.
Thanks for reading!