So it has come to my attention (by way of reviewers and PMs) that there are some questions reguarding the story that you all would like answered. I will now answer them to the best of my ability.

Question One: I really like your idea that America is Native America. I think it's really brilliant, and makes a ton of sense. But I was wondering about his relationships with the other countries that I didn't see a link between. Like how is he Mexico's uncle while Canada's his brother? Shouldn't Mexico be his sister? Who is Mexico's uncle? Why did Spain kill him? How is it that China is America's half-brother?

I actually made a whole complex hereditary history behind the relationships between each country using world history. Canada, for example, was formally the representation of the people who were primarily living in the Greenland, Canada, Alaska area (and are now living like most modern day Native Americans) and thus the 'eldest' of the New World brothers due to his people being the first to settle the land.

Alfred is the representation of the various Native American peoples that lived in the US area after splitting off from the Inuit peoples and moving south. Alfred and Mattie, or in this case Talli and Atka, have a rather unique state of existence. Both Talli and Atka were already existing representations who crossed over from Asia (making them Yao's brother as well) during the Ice-Age in a desperate bid to find warm lands.

Originally, because they were 'Twins' like the Italia brothers, they were different parts of the same people, but the people spread themselves into small trips rather than big governments so the brothers had to split apart as different representations over the people in certain areas of the land instead. I have another theory where such a thing lead to a severe split personality for both brothers, Talli especially so because of just how many tribes there were in his lands, but that's a whole different story.

So continuing on. After some time more of Talli's people moved south to the Meso-American regions; this is where the relationships get really complex. Unlike in Atka split people and Talli's split tribes of entire cultures; the people in the Meso-American region mostly built city-state like governmental style. This lead to actual representations that are like those we see in the show. There are a LOT of very interesting things that went on down south that lead to South America being inhabited the same way Meso-America was. This would later lead to a series of other 'brothers and sisters' being born, dying, having children, etc. The Aztec Empire, for example, is not so much Talli and Atka's 'brother' (like they tend to refer to him) as his is their nephew from a direct brother that died. The Inca Empire, The Mayans, everyone that was down there is ultimately related in some way.

Mexico would actually be the result of Spanish influence on the lands; leading to her technically being the 'child' of Spain and the Northern region of Modern-Mexico (the Aztec's were in the southern region, but I decided to make him the father so Mexico could be the foremost representation of the North), but wouldn't see Spain as a true relation because of 1) his part in destroying the various Empires down south 2) his lack of actual relation to the splitting of Native peoples.

Talli and Atka, because of their unique situation, are the longest standing brothers in the New World (this gained them a very statues the hereditary system, as well as great respect from their younger siblings (people-wise)); them disappearing was what cemented the end of Native Power (LOL guys; they're right in front of your face they just changed with the people). There are other factors in it; like how having a living 'parent' doesn't make you a brother (you're only a brother after the parent dies). But I think I explained it enough; I hope it makes sense.

Question Two: When are you going to write the chapter where Talli/Alfred reveals himself to the other Nations?

Simple answer: I'm not.

Complicated answer: I have tried many times to write the scenario where Talli/Alfred reveals his identity. I have spend a lot of time, effort, and research going over various actions that could be taken or things that could be said, but I am never satisfied with the results of my writings. It has been an endless source of frustration for me because it's the chapter I know my readers look forward to the most, and I feel I can never give them the chapter they truly deserve. It then occurred to me that, no matter what I wrote, it would never live up to whatever scenario my readers though up in their heads. So I made the decision to leave that plot-point open-ended and let the story stick to it's primary focus; examining the thoughts of the Nations who already know.

Question Three: Will you be continuing the story?

It is extremely unlikely. I have fallen out of love with the fandom, and cannot seem to recapture the love I once had for it. This makes it extremely hard for me to think of worthy ideas for the story that my readers would enjoy. The last chapter was a final gift I wrote for one particular reviewer whose review really touched me and inspired be to write a goodbye chapter.

Question Four: May I use you idea of Native!Alfred in my story/adopt your story?


My theory was there for the enjoyment of everyone. If you are inspired by the idea and wish to either expand upon it or imagine your own scenario with it then my all means...use it! Your creativity using the idea would be splendid and wonderful. And to those that wish to continue this story: I would be honored. It means a lot to me that you loved this fic enough to even contemplate continuing it yourself. And each unique spin of this story would be very sweet.

Question Five: You're brilliant! Will you marry me?

First you must complete the engagement challenge!