It was early in the morning, and Harry was sitting in the Burrows kitchen clutching a mug of coffee. He took a sip, grimacing at the taste. Molly came bustling in just as he tipped the rest down the sink.

"Big day Harry!" she said breathlessly, smiling at him.

Harry tried to smile back, but couldn't manage it.

"What's wrong dear?" she asked, concern filling her voice.

"I don't know who to have give me away..." he croaked, "My dad's dead, Sirius is dead, Lupin dead, Dumbledore..." he couldn't finish.

Mrs Weasley pulled him into a hug, smoothing his hair absent mindedly.

"Well, I was thinking, what about Hagrid?" she looked down and smiled as delight filled his face

"Of course!" he cried, "Thank you Mrs Weasley!" He tiptoed and kissed her cheek before running out of the door and to the field where Hagrid had pitched camp.

She smiled after him, before going upstairs to wake the rest of the guest's up.

The wedding was a small affair with around 50 guests. Ron was best man whilst Hermione and Ginny were bridesmaids and Mr Weasley and Mr Malfoy even managed to remain civil with each other. Hagrid, Mrs Weasley and Mrs Malfoy had all dissolved into tears when the happy couple had said "I do."

Harry's favourite moments were when he first saw Draco, standing at the end of the isle, wearing a set of black dress robes and a dark green tie – Harry was dressed almost identically, but his tie was blue – and a smile that radiated love. Harry smiled shyly at him as Hagrid slipped his hand into Draco's and received a comforting squeeze. Harry barely heard the minister drone on and only just managed to choke out his vows, whilst Draco managed his perfectly. He slipped the ring he had chosen onto Draco's finger, and admired the way the platinum and gold wound around each other. If Draco ever inspected the ring closer, he would have noticed the phrase "Te Amo" engraved into the gold.

His second favourite moment was when he had thrown his bouquet of flowers – lilies and a single rose – into the crowd, and Hermione had caught it, blushing furiously whilst Ron smiled sweetly at her.

He watched them happily as they danced. His best friends finally together after years of tension. He smiled as he let his eyes travel over the crowd, his eyes coming to rest on Lucius who – to his surprise – was dancing with Molly. He noticed Draco make his way over to him, and turned to greet his new husband.

"Hello gorgeous" purred Draco, pulling Harry close to his chest.

Harry grinned up at him, eyes bright with happiness and kissed him lightly "Hello" he giggled.

"I do believe you owe me a dance" Draco murmured.

Harry blushed "bu... but I can't dance" he stammered.

Draco smiled, "well luckily I can" and before Harry could protest further, he pulled him into the centre of the dance floor.

The rest of the wedding was a blur. The last moment Harry could remember was shoving Draco's face into their wedding cake after their dance. He smiled to himself; he hoped the photographer had got the shot of Draco's appalled face dripping with frosting.

"What are you so happy about?" Asked Draco, coming to sit next to him in their new bedroom – they'd gotten a house, A freaking house! Thought Harry, as a wedding present from Draco's parents, two stories, three bedroom's – "I expect grand children of some kind!" giggled Narcissa as she handed them the keys – an en-suite, a huge bathroom, and a massive kitchen and living room.

"Everything" laughed Harry, wrapping his arms around Draco's neck and pulling him down on top of him onto the bed.

Draco let his hands wander lightly over Harry's body, "you know I still haven't forgiven you for the cake incident," he purred into Harry's ear.

Harry shivered, and traced his tongue up Draco's neck, "So how you going to punish me?" he asked seductively, grinding his hips against Draco.

Draco looked down at Harry, sapphire eyes flashing silver with lust and flipped them over, so that Harry was straddling his hips.

"I want you to ride me," he purred softly, pulling Harry down by his chin and capturing his lips.

Harry blushed lightly - Draco was always the one on top - "o... okay" he stuttered shyly, looking down into his husbands eyes.

There was a flurry of movement, then both boys - men - were naked. Draco entwined his hand with Harry's, admiring the ring on both of there fingers.

Harry was the first to break the hand hold, as he trailed light kisses down Draco's front. He looked up, green eyes flashing mischievously as he took Draco whole into his mouth.

"Fuck, Harry!" Draco gasped, clutching at the raven locks.

Harry hummed happily, the vibrations causing Draco to writhe in pleasure.

"I'm close" Draco groaned, causing Harry to remove his lips from Draco's cock with a soft pop.

"No no no" purred Harry - imitating Draco perfectly - and he positioned himself over Draco's raging hard on, teasing both of them as he rubbed his entrance on Draco's saliva coated dick.

Draco looked up at Harry, lust clouding his face. "Please" he choked out, and with that, Harry lowered himself onto Draco.

"God!" moaned Harry, his eyes watering lightly.

Draco took one of Harry hips and used it as leverage to thrust himself in deeper, and used his other hand to pump at Harry's neglected hard on.

"Dracooo" whined Harry, squirming in pleasure "I'm so clo..." he finished with a yelp of pleasure as Draco's dick found his sweet spot.

It only took one more hit of that spot and Harry was cumming all over Draco's hand and chest. Draco wasn't far behind, cumming inside.

"Fuck" they both breathed in unison as Harry collapsed onto Draco's sticky chest.

"You've got to punish me more often" giggled Harry, kissing Draco lightly on the lips.

Draco nodded, too tired to speak.

"Hmm, shall we go abuse our en-suit?" murmured Harry, lifting himself off Draco.

Draco sat up a grin spreading over his face, well he certainly awake now.