Rio during the Ice Age

A Crack in Time

It was a bright and sunny, but cold, day during the Ice Age; Scrat was quickly moving on all fours while sniffing the ground in search for his nut. He had a slightly angry look as he was only concentrating on finding his nut. As he sniffed the ground he made a few small sounds; he was crawling along the ground that had a very thin layer of snow covering it. Suddenly he came up to a huge glacier of ice that had a few small cracks with ice chunks sticking out that were slightly larger than Scrat. Scrat took his head off the ground and looked up at the glacier and saw that a few inches above the cracks was his nut lodged in the ice. He smiled and made a small sound indicating that he was happy when he saw it. He ran to the side of the glacier and began to quickly climb up it; he was almost to the nut when he approached the cracks with the loose pieces of ice. He slowed down as he got closer to the nut; he was about to get it when he climbed onto one of the loose pieces. He put his hands on the edge of the piece and pulled his right hand up and reached for the nut. He stopped when he heard something; he had a worried expression as he looked and saw the piece of ice he was holding onto started to slowly move. The ice then fell out of the glacier and Scrat screamed as it began to go down. He climbed onto the top side and jumped off. Just before he jumped the other pieces of ice began to fall, so after he jumped he landed on another falling piece of ice. He jumped to another one and then another one, each time he jumped he held his arms out to try and grab the nut. On the tenth piece he managed to jump high enough to grab the stem of the nut. Scrat smiled but when he grabbed the stem he pulled the nut out of place and there were no ice cubes so Scrat fell down with the nut.

He held the nut with both hands ad he began to face toward the ground while screaming, "Aaaaaaaaah!"

He landed on the nut when he hit the ground and the nut became lodged in the ground. Scrat stared into space with his eyes half closed with pain. Suddenly his eyes widened with nervousness as he looked to see two cracks in the ground coming from where the nut was. They moved slowly for a moment but then they moved more quickly. One of them moved away from Scrat and into the horizon curving back and forth. Scrat looked at the other crack and saw it curve some as it moved toward the glacier, then the glacier began to crack. The crack moved up the glacier and it curved and moved back down, it hit the ground which started to crack. The crack moved in Scrat's direction and went around him and turned back and connected to another part of the crack. The cracks had now formed a giant oddly shaped oval around Scrat, with him at the end farthest away from the glacier. Then a giant piece of the glacier fell out where the cracks were and it fell over like a giant domino. It hit the opposite end of the oval that Scrat was in a pushed the chunk of the ground in the air (like a teeter totter) and propelled Scrat thousands of feet in the air. He screamed in fear as he flew through the air with the nut going with him, but he wasn't holding it. He went over the ocean and landed on a small iceberg floating. His eyes were half closed in pain as the nut was on the other end of the iceberg, which cracked in half. The nut began to float away from him; Scrat began to make the sounds he makes when he is in danger of losing the nut. He quickly jumped onto the other iceberg but he landed on the other end and knocked the nut in the air. It began to fall back down and Scrat started running on the iceberg by spinning as if it was a wheel, while the nut bounced off of it every time. As it spun around it began to move through the water quickly.


The other crack that Scrat caused was moving quickly through the ground, it moved over the area where Manny and the herd's home once was; now it looked very different, there wasn't as much ice. The cracks opened part of the ground and they turned at the cliff formed from when the Continents split apart. The ground split open and the cliff started to break apart. Suddenly out of the crack in the ground appeared Scratte; she looked around and saw the ocean and the cliff starting to break apart. She ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped into the air; while she was in the air she pulled out her wings (or whatever you want to call them) that are between her arms and legs and she glided to an iceberg floating far away. She began to drift away from it, the ground behind the cliff and the area where Scratte emrerged, a crack occurred and released some sort of supernatural light. Then a supernatural bubble of energy was formed, it was as big as a house. While Scratte drifted away from the land, the ground at the bottom of the ocean began to split apart quickly and it began to shake slightly. The sound of the shaking was loud and traveled all the way Switchback Cove and the island that Manny and the herd lived on.

Manny woke to the sound and said, "Wow! Ellie, did you hear that!"

Ellie stood next to Manny while he got up and she said, "I heard it Manny but whatever it is it's miles away from us."

Manny turned to her and said, "Yeah but that sounded kind of like the sound I heard before our old home split apart!"

Ellie's eyes widened as she realized he was right and said, "I guess you're right, but I we're on an island so I don't think we'll have anything to worry about."

Manny turned to see Peaches sleeping by hanging from a large tree branch by her tail like a possum.

Peaches woke up and looked at Manny and Ellie and said, "What's going on?"

