So this is a series of 11th Doctor and Oswin one-shots. They might not be necessarily in order. But they all focus on the adventures of 11 and Oswin, Oswin being the new companion. They will go through Oswin's identity and memories, as well.

Warning! This series will contain spoilers for Series 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and possibly others.

This one is set after Amy and Rory have gone (gone where or how, I'm not sure. They're just gone). This is after the upcoming Christmas special.

All these one-shots will be what could happen in the upcoming episodes of Series 7.

Hope you enjoy them!

"No!" the Doctor cried, running toward the TARDIS, not daring to look back at the girl behind him.

"Oh come on!" the girl cried, putting her arms up in exasperation, "You can't just leave me here!"

The Doctor turned and faced the brown haired girl in red. Clara, as she had called herself. She was looking at him with a stern expression, hands on her hips, lips forming a thin line, one eyebrow cocked in a way that was somehow familiar to him.

"I don't just take anyone with me," the Doctor said, pointing a finger at Clara, "What makes you so special?"

Clara gave him a look and said, "Really? You think you could have defeated those snowmen all on your own."


She laughed. "Yeah right."

"I could have."

Clara came to stand beside him, pointing a finger at his chest she said, "When I saved you, you were up to your chin in alien snow, space boy." To emphasize her point, she flicked him under said chin.

He crossed his arms and looked at Clara. She had just showed up out of nowhere, dressed in full Victorian garb, like she belonged in this century, but her knowledge was far too much for anyone in this time. She was, although the Doctor didn't want to admit it, something special.

"Come on then," Clara said, crossing her arms. She grinned and patted the side of the TARDIS. "Show me what this box can do."

"I can't," the Doctor replied sadly.

"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"Just because!" the Doctor screamed. Then he stormed into the TARDIS and shut the door very rudely in Clara's face.

He leaned against the interior of the door and put his head in his hands. He couldn't take Clara with him. He couldn't let another person into his heart, just to lose them again like he had lost Amy and Rory. The Ponds. He felt tears stinging his eyes and quickly rubbed them away. Now was not the time to feel sorry for oneself.

"Doctor!" came Clara's impatient cry from outside the TARDIS.

"Go away!" the Doctor said, his voice cracking slightly.

"No! I won't, not until you tell me why I can't come with you!"

The Doctor opened the door and looked into Clara's determined face. "You can't come with me, because I travel alone. By myself. Without anyone else! Do you understand?"

He had begun to cry, tears rolling down his face as he thought about everyone he had lost. Jabe, Lynda, Harriet Jones, Elton's friends, the Face of Boe, Chantho, Astrid, Luke, Jenny, Donna's memory, Rose to the parallel world, the Master, who had given his life so he could live, Guido, Idris, Joe, Howie, and Rita, River, his River, and now Amy and Rory, the Ponds. He had lost them all. And that was just to name a few. He couldn't bare losing another.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a hand shaking his arm. He looked over at Clara, who was looking at him with sympathy.

"I understand," she said softly, "You're lonely. You're so very lonely. And you're hurting." She pulled him into a tight hug, "Let me help you."

He buried his face in her hair and said, "But I can't guarantee your safety."

"I don't want to be safe," Clara replied, "Safe is boring." She pulled back to look at him, "You don't have to protect me, Doctor. I can handle myself."

"But I do," the Doctor said, wiping his eyes, "If I take you with me you're my responsibility. And I won't put you in danger because of me."

"But you shouldn't be alone," Clara said, grabbing his arms, "I don't want you to be alone."

"Why do you care so much about what I should or shouldn't be?" the Doctor said, shaking her off.


The Doctor sighed. He looked at Clara. She was ready for anything, thinking she could take on the world. She reminded him strangely of himself. That naive notion that she was invincible, not willing to think that things could go wrong.

He liked Clara. He really did. She had spunk, and she didn't care what others thought, she wanted adventure, to see the universes beyond her world. They certainly made a good team. Perhaps he could take her with him, just for a bit. Just to fill the hole that the Ponds left.

Oh that sounded awful. To fill the hole. What would that make her? A replacement light for a bulb that recently burnt out? Hmmm, lights. He needed to change the bulb on the TARDIS again. No. Focus. Clara. Should he take Clara?

"Doctor," Clara said impatiently, tapping her boot clad foot on the icy ground.

"Fine," the Doctor said, "You can come, but only for a bit, and then I'm dropping you off home."

Clara screamed with joy and threw her arms around the Doctor's neck, saying, "Thank you!" She pulled back. "Oh you won't regret this, chin boy!"

She ran into the TARDIS, dress flowing behind her. The Doctor's eyebrows furrowed. Chin boy? Why did that sound familiar? Hadn't he been called that before by... No. His eyes widened. No. It couldn't be.

He rushed into the TARDIS. Clara was seated on a jump seat. She smiled at him as he ran up to the TARDIS console. He eyed her. There was no way she could be her. It just wasn't possible. But then again...

"Uh, Doctor," Clara suddenly said, playing with the hem of her dress nervously, "There's something I have to tell you before we go."

The Doctor's ears perked up.

"I lied to you," Clara said, "My real name's Oswin."

The Doctor looked at her, eyes wide. "Oswin," he gasped, "But how. How can you be here? You were in the Asylum. You were dead!"

"I was what?" Oswin, formerly Clara, said, concerned.

The Doctor clamped a hand over his mouth. It was starting to make sense now. Oh no. Oswin. Not Oswin. Why did it have to be her? Why did she have to be the girl he was traveling with? Why did this always happen to him? First with River and now with Oswin. He knew the fate of Oswin, she was to die in the Asylum after traveling with him. He would somehow lose her, just like he had lost everyone else.

"What's wrong, Doctor?" Oswin said, noticing his distress.

"Nothing," the Doctor croaked out. He pushed her in the direction of a hallway, "Go and get into something more comfortable." He needed time to think.

"Okay, okay," Oswin said. She went down the hallway, looking back one more time at the Doctor, her mind going over the many things she needed to tell him, but they could wait. Now was obviously not the time.

The Doctor sat in the jump seat and thought. How could Oswin be here in this time? She was from the future. She was in the Asylum. She was a Dalek. And now she was traveling with him. But she should have remembered him in the Asylum if she really had traveled with him. But the Daleks. Oh the Daleks. They had wiped her memory, and replaced it with a fake one. Oh no. No. No. No.

He put his head in his hands. He could travel with her, he could take her on so many adventures, and she'd never know. Never know anything but the prison that the Daleks had placed her in.

"Remember me."

He would. He would remember her. And he would give her the best time of her life aboard the TARDIS. He would give her a reason to live. He would let her have those adventures, so that when the time came, whenever that was, when she was imprisoned in her own mind because the reality was too horrid, maybe, just maybe, she might be able to remember, just like he would remember her.