Author Note:

Hello everybody, welcome to my first fanfiction "A massive shift". I have had it in mind for a long time but I have never actually written it out until now… It's related to Ao No Exorcist anime episode 23 and nothing else, the rest is from the manga. There may be some changes in the characters' concepts but I will try to explain it with every change I make.

This story will contain boy x boy love and boy x girl love. I know that some people don't like yaoi (boy x boy) but this is my story so if you don't like it, back off… I shall not reveal the boy x girl pairing but there will definitely Rin x Yukio and Mephisto x Shiro (one side). While many people may say that it's weird to let Rin x Yukio because they are brothers and stuffs… This is basically about them being raised in another circumstance (aka Gehenna) so sins are not really a problem there. There will be no explicit sex scene. However, expect some violence.

Rating M is just to be safe. Oh, and before I forget, I don't accept flame. I do accept constructive reviews though… and a review like this "YOUR STORY SUCKS!" with no explanation while my story sucks is not really a constructive review.

Now, onto the Disclaimer part.


I do not own Ao No Exorcist in any way or form and I do not make any money out of this. I do this for my and others' amusement. However, I do own the OCs that I have created.

Prologue: Too late.

In the cold night of December, two figures entered the forest as the snow continued to pour down from the gray sky. One figure of the two was clutching a sword tightly; the cigarette in his mouth was burning dimly while the man himself was trying to run as fast as he could, his hot breaths came out of his mouth like silver mist because of the cold. His name was Shiro Fujimoto and he was an exorcist. Behind him, another figure ran. The second man was taller than the first one, his long strides easily caught up with his friend but he appeared to be a lot calmer with a hint of amusement in his green eyes. He was Shiro's friends and fellow exorcist. His name was Mephisto, Mephisto Pheles

'It may come handy to kill the children of Satan' Mephisto's words kept ringing in Shiro's ears and the man gritted his teeth a little tighter, his hands curled into fists. He had a mission and his mission was to kill Satan's child… or children. Shiro wasn't afraid of killing. He had killed countless demons before and he was sure he would have to kill again. No, what Shiro was experiencing was doubt. No matter who the father was, be it Satan or Michael, children were innocent. It wasn't their fault that they had been born by such parents. And killing them because of their parents was just… wrong. He couldn't do it…Shiro Fujimoto the paladin just couldn't kill the children. With that knowledge in mind, Shiro halted his steps, his eyes casted down at his hands and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart. Seeing his friend had stopped, Mephisto stopped as well and the demon asked calmly, a smirk on his pale face. "You can't do it, Shiro?" The exorcist in question didn't answer but merely looked into his friend's eyes, searching for something. At last, with a barely visible jerk of his head, he nodded.

Meanwhile, inside a cave, two newborns and their mother were resting. The woman's face was chalked white, her breathing was shallow and her body was covered in sweats despite the low temperature. However, she seemed to be the happiest woman in the entire world as both of her hands were occupied by two small babies – one covered in blue flames and one wasn't. The woman smiled softly. They were her children, her sons – Rin and Yukio. The tip of her index finger trailed on Rin's face before it touched Yukio's nose gently. She knew she was dying. Her strength was slipping too fast and she could almost feel the death god standing next to her in silence. She only wished the man she had come to love – Satan would be here with her.

"Yuri…" A soft growl caught her attention and she turned her head, her breathing hitched as she saw a white wolf standing at the entrance to the cave. Its body was burning brightly with ghostly blue flames. He had come. He had really come here for her. The woman, who was now could be identified as Yuri, tried to blink back tears as she spoke, her voice was hoarse from all the screaming she had done earlier. "Satan…" The wolf took a hesitant step forward and slowly, it reached the bed where Yuri was laying.

"I'm sorry… I have made you suffered a lot" The demon king spoke softly. Yuri just smiled and replied, a tear finally leaked out from the corner of her eyes "Nonsense, I love you… I gladly die for our children's sake." The wolf's nose touched the bundles and Satan gave his human wife another small but happy smile "A-are those the lives that I have created?" Yuri just nodded and looked at her children lovingly "Yes, the one who inherits your flames is Rin – the older brother and the other one is Yukio…" She became silent once again as Satan used his nose to nuzzle his sons, both in wonder and curious.

