I am So sorry for everyone who has read and enjoyed this story but-?!

Wait! Don't leave! That's not it! Come back!

Okay, I am not putting this story on hiatus. I feel as if I keep writing this the way I am...I'm going to drive it into a dead end. Or, the later chapters would suck compared to the earlier ones...actually, that's already happened. I dived head first into this story without a plan and that's why I'm writing this Authors Note right now. That's also why I'm not simply putting this story on Hiatus until I have inspiration to write. The truth is, I have plenty of inspiration. I just can't bring myself to put it into this story the way it is.

That's why I'm going to completely re-write this story. I love this idea too much to completely abandon it, but I feel that I haven't done this plot justice.

So, I am going to actually plan this story out, write the whole thing, and then type it. That way, when I start posting this again, I would only have to worry about remembering to post every other week. Yes, this will take a while, but the story quality would boost as a result. I write stories for the quality and enjoyment of writing, not the reviews.

When I post the story again, it will be completely different from how it's like now. The only thing that'll be the same is the main idea of the plot; a few Nation's die, they come back as humans, blah, blah, blah... So, that'll mean it would come back under a different name, different description, and possibly even different main characters. As soon as I start posting the new story, this one will be deleted.

It's best that you just forget that this story existed, seriously, it'll save you the anxiety of waiting for the next. The least amount of time I've predicted it'll take was half a year. So yeah, just forget about this so that the time would fly by faster.

I am truly sorry for any inconveniences caused by this, please don't leave flames in the comments about me being selfish. I'd truly be selfish if I didn't care about the direction of my story and give you guys a half-assed story in the end.

This may be the last you hear of me for several months (unless you follow my drabble series'; those will still be updated), so goodbye. Please don't hate be for this, I've thought long and hard and I feel that this is the best decision.

Yours Truly, Prussianess.

(I am so sorry for any misspellings or any general mistakes in my writing, I don't have my contacts in and I could barely see my keyboard. If you wear gas-permeable lenses, you will know why I don't want to put them in.)