A/N: T.T *sniffles* Ok, I'm really sorry if my last chapter was no good! I really tried! Honest I did! But...no reviews? Not even one? :(
I tried my hardest on this chapter, I literally went all nitpicky on the minor details and did it over like 5 times! It's my first lemon though, so don't expect too much :/ BUT, I did make a small mistake that was too long for me to fix...I accidentally changed the tense! I hope it doesn't bother you too much.
Well, anyway...the songs for this chapter are Forevermore by Broken Iris (most amazing unknown band EVER .) and All Around Me by Flyleaf. Read on, nonexistent readers...
Alfred's eyes widen, and remain so until Arthur releases him.
Arthur glares at him. "Here I was, sitting in this room miserably, berating myself for being an oblivious fool; now I feel twice the fool for thinking myself the only one. Bloody git."
Alfred takes a moment to process this, and his face brightens enough to light up the dim room.
"Artie, does this mean…?"
"Artie" smacks him on top of his thick skull with an increasingly red face. "What do you think, wanker?"
They both make eye contact, just looking at each other before mutually realizing what has just been confessed.
Alfred begins to lean forward in an attempt to find Arthur's mouth, but he doesn't have to lean far, as Arthur had leant to meet him halfway. Both of them feel something, something, expanding and heating up within them; both of them had waited and wanted for so long, and now that they had tasted, they were hungry for more. The simple kiss grew in a matter of minutes; Alfred's tongue tangled with Arthur's, and the Brit wound his hands into his hair for a few tugs.
Alfred pulled him into his lap by the shirt, legs on either side of him, and deepened the kiss, if possible. His senses were clouded by Arthur; and only Arthur. Alfred feels almost embarrassed as to how obvious it is the Brit knows what he's doing, and guiding him along; but still there is a small sense of pride that he doesn't know what he's doing, because Arthur is his very first.
They both lean away, gasping, and Alfred automatically falls back onto the bed, pulling Arthur with him. This time he buries his hands in the other's hair, and tries desperately to keep up with his lips. His mind is going blissfully blank, so consumed with nothing but just feeling in that moment. He feels the faint brush of fingertips at his sides, underneath his t-shirt, turning into more sensual caresses over his chest and down his stomach.
Arthur pulls away and Alfred hears the faint whisper of his name, heavy with longing. Something is lit inside his belly and suddenly he finds himself aching for more. Arthur moves his mouth down to a sensitive earlobe and nips first, then sucks. Alfred blindly grabs at the man on top of him and moans. That mouth then continues to trace its way down the side of his neck, before kissing its way back up and peppering his mouth with smaller kisses than before.
Arthur pulls upright, straddling him, and Alfred almost follows as to not lose contact, but he gently is shoved back. The Brit then swiftly throws his shirt to the side in one fluid motion, and tugs at Alfred's to indicate he wants him to do the same. He does, with a bit of fumbling, and immediately pulls Arthur back down to crash their lips together.
But this time it's different; he can feel Arthur's skin on him, touching so closely, and yet he wants to feel more. He can feel the heat radiating from his body and seeming to fill his, and fueling that fire inside of him. He can feel most thoroughly though, how Arthur is feeling as much as he is.
Arthur lets his hands travel down his chest again, stopping to tweak the pink buds there. Alfred loses it and snaps his hips up, meeting the other's. His mind goes blank; Arthur grinds down on him and he can't help the small yelp leaving his lips. With every motion, he feels his mind leave him, and just when he feels it is coming back, the pressure returns.
He is steadily moaning now, and throwing his head back into the pillow, unable to open his eyes. And all of a sudden, all the weight is suddenly gone. He manages to open his eyes to see Arthur propping himself above him on one arm, the other hand ghosting over his extremely evident arousal.
Alfred hears the low voice in his ear:
"Let me touch you."
And he barely is able to nod. In a moment, the button is undone and the zipper is down, and those fingers, those fingers-the very ones he had imagined so many times, on him and holding him, only to wake from his fantasy and have the loneliness of reality come crashing down upon him-they are touching him now.
His fist flies to his mouth to muffle the sounds he can't control, and Arthur, his weight now on his knees, uses his extra hand to move it back away.
"No, let them out; let me hear."
That sends something shooting though him, almost as amazing as the hand now curling around him was. As it started to move up and down, he arched with a sharp intake of breath.
This is beyond anything he's ever experienced before; and this is beyond anything he ever thought he would ever experience. He had gotten himself off before, sure, but this was Arthur's touch; and even though his brain was as good as mush at the moment, he still realized, in some small part in the back of his head, playing like background noise:
He's here. He's with me. I'm not alone anymore.
The pace of that hand increased, and even that echoing thought was driven away. The pleasure, the sheer pleasure was driving him insane; and with his toes curling and legs twitching, he felt something coil in his stomach. Then something snapped; everything went white, and all he had ever felt before paled in comparison to that one moment in time.
Arthur looked below him at his handiwork: the flushed face, tousled hair, and chest heaving with pants.
As Alfred returned from his high, he recognized Arthur's tongue tracing down his cheek, ridding the few tears that had leaked. He also felt how hard Arthur still was.
After taking a few more minutes to recover himself, he pulled Arthur down for another kiss, much sweeter this time. "Thank you." He whispers into the Brit's ear.
