Of Lightning, Flesh, and Swords

An Infamous and Prototype crossover set in the Claymore Universe


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PS: This will NOT be a yaoi fic

The Beast was finally on its knees. John White's large body fell as it was wracked with explosions and electrical shockwaves. The tall fiery monster had been stopped . . . for the moment. Cole Macgrath stood with a strange glowing device in his hands. The RFI or Ray Field Inhibitor as it was called, was designed to cure the plague that was spreading across the eastern coast and to completely destroy the beast. Of course there was an added side effect that the RFI had and, really, it was the only reason why the RFI worked against the beast.

'So this is it I guess. I'm gonna die.'

When the RFI went off, he would be killed. It was inevitable and was certainly undesirable, but, in the end, he knew what he had to do. Sacrifice was a word the he was familiar with. It was a constant reminder of what he stood for. At that moment, he remembered single person in his mind.


She was the only woman that he had ever got himself to love. No one had stood there for him like her and no one gave him more of a reason to live. It was somewhat a déjà vu moment for him here. Back in empire city, Cole sacrificed her life to save the lives of doctors. Here he would be sacrificing his life and all the conduits in the world to save mankind from the destruction of the beast.

The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few.


Cole turned to see Kuo coughing and rushed towards her. He held her in his arms and she cried as she coughed. Kuo had always been the driving force of goodness that Cole had always turned to. In these trying times, however, Kuo had turned to help the beast. She couldn't accept death like Cole could. Cole was sympathetic. Why should they have had to sacrificed their lives? Why should they have been killed off, the ones that did good, and everyone else had to be saved? Kuo couldn't answer this and turned to the beast, but Cole still knew what had to be done.

The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few.

Kuo cried in his arms and Cole comforted her as best as he could.

"It's ok" Cole reassured Kuo

"*sniff sniff* It's not ok." Kuo spit back, "You made the right choice. Hell Nix even made the right choice."

Nix had been a fiery hot conduit that always tried to seduce Cole into going at things her way. If there were people that were protesting about Cole, she would always tell him to attack them. If there was someone with a blast core, she would tell him to steal it from them. He would always tell her no and she would always question why they would have to serve the weak and why they had to fight for their pleasure and not her and his own pleasure. He always told her the same thing.

The needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few.

In the end, she understood it and showed her resolve by sacrificing herself to stop the beast for a few precious seconds and in those precious seconds he continued on to stop the beast.

". . .I was— I am scared. . ." Kuo continued. Her eyes were red with tears, tears that were now flowing down her face and freezing from her icy cold skin.

"I know" Cole spoke. Kuo looked down ashamed for fighting against Cole.

"Do it," she whimpered

He moved away from her icy body as he stood straight. He spared a look at the kneeling fiery beast's body and shifted his sight back to Kuo. She coughed as he took out the RFI again and prepared himself for the pain.

He felt the energy being drained from his own body. His flesh felt weak as the device beeped in glory. For a moment the world around him felt silent as he let himself go. The moment passed and the energy racked his body as a beam of light flew into the sky. The energy penetrated the atmosphere and was sent out in a wave of energy that reached every conduit in the world killing them.

One by one the corrupted in New Marias dropped dead in the blast's wake. Vermakk 88 agents dropped like flies as the ice caused by their carnage melted with them. The plague went with them as families flocked to their previously thought to be dead members and the sounds of rejoice echoed throughout the city. The sounds of celebrations could be heard throughout the city just for being alive, but one man didn't say a sound.

He ran towards the origin of the blast and found the two dead bodies of the conduits John White and Lucy Kuo. Cole was nowhere to be found. A fear struck him that hit him hard, that his friend would go down as an unsung hero. But here in New Marias, they knew what he had done. The Demon of Empire City had finally become the Patron Saint of New Marias.

Some people swore that they heard a voice though, a voice that went across the stars. Some say that he had never died and had gone somewhere else. But what all could say was that there was only one definite thing to say.

Cole had lived half as long but twice as bright.

However, his story would not end here.

It had only just begun.

