Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.
"You are aware that you will cease to exist?"
A bead of water slipped slowly down the pristine iron bar of the cage. She watched its progress blankly, ignoring the filthy water swirling around her ankles and her obviously dying body.
The creature behind the gate groaned painfully, a pitiful, desperate sound, its pride long forgotten as it once again experienced death.
Her mouth parted and she paused, surprised at something falling from her lips. She lifted her hand and gently touched her face.
Oddly fascinated, she watched as it too slipped slowly into the water below. The creature hissed, tails flicking about violently and dark chakra snapping with impatience.
Sakura sighed, hugging her body before calmly lifting her head. She stared indifferently into the burning eyes of hell.
"This is existence?"