"Hotch you know I didn't do this." Reid pleaded, hands waving over the series of crime scene photos that had been scattered before him. The younger man was panicked and frightened, he'd never been in this position before and he'd never for one minute thought his friends, his family, would turn against him. "I didn't do it."

Spencer had been in the interrogation room for over two hours now whilst police officers and his teammates had come in to talk to him or stood behind the one-way mirror searching for 'tells' to give away his being guilty. They were gathering evidence to pin him with and he had nothing at all to suggest he wasn't guilty. It was his word against a bucket load of evidence; well enough for him to be tried as guilty in court and sentenced to life in prison, or the death penalty. Reid knew it would most likely be the latter.

"I'm sorry Reid." Hotch sighed as he left the genius alone once again in the interrogation room.

- . - . - . - . - . - .

I thought I would try this out and I know it's really rather short but I wanted to set a sort of foundation to a possible story , providing people would be interested .

Erm thanks for reading this – let me know what you think ? Maybe ?

Thanks :D