Disclaimer: I do not own COTT
I tried to go early to see Arch but I couldn't move my limbs. I was weighed down, my heart was like lead. I couldn't face him anymore. I wanted everything to be back to normal, I never wanted to see him like this. I couldn't anymore.
When I entered the room, he was stony faced and pale.
"you know how much I love you?" he said when I closed the door. "I always loved you more than anything."
"I know" I reply, my voice quavering "and I love you"
"do you? Do you still feel the same as you did last year? Before all of this"
"Don't do this to me" I pleaded, suddenly realising what he was saying. Suddenly realising that though I'd been thinking it, I didn't want to hear it. But he shook his head
"I am not getting better. Face it. I can't tie you down to this half-life, time doesn't pass for me the same anymore and it's not fair. On either of us. You're better off without me."
"No" I protested "No. I am nothing without you, don't do this now."
but he softy pushed me backwards.
"if you truly love something" he said "you have to let it go"
"and if it was meant to be, it will come back you you" I screamed at him "you came back you me. You can't do this to me! Don't leave me again." I collapsed and started to cry but the door closed and he was gone. I vaugly felt hands around me and I am carried to my room but I am numb to everything.
I was wrong. I realised with a start that I was angry at Archie for being sick and feeling sorry for myself when I should have cherished the moments we had together and made an effort. It was my fault and I had to make it right.
I ran to the infirmary but the lights were off and the doors were locked.
"Archie?" I called out even though I knew he wouldn't hear me "I was being selfish. I was wrong. Forgive me?"
I am fighting against myself. I need to see Archie but I know he doesn't want to see me. I pace his old room all morning and with a cry of frustration, slam my fist into the wall. Archie's shelf collapses and I bend down to retrieve the odds and ends. A baseball escapes my grasp and rolls under the bed and as I reach under to get it, my hand brushes up against a box. I pull it out. It was a simple mahogany box with a plain brass handle. Without really meaning to, I open it. Inside are books of poems, Archie's poems that he has been writing all his life. I had a quick peak inside but didn't read too much, it felt like a diary and I respected Archie's privacy. Then I notice another book. It is a photo album. Inside is filled with photos of the whole team, frozen in time, laughing, happy I turn the page and realise I am looking at the two of us, we are smiling at each other, unaware of the camera. Archie, I notice, has a look of utter devotion and love on his face. I smile, typical Archie. My gaze wanders over to myself and with a start I realise I mirror his look, that love, that infatuation, as if I wanted to be frozen looking into his eyes forever.
And I did.
I get up early and run to the infirmary, not even bothering with shoes or a jacket despite the chill in the air. I reach the door but it opens before I can touch it. Hera and Athena emerge. I crane my neck, trying to see into the room but they block my view.
"wha-?" I begin. I step forward but the push me back, I can't help but wilt under their Godly glares
"Archie does not want to see you today" Hera says, locking the door and leaving. I turn to Athena, open mouthed and confused.
"Something has happened" She says "and it would be wise for you to stay away"
"Stay away?" I repeat it slowly "but-"
"don't fight us on this Atlanta" Athena sounds tired "just go"
I can't help it. Tears well up in my eyes but anger floods my body and I shove past the goddess and look through the glass in the door.
Archie is there on the bed, I gasp, he is as white as the sheets. And he isn't moving.
I cover my mouth with my hands and back away, shaking my head in horror. Athena puts her hand on my shoulder but I can't look at her. all of a sudden I lose control. I lunge at the door and fire my wrist crossbow at the door, thankful that I didn't take it off last night. The door burst open and I rush to Archie's side, sobbing.
"theres nothing you can do" Athena says beside me
"GO AWAY" I scream "just go."
and then there is silence. And its just me and Archie. Just like old times. Yet completely different.
"I'm so so sorry" I sob into his cold shoulder "you needed me and I wasn't there, I let you down"
I kissed his cheeks, his lips, my tears streaming onto his lifeless face. Then I get angry. I punch his chest furious at him for leaving me, furious at myself. I punch him again and turn to the window, tears clouding my vision.
"If you truly love something" I gasp "you let it go. And if it was meant to be…"
"…it will come back to you" I turn around and Archie is there. My Archie… sitting up and smiling at me, without a care in the world.
My Archie I think
"My Lannie" he says.
Well, there you have it! What did you think? Reviews and criticism loved!