She then swung her body forward and let go of the branch so she would land on her feet and Manny said, "We just heard some weird sound coming from over there."

Manny pointed in the direction the sound came from and suddenly Louis popped his head out of the ground and said, "I heard it too. Maybe it's an earthquake somewhere."

Peaches looked at Louis and said, "As long as it doesn't affect us I'm alright with it."

Crash and Eddy ran out from some bushes and were chasing each other; Crash then took his tail and swung it over the branch of a bush not far off the ground. He then began to swing with it and went all the way around and then Eddy grabbed his lower body. They both were now spinning on the branch and began moving faster. Eventually Crash unhooked his tail and they both flung high into the air and went past Louis and Peaches and they landed on their bodies face first.

They got up and laughed and Crash said, "That was awesome!"

Eddy happily agreed and said, "That was so cool!"

They started hopping around while laughing happily like idiots, suddenly Granny came behind them and poked the back of Eddy's head with her stick and she angrily said, "Stop that laughing, it's getting on my nerves!"

Crash and Eddy turned around with an angry expression; suddenly Diego walked to them with Shira to his right.

Diego and Shira smiled as Diego said, "Hey guys."

Ellie smiled as she said, "Hey Diego, hey Shira."

Peaches suddenly asked, "So, how are the babies doing?"

Shira rolled her eyes with a smile, for she was now pregnant with three babies.

Shira then said, "They probably won't come for another few days."

Eddy then took a small step forward and asked, "Anything?"

Diego turned his head to Shira then back to them while saying, "She said she felt a few kicks so far."

Suddenly Granny poked Diego in the face with her stick and he said, "Ow!"

Granny acted bitter as she said, "When those kids come I don't wanna hear any baby talk!"

Diego's eyes were half closed with both an angry and annoyed expression as he said, "Sure thing."

Suddenly Sid came out from behind some trees the Hyrax (the little rodents from Continental Drift); he was dancing while they did the same thing. They all jumped on their heads and started shaking their legs from side to side (same direction) while they made strange sounds. Then they shook their buts around and spun around before stopping. Then Sid joined the others with the Hyrax, including the leader who had half his face painted blue.

Sid waved to Peaches and said, "Morning Peaches."

Peaches smiled as she said, "Morning Uncle Sid."

He waved at Louis and said, "Hi Louis."

Louis waved and said, "Hello."

Sid and the Hyrax looked at Diego and Shira with smiles and Diego knew what Sid wanted to know and said, "Sorry Sid, nothing yet."

Sid and the Hyrax frowned in disappointment and they all went, "Aww!"

Shira smiled as she said, "Sorry Sid, could still be a few days."

Peaches suddenly realized something and asked, "Have you guys thought about what to name them yet?"

Diego had his eyes half closed with an honest face as he said, "We're still tossing ideas around."

Sid suddenly smiled as he asked, "Can I babysit for you guys?"

Diego and Shira looked at each other with slightly worried expressions and Diego smiled as he said, "We'll think about."

Sid punched the air as he turned around and went, "Yes!"

Diego then moved his left paw up to where the back of it was on his right cheek and he whispered to Shira, "Not a chance."

Louis suddenly pointed his left finger up and said, "I will gladly skip out on hunting lessons."

Shira smiled and said, "None of you have to."

Granny suddenly smiled and said, "At least you two won't have to worry about your species going extinct."

Ellie stood next to Granny and chuckled before saying, "Granny, none of us are going to go extinct."

Sid was standing next to the Hyrax leader when he suddenly stared into space with an expression indicating he was thinking and he said, "Hmmm. Maybe thousands of years later we'll evolve into some kind of animals."

Manny looked at Sid and said, "Keep dreaming Sid."

Sid smiled as he did not change his mind and said, "Call me Darwin."

Suddenly Granny pointed her stick at Sid and yelled, "Hey! Brainiac, go get those teeth you gave me!"

Sid turned around and went to go get the teeth he got for Granny (as seen in the fourth movie).

When he was gone Peaches thought about what Sid said and she looked down at Louis and said, "Hey Louis, what do you think life will be like thousands of years in the future."

Louis looked up at her and replied, "I'm not sure. Maybe we'll never know."

Thousands of years later

In a jungle outside the city of Rio, it was morning and a bird started to chirp happily. Then the bird flew off of a branch and continued to chirp and other birds began to join it. Then birds started beating their chests like drums and macaws, cranes, and flamingos started dancing on branches.

Then they all started singing.

Chorus: "All the birds of a feather,

Do what they love most of all!

We are the best at rhythm and laughter,

That's why we love Carnival!

Possibly we can sing too,

Sun and beaches, they coo

Dance to the music, passion and love

Show us the best you can do."