Arthur shivers and kisses back in reply. As he traces his hand up the American's arm to intertwine the fingers lying above his head, Alfred feels a reawakening, despite the release he had just experienced. He gives a slight nudge with his hips, and this time the kiss is broken for Arthur to issue a needy moan. His head drops into the crook of Alfred's neck and he inhales deeply.
"I'm fine, Love."
Alfred frowns at that. "But I want you to feel good too."
Arthur gasps as he is pulled down onto Alfred's lips, the kiss heated and passionate. Alfred strokes Arthur's body now, swirling his thumb on his hipbones before travelling lower and rubbing over the bulge in his pants.
Arthur looses a close-lipped groan, and starts feeling like he might soon forget how to breathe. Alfred kicks his own pants down, tugging at the other's meanwhile. Their boxers are lost next, and Alfred sits Arthur in his lap once more, their uncovered erections lightly brushing.
A similar sound is made by both of them, and Arthur reaches his slender hand to wrap around both of their sensitive members. He starts with slow, steady stokes, causing both of them to throw their heads back in ecstasy.
Alfred reaches his much larger hand forward to encase Arthur's, speeding up the pace.
The warmth is rising, and his body feels overheated. Little sparks are shooting up his spine with every stroke, as if Arthur's hand was electric. Alfred knows he won't last much longer when he feels a familiar tightening in his stomach, and he retracts his hand, along with the smaller.
"In…the top…drawer…." He manages to breathe out, gesturing to the bedside table.
Arthur raises a bushy brow, but complies, reaching in it to find and retract a small bottle of lube. His mouth dries.
"You want to…?"
Alfred blushes, (further, in Arthur's opinion,) and nods. Arthur looks hesitant, prompting Alfred to reach up and touch his cheek.
"I know it'll hurt, Artie; but I don't care. I've wanted it too much and for too long to really care. And…and I don't want to miss out on another chance for something with you that I'll regret later…like I have before. And I want this connection with you- no, I need it."
Arthur gave a raspy chuckle. "You cheesy git…"
The cap of the lube is flipped open, and half the slippery fluid is poured over slim fingers. Alfred bites his lip cutely as those fingers brush over his entrance and position themselves.
He expects pain, but on the first finger it just feels…strange; and so very intimate. He felt the finger pump a few times before the second was added, this time discomfort joining. As the fingers start scissoring, Arthur must have noticed his uneasiness, because he reaches his hand to stroke his hair and whisper soothing words.
When the third finger enters, Alfred's eyes, which he had not realized had slipped shut, snap open. There was a definite pain with it, and he could feel himself being stretched past what was comfortable.
The motion of Arthur's hand continued, however, and Alfred found himself enjoying it; eventually even thrusting his hips to try to get more. That's when the fingers retracted, with a small mewl of disappointment from him.
He calmed down though, as he watched Arthur pour the remainder of the bottle onto his hand to slick himself up.
Arthur pulls Alfred's legs to wrap around his waist, grasping his thighs. He feels the heat of something much larger nudging his entrance now, and he has to hold himself back from wantonly shoving himself onto it.
Arthur looks into Alfred's perfect, almost enchanting blue eyes and has to catch his breath again.
"Ready, poppet?"
Alfred can scarcely manage a nod of affirmation, his chest feels so tight with anticipation. Arthur slowly nudges himself in, and the blond below him feels the burn as he is being inched into. When he was completely full, he released the breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
The pain was extremely evident, but simmering beneath it was that feeling of not being empty that almost seemed to overtake the pain.
Alfred strokes the head of the Brit lying on his chest to let him know he is okay, and he begins to move. The pace is slow, and so gentle that the American can hardly stand it.
"Artie, more. Faster!" He whines.
Arthur struggles to speak. "I-I was trying to be considerate here."
Alfred merely tightened his legs around the Brit's waist to pull him in further. Arthur grips the blond boy's hips and starts thrusting faster, changing angles every few thrust, looking for something. And he found it.
"AAAAAaaaahhhh…" Stars danced before Alfred's eyes as Arthur hit a spot deep inside him, and repeatedly did so in response to his reaction.
The speed was increasing, and the heat between them was as well. The friction was almost too much with the repeated pleasing of his prostate, and when Arthur reached forward to aid his neglected, leaking member, he lost it.
The sounds spilling forth from his lips were unrecognizable as his own; his lover's grunts and groans tossed in along with them. They were both quickly coming undone, the thrusts losing precision and timing and becoming more wild, and Alfred feeling as though he were merely gripping at a slippery edge, so close to falling over and into that deep abyss.
"Mhmm…Al…I-love…you!" The phrase was not seductively whispered into his ear, but rather forced out between heavy breathes and grunts; but that was still all it took for Alfred.
His insides clenched and his stomach spasmed as his seed released all over his chest. Arthur gasped at the sudden tightness and found himself coming as well.
He collapsed, dizzy, on Alfred's body after withdrawing himself, panting into his neck. He felt the boy's chest begin to heave irregularly, and realized with a sudden jerk upright, that he was crying.
"Alfred, Love, what's wrong? Did it hurt too much?"
Alfred quickly shook his head back and forth. He tried to explain as the tears morphed into a blissful laugh:
"No, Artie…I'm-I'm home. I'm finally home."
Aaaand...that's it. My first real completed story. *sighs* That was disappointingly un-climatic. But still, I beg you, PLEAAAAASE REVIEW! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Just think, if you count on someone else to do it, then no one ever will! I wanna know how I did on my first lemon!