I do not own Sailor Moon in any way, shape or form.
These drabbles are to get me used to writing the Shitennou before I get back to the longer story I want to write for them. I'll switch back and forth between pairings, so I've devised a labeling system for them. Clever = Mercury/Zoisite, Leader = Venus/Kunzite, Airplane = Mars/Jadeite, and Strength = Jupiter/Nephrite.
Ami knew the moment he materialized on Earth, Mamoru having gained enough power over the Golden Crystal to bring back his friends and advisors, covered in snow and shivering outside the future-King's apartment. Days earlier Mamoru had called Ami, slow and cautious in his explanation, and asked if she would like to be there when Zoisite emerged from that realm of timelessness to which Beryl had tied his spirit. Only a little surprised, Ami thought for a long stretch of minutes. She appreciated the offer, as they had been close during the old kingdom, but she wondered if they would have changed too much to enjoy each other's company. Curiously, Ami held no contempt for his actions in recent years. She had seen too many friends trapped by enemies to hold servitude against someone, not to mention Mamoru's personal and trusted knowledge of the situation.
"Thank you," she said, sighing softly, "but I don't think my presence is necessary."
She heard Mamoru readjust the phone against his ear. He wouldn't try to convince her; their decision-making processes were similar enough.
"Alright then. I'll just let him know that you're doing well."
Ami nodded and hung up with a small "Thank you."
For the next couple of days Ami's concentration left something to be desired, but eventually she almost forgot the upcoming resurrection. Then in the middle of an experiment on cellular degeneration she felt a refreshing chill pass by her right ear, and she knew. Quietly, she packed up her materials, hung up her lab coat, and left.
By the time she reached Mamoru's apartment she couldn't tell the difference between the chill and the temperature of the Winter afternoon. They must have noticed she arrived, because Usagi flung open the door and gathered Ami up in a warm blanket. From somewhere in the apartment, Mamoru sighed.
"Usako, Ami didn't resurrect, I'm sure she's wearing proper clothing."
Rolling her eyes and ushering Ami in, Usagi closed the door.
"Hush, Mamo. I'm being the emotional support." She glanced pointedly at him. "I know what its like, after all."
Ami let out a breathy laugh as Usagi tucked the blanket securely around her and removed her boots.
"Usagi," she said, smiling, "I don't think its quite like it was for you. We were-"
She stopped as Usagi stepped out of her line of sight to reveal a somewhat bedraggled-looking boy, in clothes at least a size too big for him, drying the tips of his hair. He looked up, blinking a couple of times before recognition set in, and bowed quickly.
"Lady Mercury."
On instinct, Ami stepped forward and held out her hand. "You look like you did back then," she murmured, as Zoisite's lips brushed lightly against her fingers.
"Yes," he said, shoulders dropping slightly, "Restoring me to my original form meant restoring me to the age I was when I pledged myself to the Crown. So now I have to pretend to be a high school student for a year and I'm terribly sorry."
Ami laughed.
"Why are you apologizing? I'm just glad you're here."
She hadn't really meant to say "here", maybe "healthy" or something along those lines, but she guessed that Zoisite hadn't meant to still be holding her hand either.