The music suddenly changed and Blu and Jewel woke up and flew out of the hollow of their tree and started singing. Jewel was flying through the air happily as she sang.

Jewel: "Loving our life in the jungle,

Everything's wild and free!"

Blu was flying with her and on the next lines he was hovering next to her and their three chicks flew and hovered between them.

Blu: "Never alone

Because this is our home!"

On the next lines Blu and Jewel's chicks joined in.

All: "Magic can happen for real

In Rio

All by itself (by itself)"

On the next lines Blu and Jewel were standing on a branch close to the edge of the pond; they had their wings out with their three chicks dancing between them.

All: "You can't see it coming

You can't find it anywhere else."

Suddenly Pedro flew in front of them and started singing and dancing.

Pedro: "I'm a kako wero kinga, kinga, kinga, kinga

Birds like me 'cause I'm a hot winga

There's your hot winga!"

Then Pedro flew onto a branch with Nico and they both sang while Nico beat his wing on his bottle cap.

Nico: "Here everybody loves samba!"

Pedro: "I like the samba!"

Pedro then pointed to Rafael who was standing on a branch with Eva and their eighteen toucan chicks dancing in a straight line between them.

Rafael: "Rhythm you feel in your heart."

Pedro then jumped in front of them and continued to sing.

Pedro: "I'm the samba master!"

On the next lines Nico and Pedro were flying in front of a bunch of birds who were flying and dancing at the same time.

Nico: "Beauty and love, what more could you want?"

All: "Everything can be for real in Rio

Here's something else (something else)

You just feel it happening

You won't find it anywhere else"

The music stopped and Blu and Jewel flew onto with their three chicks. They had two boys and a girl, they all looked like Blu when he was a baby, but the girl was the same shade of blue as Jewel and she had the same colored eyes. The boys' names were Paulo and Bruno and the girl's name was Ruby.

Blu felt the air on his face and said, "Ah, what a beautiful day."

Jewel smiled at Blu and said, "It sure is Blu."

Ruby smiled up at Blu and said, "Daddy can we go to a party tonight?"

Blu curled the feathers on his wing like he was pointing a finger and said, "Only if it's before your bedtime."

Paulo looked up at Jewel and said, "Mommy?"

Jewel answered, "Your father's right."

Suddenly Nico, Pedro, Rafael, Eva, and the eighteen toucan chicks joined them and Nico said, "Hey guys, can you believe that Carnival is only a few days away!"

Blu happily said, "I know, it's going to be the kids' second Carnival!"

Rafael happily said, "Yes Amigos! It's going to be great!"

Suddenly Bruno jumped and said, "Ow!"

He turned around to see one of Rafael's chicks with some of his tail feathers in his mouth.

Rafael looked down at him and said, "Hey, leave your cousins alone!"

Suddenly they heard Luiz's voice below them say, "Hey guys how you doing?"

They all looked down to see Luiz, Mauro, and the marmosets (after they defeated Nigel the marmosets became friends with Blu and the others).

They flew down to them and Blu said, "Hey guys, good to see you."

Mauro happily said, "Good to see you too. You know we were thinking about how we met you guys two years ago, and we suddenly remembered a hilarious picture we took of Nigel."

A marmoset pulled out the picture of Nigel without his feathers and when Blu, Jewel, Nico, Pedro, and Rafael saw it their eyes widened and they immediately burst into laughter.

Mauro laughed and said, "I know, it's like he's naked!"

While they were laughing, unbeknown to them, Nigel was watching them concealed in some bushes. He felt anger toward every one of them, but he felt great toward Blu for defeating him and costing him his feathers.

Suddenly Ruby said, "Daddy, I'm hungry."

Then Bruno got an idea and said, "Let's go find some fruit."

Ruby, Bruno, and Pablo flew away and Blu held out his wings with the feathers spread out like fingers and he said, "Just be careful of predators."

Jewel happily said, "I can't wait for Carnival, it reminds me of how we met."

Blu smiled and kissed her on the beak; Nigel felt great rage as he said to himself, "Enjoy your family now pretty bird, because you won't get to for long!"


Bruno, Ruby, and Pablo were flying through the jungle happily. Then they suddenly stopped when some strange blue light appeared over them. They looked ahead and their eyes widened and they began shaking in fear (like Blu when he was a baby).

A few minutes later

Nigel was still watching everyone, when suddenly Pablo, Bruno, and Ruby flew by with scared faces and they yelled, "Mommy! Daddy!"

They all showed expressions of concern as Jewel said, "What's wrong kids?"

Blu then said, "Yeah. You three look like you've seen a ghost."

