Une Danse Ronde

(a Cajun dance in the round with no musical instruments, only singing--a courting dance for young people)

disclaimer: not mine. never will be. money made from this: zero dollars. (brief) author notes:

i am not cajun, nor have i ever taken french (curses, just latin!), however i have made every effort to research + accurately depict cajun french in this story. any mistakes are due to gaps in my own scholarship and i apologize in advance. i haven't seen "day of reckoning" (no wb @ school sobs) but i am aware of the problems with evo's depiction of my favorite cajun, namely the eye thing (and the hair thing, but y'know, it's got to look better under the costume, right?), but for the sake of faithfulness to the show i'm going with the brown eyes. i know that rogue's eyes are green in the comic, but on evo, on my tv screen, they appear to be gray. god knows, i tried my best with the accents.

* * *

This is how it goes, every time: he gets up, walks over ta me like he's got some goal. Sometimes the space is bigger than others--practically a football field or something--and sometimes it's small as a closet. He's comin' over for a reason but no matter how many times it happens, Ah can't figure out what it is till he's right in my face.

Boy has a Purpose, no mistakin' that.

He stops in front of me, grabs my face and.



Kisses me.

Smack-dab on the lips. Not a soft lil peck, either.

Not a brush of skin on skin, not a tease of a whisper of a hint of a kiss.

Nice tonsils ya got there.

Very nice.

Ah never had a kiss like that before. Heck, Ah barely even had a kiss before is all. Cain't we leave it at that?

No? Ya want details?

Ah was kissed.

Armed an' Dangerous. First Degree stuff.

Starts soft, gets warmer, gets very hot, and then wet, and then deep and then I forget where Ah am (not that Ah really know), what Ah was doing there, what my name is and what Ah was trying ta do. When he finally comes up for air, Ah.

Damn, this is embarrassing.

Ah whimper. There, Ah said it. Happy?

Ah cry like some dumb kid and pull his head towards me, wanting more. Not jus' the kiss, but that too. Ah never wanted anything so bad in my life.

Only.he pulls back and smirks. Almost exactly the look he gave when we first met an' he nearly blew my damn hand off with that playin' card o' his.

That's when Ah wake up, with that smug face reflectin' inside my head. If ever Ah catch that mongrel dog he's gonna pay for interrupting my sleep but good. Ah spend my days plottin' revenge, probably so Ah don't hafta think about my situation. Ah don't know how Ah 'scaped from Trask's overgrown science fair experiment. One mornin' Ah just found myself lying in the woods near the side of a road. Took mosta the first day just to remember who I was an' figure out what the hell road it was. My uniform had definitely seen better days. Ah started walking north ta the Institute.

Ah don't like not knowin' how Ah got away. Fact is, could be Ah didn't an' this is just some dirty trick ta make me hope again. Ah think Ah've seen a Twilight Zone like that. Poor slob goes crazy 'cause of it. Or Edgar Allen Poe. The Pit and the Pendulum. He had it 'bout right--false freedom is the worst torture. If Ah could remember fighting my way free everything would be different that's for sure.

After four days of gettin' lost and askin' for directions and walkin' till my feet were numb, takin' rides where Ah found 'em, Ah reached what was left of the mansion. Ah collapsed at the gate, then dragged myself ta my feet and slept in the ruins. The next mornin' Ah woke up with tears on my cheeks, even though Ah couldn't remember what Ah'd dreamed. Probably somethin' stupid like Kurt's face when he's tryin' ta choke down Kitty's waffles or Scott gettin' all mad when Evan takes too long in the bathroom touching up his roots.

Ah knew they were dead, 'cause if they'd been alive they would've been there, goin' through the wreckage, rebuilding even. Ah looked at my hands. The palms of my gloves were ripped in places so the skin showed through. Ah knew that there was nothin' Ah could do on my own. All my powers were in my hands an' there was nothin' those hands could do ta bring 'em back.

* * *

My father called me un feu follet when he was filled wit wine or good feelings. Most de times, de good feelings came wit de wine. Jean-Luc LeBeau had me pegged 'bout right: a spirit always moving, will o' de wisp. De time comes sooner dan I planned when I wonder why I be workin' for sour ol' Magneto in de first place. De man is obsessed, and obsession's no fun. No point ta boude (pout) 'bout it, but I didn't figure on doin' nothing either, neh?

Dat girl might have been a part of it, but I won't say either way. A man need some mystery. Oh I could tell she was a tite pichouette (mischievious girl) sure 'nough, but I tink I still hold all de cards between us. Hers exploded, didn't it? Always could charm de pants offa belle femme from fifty paces. Sometimes I wonder if it be me o' de powers. Dey never could resist de eyes. If dat Trask hadn't gotten her, she could have made de mighty fine lagniappe (bonus) that's sure.

I flicked cards into de trashcan from halfway across de room. I liked de sounds dey made when dey hit de metal. Downstairs, Magneto and de others were about dere business. Does de Magneto part surprise you? Mec's (man's) got more lives den a cat. Myself, I make a point not t' be involved, keep my head down at de right moments. Live longer if you don't care.

Outside, de moon cast strange shadows across de lawn. Seem t' me to be roads made of light, goin' somewhere. Den I figured I needed t' go somewhere sometime too. Was easy enough t' open de window, shimmy down de tree like I did in de Vieux Carre (French Quarter) comin' up. Dis time my father wasn't dere t' scare me inside wit stories 'bout les loups-garous (werewolves) who gobble up little children under de full moon.

Once I was out in de fields past de house, de tight spot in my heart relaxed a bit. Being locked up too long is bad for the soul, non? I made good time, running and walking through de night. I felt at home in de night, like it wrapped arms around me t' shelter my face from.anyt'ing.

I passed de time in aimless thoughts. My time was my own again, to waste or save for rainy days. I hitched a ride where I could wit de vague notion dat I should head down south again. Not dat I had a home dere either, but as de man says: old habits.

You might be wonderin' if I thought of de girl. I did at times, sans doute (doubtless). I wondered where she was and what she was doin' wit herself. I figured she might be dead. Dat man Trask is one crazy fils de pute (son of a bitch) and I didn't t'ink he was hidin' no heart of gold neither. No mercy, that's fo' sure. C'est tout (that's all) I thought of her at dat time. De time dat I was walkin' south, I never guessed how my life could change.poof.or how de girl could make me want t' change it.