
The Rangers fortress is attacked and Arthur learns that Merlin has a sister. What happens when the two meet?

Part One

The news came by way of a harried man. He burst into the throne room during dinner.

"Your majesty, forgive the intrusion but the rangers have been attacked," he announced. Father and I jumped to our feet. I noticed Merlin had tensed and his eyes were panicked.

"What happened?" Father asked quickly.

"We aren't sure but the survivors are heading here," he told us.

"How many survived?" I asked.

"Only twenty your highness," the man replied sorrowfully. There was a small cry and I glanced at Merlin. He looked even more panicked and scared.

"We will be ready to receive them and to take care of any wounded. How far away are they?" Father asked.

"Only an hour your majesty." I beckoned to Merlin. I pulled him from the room. He seemed almost numb.

"Merlin what's wrong?" I demanded. He blinked and struggled to take a deep breath. He opened his mouth to explain then my father called me back in.

"We'll talk about this later," I promised him.

An hour later I was still in the meeting with father. Suddenly the bells went off. The rangers were here. We ran outside and I saw Merlin already there looking frightened. Gaius rested a hand on his shoulder. The gates opened and fifteen rangers walked in. Some were limping; others were being carried in stretchers. There wasn't anyone who didn't have an injury of some kind. A man limped up to me.

"I am Quiver. We are the survivors. We need help," he told father.

"Of course," father replied gesturing. Servants rushed forward to help take the injured to the infirmary. Merlin ran into the crowd and I followed him.

"Melena," he called, "Is Melena here?" His voice was high and panicked. A woman broke free of the crowd.

"Merlin," she cried. She had black hair and blue eyes just like Merlin's. Merlin bolted towards her and swept her into a hug. Merlin was crying. I walked over to them.

"I was so scared when I heard the news," Merlin mumbled. I felt like I was intruding but I didn't leave.

"I'm ok. Just a little shaken," she replied as they parted. Merlin nodded and looked her over. She had a bandage wrapped hastily around her leg. Her hand was also wrapped along with her forearm. There was a nasty looking cut on her forehead and a burn on her collarbone.

"You need to see Gaius," Merlin told her severely. She shook her head.

"I'll be fine. There are others who are hurt far worse," she told him. Merlin hugged her again. I coughed awkwardly. The girl glanced at me. Her eyes weren't as pale as Merlin's. They were darker and deeper.

"Forgive me your highness," she said immediately with a small clumsy curtsy. She winced as leg moved.

"It's alright," I told her quickly.

"Arthur this is my sister Melena," Merlin introduced quietly. I blinked in surprise. He had never told me he had a sister.

"I'm guessing he never told you about me," Melena said with a mall strained laugh. It was obvious she was in pain.

"You need the physician," I told her. She shook her head again.

"Not until the others have been taken care of," she said stubbornly. Merlin gave me an imploring look. I immediately understood what he was silently asking me to do. I gave him a small nod in return. I stepped towards Melena and wrapped an arm around her waist. In one quick movement I tossed her over my shoulder being careful not to hurt her any worse.

"Hey," she cried. Her fist connected with my back but it was a weak hit. I carried her into the palace with Merlin following us.

"Merlin, tell him to put me down," she ordered him.

"No, you need to be cared for," Merlin replied. They had equal stubbornness. She gave a soft growl and I felt her relax. I took her to Gaius and set her on the last free table. One of Gaius's assistants ran up.

"I need you to take off your clothes," he said nervously. She gave him a warning look then pulled off the coat and under dress she wore. She shivered as cold air hit her bare skin. She was wearing a thin black shift. The burn went across her chest and her skin had been scraped in several places. He began to treat her and I saw her sigh in relief as each wound was dressed.

Now that the panic had subsided I realized that Melena was actually very pretty. She had a slim lean build and her black hair tumbled down past her shoulders. Her blue eyes shone in the candlelight and her skin was pale and soft looking.

Once she had been taken care of the man scurried off.

"Help me get dressed," she told Merlin.

"You know it is alright to rest for a little while," Merlin replied crossing his arms. She shot him a venomous look. He sighed and helped her stand. She got dressed and shook her hair out. Her blue eyes appraised the room for a long moment and I was the one who saw her face crumple.

"So few," she whispered. I saw tears well up in her eyes and reached out automatically to rest my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me and the pain in her eyes made it hard for me to breath.

"There used to be 200 of us," she murmured. Merlin took her hand and she began to cry. Merlin pulled her into a hug and I rubbed her back without thinking.