A/N: Hey! So does anyone else love Gravity Falls? Thought so.
I've had this idea for a while now, but I'm just getting around to it. But enjoy anyway!
Love Log, Day 1
It took a long time for me to get over Wendy, and I mean a long time. But it happened, eventually. She's had this on-and-off relationship with Robbie for a while, but I think that they're on again for now. We're still good friends, Wendy and I, but, you see, Wendy's not the problem. I might have gotten over liking Wendy, but now I like a different girl. You win this round, Hormones.
This girl's great, though. We get along really well, even though she kind of likes to make fun of me. She's great, I mean, she's funny, she's pretty, she's smart. Heck, she's perfect. Her name is Mabel Pines. There's just one thing: She's my sister.
I know what you're thinking; Dude, that's so gross blah blah blah! And I know, it's not right for me to think about my sister that way, my twin sister, but I just do. That's why I'm keeping this journal, so that you, whoever is reading this, can learn from my mistakes! Hopefully, I won't make too many though.
Let me start from the beginning.
My name is Dipper Pines, I am sixteen years old, and I am, currently, in Gravity Falls, Oregon visiting my Grunkle Stan for the summer with my sister. Mabel and I have been here every summer since we turned twelve, so, even though we don't live here all the time, we're known pretty well (unfortunately, it's as the "Mystery Twins"). To give you the SparkNotes version, Gravity Falls isn't an ordinary town; there are always these things popping up. Some you wouldn't even believe! Our Grunkle Stan owns the tourist trap of the town, The Mystery Shack. Grunkle Stan isn't always completely put together, but he's family and he's pretty cool sometimes.
I guess I started to like Mabel (oh God that sounds so weird...) after we turned fifteen. She just looked so different all of a sudden. She got rid of two things on the anniversary of our birth: her braces and her hair. She cut her brown hair to her shoulders and her teeth were straight! It was like she wasn't my sister anymore! She looked so...I don't even know, amazing. I don't know, I guess I always knew that Mabel was pretty, I just never knew it until then. And everyone else knew it too. I found myself being so protective and...jealous when guys would talk to her.
I thought I was going insane. My mind was spinning over my sister, who was growing up delicately and maturely and-and girlily! And here I was: tall and awkward, tagged with "Dippy" as a nickname for my nickname. How pathetic is that! Mabel was still Mabel; silly and fun to be around, but I found myself being more and more awkward around her.
A couple days ago, while we were still in California with Mom and Dad, we were watching TV with Waddles and Mabel picked him up, you know, like always, and she held him really tight and cuddled him, like always, but, get this, I was jealous of Waddles! How low do I have to be to be jealous of a pig?!
From then on, I knew I had a problem.
The following Monday, we were shipped off to Oregon, so I haven't really had time to cope. You should've seen Pacifica's face when she saw Mabel! Apparently, she got a bad perm last spring, ha! Oh, but then there were all these guys fawning over Mabel when we came! Urgh! Well, there's not much we can do about it right now. Mabel and I are going to go "help Grunkle Stan in the Mystery Shack," which pretty much means, "Go up to the roof and drink soda until he finds us."
Dipper, out!
(Should I end like that, or is that too weird? It's weird isn't it?...Just...bye.)
A/N: Oh, Dipper, you and your lame journal entry titles :1
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