Dick rested his head on his hand his other hand holding his mug wishing it was full of warm coffee. He sighed; it had been a whole week since the disaster at the Watch tower. Now the then team had taken it upon themselves to try to see what the missing Leaguers had done and gone. It was late probably one in the morning, they others had fallen asleep with papers scattered everywhere around their sleeping forms; Wally and Artemis were the only ones awake with him.

"Here ."

Dick looked up feeling the weight of the dark circles under his eyes. Artemis smiled sympathetically at him handing him another mug. He blinked to her great fully taking the coffee and downing it. She walked over to Wally who looked up wide eyes and hyper, "If that's not Scotch or Coffee then keep it to yourself."

Artemis rolled her eyes, "Can it bay watch, it`s coffee."

"Thanks." He said happily. She sat in her chair and scooted closer to him letting him wrap his arm around her shoulder. She looked up at him smiling, "You got the next coffee run."

"We out already?" Wally asked typing on the computer. Artemis nodded closing her eyes and resting her head on his chest. Wally looked down at her for a moment then smile kissing the top of her head, "Night."

"Night." She yawned back. Dick looked back to his computer and discarded the older security camera videos and pulled up new ones. Dead end! He blinked as the ticking of the clock and the silent snores of the others slinked in he couldn't take it. He pushed the chair back and got up heading for the exit, "I`m getting some air."

He looked back to see Wally wave in acknowledge that he heard but didn't make eye contact being too focused on his work. Dick rolled his eyes in amusement. Once out side he felt how cold it was and the wind was like a slap in the face but it woke him up.

He took in a deep breath and the wind carried a scent with it, he looked around, "I know you're here."

It didn't take long before Talia dropped beside him and smiled, "I taught you well." Dick smiled a little, "Yeah, you did." Then his face got hard and suspicious, "What are you doing here, you said if you saw me again you would kill me."

She smiled walking closer to him, Dick could already smell the perfume she wore since he was a small kid, he had so many memories, but more on that later. Her eyes started to shine, "I`ve convinced father to give you one last chance," Talia placed her hands on his shoulders and he hand never heard nor seen her this desperate, "Come home son."

Dick was overwhelmed by her emotion that he almost gave in, "No Talia."

She didn't look one bit discouraged as she pulled out a photo. "Maybe this will change your mind?"

Dick looked at it and felt the cold wind drive into his blood. The picture was of a man, tied from chest to legs to a small wooden chair, Zucco. Dick felt every bit of hate and adrenaline seep into his system; he wanted to kill this man! NOW! Then he remembered. Where he was, who was waiting for him inside, who cared and depended on him to make the right choices. Everyone. He wouldn't turn his back on them, not when he had come so far.

He threw the picture to the floor carelessly, "No," he ignored the fact that Talia`s face dropped dangerously, "I`m not your weapon, I`m not anyone`s toy." Dick started to walk past her, but muttered closely, "And I`m not your son."

She grabbed his wrist her nails biting into his gloves, "I will not ask again."

He smiled darkly and pulled away, "Then don't."

She smirked at him, "You know you were made for more, you can feel it, the blood lust, and it suits you."

Dick swallowed, "Then I`ll contain it, like everything else." He walked back inside the cave to where his friends waited feeling Talia burn a hole in his back with her hated staring.


Dick ducked the kick and grabbed his opponents ankle as it glided past his head and elbowed their knee and dropped the leg not giving his opponent a chance to recover he shoved all his weight forward and unbalanced Conner making him fall to the floor.

Dick wiped his forehead even though he wasn't sweating and held his hand out for his team mate and Superboy took it. Dick patted his friend on the back and they made their way to the kitchen where Megan and the others were just putting down the plates for dinner. The others had been closer than ever in the past few weeks looking for an explanation for the Justice Leagues problem and it now forged something powerful.

"Spying again sir." Alfred smiled handing Bruce a small cup of warm tea. Bruce blinked at the video, "He`s changed Alfred, They all have." Bruce took a long sip.

"Of course sir, they are good kids and will follow in the Justice Leagues shoes." Alfred said. Bruce nodded, smiling a little, "I suppose but they shouldn't be working like this as a family."

Alfred smiled looking at the video, "Ah sir, that is the only way they can work, they must rely on their instinct and go with trust but if one has a secret it all comes down, now that they are so close they can't be broken apart. This is good."

Bruce sighed, "I guess. I just hope their ready for what their getting into with this job."

"They will be great hero`s sir," Alfred smiled picking up the cup, "You`ll see."

A/N: sigh…I know I said there were four or five more chapters but…nope! I know, but don't fret, I`m in the making another one linking to this one. I hope you like it as much as you`ve liked this one and I`m so happy about all the great reviews I`ve gotten from so many great people! This story was so fun to write and I couldn't thank you enough for all you great support –To all those who review a special shout out, : angel grayson, Blaze Grayson a.k.a Shadow, 424kilebar, AelitaOfTheWolves, ShadowlightStarlight, Guest, Poseidon'sdaughter3, Sairey13, Lobke Grayson, Robinlover1, A reading guest, AFanofyourstory, A Guest, mixxi, RedHound, Renegade, Guest that reads, Other Guest, STicker55, Masqueraded Angel, YearofHumann. WOW lots of names! I again can't thank you guys enough and I hope I see your awesome reviews in the new story, Every Second…