"I…" Satan began again after he had taken his eyes off his newborn sons to look at the love of his life. "I come here to take the three of you to Gehenna… I will take care of you from now on… You don't have to suffer anymore from now on" Yuri bit her lips but didn't reply right away. Finally, she said sadly "You don't have to take me, Satan… I'm about to die anyway" The demon king looked at his lover and snapped dangerously "Don't say such stupid things! I won't let you die, Yuri! The technology in Gehenna is ten times more advanced than here… I will find a way to save you… But we must hurry-"

Yuri put a hand on Satan's lips before he could finish his sentence "Shhh, it's too late, Satan… just… take good care of our children for me, okay? Promise me that you will not let anyone bully them and be a good father for them…" Satan's words died on his lips as he stared at his wife in shock before he gave her a small 'I promise, love'. Yuri looked into Satan's eyes and gave him a kiss on his forehead "Also, please promise me that you will teach them about Assiah… and… and let them choose their own destinies…I believe humans and demons can really get along…"

Satan looked at the woman and gave a short, curt nod before growling angrily, trying to hide his pain behind his dangerous personality "Astaroth!" Looking at the entrance, both the human and the demon waited as a figure stepped inside. The King of Rot possessed a young man with short brown hair. A pair of goat-like horns stuck on either side of his head while poisonous mushrooms grew from the ground with every step he took.

"Yes, My Lord?" The King of Rot answered after a respectful bow. He gave another bow toward the human woman and murmured "My Lady" Yuri just smiled, accepting the sign of respect "It's been a long time since I last saw you, Astaroth" Satan looked at his wife and asked uncertainly again "…Are you sure that you want me to leave you here? We can bring you with us, Yuri… please think before you answer" Yuri just shook her head and pressed another kiss on her lover's face "…I know what I'm doing, Satan… believe me… Just take them and go"

"Yuri…" Satan began again only to be cut off by a slightly panicked Astaroth.

"I'm sorry, My Lord but… the exorcists are near here… I can smell them… We must hurry up and take the young Lords with us…" The King of Rot spoke in an urgent tone and Yuri whispered to Satan "Go, love… remember that I am and will always love you" Satan had no other choice but to leave his dying wife here. With a quick nod and a jerk of his head, Satan gave Astaroth a signal.

The Demon immediately went to Yuri's side and took both boys from her outstretched arms, ignoring their cry as they were unexpectedly ripped away from their mother. "I love you, Rin, Yukio…" A tear ran down her face as Satan ran out of the cave followed closely by Astaroth as they opened the Gate to Gehenna, her children's cry were cut off abruptly as the four of them, Satan, Astaroth, Rin and Yukio sank down the ground, leaving a broken Yuri behind.

Two figures , Shiro and Mephisto, ran into the cave, still breathing hard. Looking around, Shiro was the first one to speak "…W-where is the child?" Yuri wiped away the tears that had run down her face and spoke in a hard tone of voice "…Satan has taken them to Gehenna" She didn't look into Shiro's eyes but she didn't need to. She could imagine his surprise as clearly as day.

"W-what? But h-how?" Shiro stammered before the realization hit him… hard "Them? You mean… you have more than one?" Yuri nodded and said quietly "I have twins… They are with their father now…" Shiro gritted his teeth and clutched the sword tightly "I am… too late" Meanwhile, Mephisto just looked at the exchange with barely visible interest. He gave a 'hmph' and walked to where Shiro was standing before placing a hand on his friend's shoulder "It's not your fault, Shiro… Let's just take Yuri back and heal her" Yuri just gave them her last smile and whispered "…You have always been my friend, Shiro… I'm sorry" Her eyelids dropped and her body went limp. Yuri Egin was dead.

"No, no, no, NO! Yuri… come back… We can save you… please hang on" Shiro said in despair as he grasped her cold hands. Mephisto took off his white hat and gave the woman a deep bow, a sign of recognition and took several steps backward, allowing Shiro to mourn for his newly lost friend. Outside, the snowstorm continued. The future had just taken a massive shift.

Author Note:

That's the end of the prologue. I realize that's short but believe me, the next chapter will be longer than this. I do hope you have an enjoyable time reading this and please review. Your reviews give me inspiration.

Next chapter: A fight and an assignment