Blood and sweat was pouring from the monstrosity as it roared. The large humanoid had gotten its arm chopped off from the real monster in the room . . . or well the boat. The real monster was the virus that called itself Alex Mercer. He had been on this aircraft carrier in the hopes that he would be able to stop General Randall and his nuclear salvo. However, he found that the man had already activated the bomb and now he stood face to face with the Supreme Hunter, though now it wasn't much of a threat anymore.

Alex ran up to the beast smirking at the creature's earlier comment. Such arrogance. To think that it could have faced him and lived. His right arm changed as the tendrils on this body twisted it into a huge curved blade that could slice the armor off of tanks. As he closed the distance, Alex jumped up from under his neck and sliced the Supreme hunter's head off. He just had to comment on the pathetic creature.

"Grow that back"

He landed, still watching the creature turn into a lump of dead twisting flesh. It gurgled as the blood gushed out from its large open wounds and slumped chest down onto the ground. Alex now had other matters at hand.

He ran towards the lowered floor and went straight towards the nuke. From the looks of it, he only had a couple minutes before it detonated. He gave himself a small smirk. The Supreme Hunter had barely given him any trouble that he still had enough time for his plan. He grabbed the nuke as gently as any superhuman monster could and placed it on the platform. When it reached the top, he was greeted by several soldiers foolishly pointing guns at him.

"You know that I got a nuke that going to go off in about three minutes?" Alex smugly stated.

The soldiers looked at each other as held their guns and their ground.

"I suggest you get out of my way or just leave."

Alex hefted the large nuke and all of the soldiers just parted. Nukes usually had the ability to make people compliant.

He calmly walked towards one of the Helicopters and quickly got to work. He quickly attached the nuke to the helicopter and swiftly started up the engines. The soldiers watched in awe how fast he had worked and by then, most had started to evacuate the aircraft carrier. As soon as he finished he jumped into the pilot's seat and had gotten himself moving.

Once the helicopter had gone a sufficient distance, he started to go into deep thought. He had thought about Dana and had worried if she would be ok. He had thought about Dr. Ragland and wondered if he would be able to keep Dana safe.

Dana was the only person that he could count on as family. While she wasn't really family, as he now was BLACKLIGHT rather than the human Alex Mercer, he still felt kinship with her.

'Gonna miss that . . . though then again killing was all I did. I don't think I would be able to go back to acting human at this point.'

He pondered his actions and the previous couple of weeks. The infection that the previous Alex Mercer had caused had gone to catastrophic levels of destruction, but he had caused just about the same amount. He could remember his first kill, a soldier that had shot him not realizing how much of a monster he was. He remembered all the faces that he saw of those he killed, all the screams of terror were stuck in his head reminding him of what he was. He wasn't human maybe even something less, . . . but also something more.

He moved his gaze up at the moon and saw its strange light. He closed his eyes as he brought the helicopter to a complete stop and dropped the nuke. He turned away from the moon and went on his way. He could almost hear the beeping as he counted down the last moments of the nuke.






. . .

He felt the silence consume him as the nuke exploded. He had been confident with his distance, but he soon found himself feeling the Helicopter slow to a halt and soon it had started to go in another direction. He turned his ride as he attempted to resist pull when he found that the copter had completely stopped and he felt himself being pulled. He gave a hard stare and went wide eyed as he faced the strange anomaly.

'What the hell?'

What he saw was an eerily lite blue opening of a portal that seemed to drag him in. The ominous light of the nuke was right behind the portal was completely paused in time. The saw as the helicopter was stopped in time as well, he could feel the pull drawing him into the portal as it broke the seams of the seat as well as the seat belt. What in the hell was this thing? Where in the hell would it take him? Alex couldn't help but feel excited.

'Heh, sorry Dana. I guess I won't be seeing you anytime soon. Please forgive me for this.'

The tendrils on his hands changed into sharp claws as he cut himself free from his seat belt bindings. The full force of the pull dragged him out to the portal. He strangely could still feel the heat emanating from the nuke as he realized time started to move forward. The nuke blast started to move forward threatening to consume him, but, as suddenly the portal had appeared, the portal closed. Mercer had disappeared.

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