They shook around some and Ruby pointed into the trees behind them and said, "There's something scary over there that we've never seen before!"

Bruno then said, "Yeah, com see!"

The three of them flew into the trees and when they were gone the others had curious expressions and Blu said, "Okay, let's see what the kids are talking about."

The birds started flapping their wings and began flying where the kids were leading them and Luiz, Mauro, and the marmosets followed them on foot. Meanwhile Nigel was watching the entire thing from in the bushes and he had an expression of intrigue. He then began flying low toward the ground to follow them. Blu, Jewel, and the others landed behind Bruno, Ruby, and Pablo who were staring at the thing in fear.

Everyone looked down at them and Jewel said, "Kids, what are you talking about."

Pablo slowly pointed his wing up at the glowing thing and everyone's eyes widened in shock and Blu said, "Oh that."

They were all scared and huddled close together; Rafael and Eva held their kids close to them and Blu and Jewel did the same thing with Bruno, Pablo, and Ruby. Nigel flew by and stood on the branch of a tree behind them and he stared at the supernatural bubble of energy with surprise and confusion.

Luiz suddenly looked up at the bubble and calmly said, "Wow! This is freaking me out!"

Pedro was scared as he and Nico held each other and Pedro said, "This is scary!"

Blu and Jewel were staring at the bubble of energy when Jewel turned to Blu and asked, "Blu, do you have any idea what this thing is?"

Blu nervously replied, "Well… it appears to be… some sort of strange… bubble of electricity."

Suddenly three of Rafael's kids saw a small rock and through it at the bubble. When the rock hit the bubble it disappeared and the outside of the bubble shook some. When the bubble shook they all screamed and held each other while shaking in fear.

Bruno stepped forward in a frightened manner and said, "Sorry!"

Blu grabbed Bruno with his wings and said, "Bruno, stay here!"

Bruno bent the feathers on the end of his wing like fingers and pointed at the bubble and said, "But we made it angry!"

Blu smiled to try and calm him down as he moved his wing in a gesture to refer to the bubble and said, "I think it just responded to the rock."

Pablo was scared as he asked, "So what do we do?!"

Blu turned and faced the bubble as he thought while saying, "Well… well…"

Blu closed his eyes and breathed gently before turning around and said, "There's only one way we're going to know what this is. I'm going to try something. But the rest of you stay here."

They were only a few inches away as Blu took a few nervous steps forward; everyone watched, especially Nigel. When Blu was close enough he held his wing out and the tip of one of his feathers touched the bubble and went into it.

They were all scared before Blu turned to them and said, "I'm fine, I barely felt anything."

He turned back to the bubble and said, "I'm going to keep going, but no one move."

He stepped forward and then he disappeared into the bubble. Everyone except Nigel had expressions of fear; Nigel only watched from his branch with an expression of curiosity. He was waiting to see what would happen, as were the others; none of them were more scared then Jewel, Bruno, Pablo, and Ruby, for they were worried about Blu. Blu was now in a giant blue void where there were only clocks passing him. He looked around with fear as he was moving quickly without even flapping his wings. Suddenly he saw a light ahead of him and getting closer. He went through the light and came out of another bubble of energy, but now he was in a place near the ocean where there was a forest and huge glaciers.

Blu looked around with "aww" and fear and he shivered while saying, "What happened? Where am I? And why is it so cold?"

He looked around to see that over the ocean were some dark clouds that were slowly approaching position. Blu looked around and began flying to examine his location some; he looked below him to see a cliff where the water was, and beneath the ice and ground of the cliff was a jungle that had some areas that were flooded. He flew around some more and went behind the position of the bubble to see more glaciers and he saw a large heard of mammoths passing by. His eyes widened in fear; suddenly two vultures flew in front of him and started to hover.

Blu was scared as one of them said, "He's kind of weird looking; I wonder how he tastes, let's see if he'll die soon and find out."

They smiled evilly and Blu stopped flapping and fell for a short moment, then he flew back to the front of the bubble that he came out of as fast as possible. He flew into the bubble and came out of the end back home; but he was still flying so he passed the others. He then hit the ground exhausted from fear and everyone quickly hurried to him.

Jewel helped Blu onto his feet while asking, "Blu what happened?!"

Blu then answered, "This thing is a portal to the past!"

Everyone gasped and said, "What?!"

Blu had a terrified expression as he continued, "It sent me back in time and it was horrible! There were these vultures who wanted me to die so that they could eat me, and they looked like they were going to kill me to do it!"

While Blu was talking Nigel had an evil smile on his face.

Everyone had terrified expressions and Rafael said, "Yikes, that sounds horrible!"

Blu stared at the bubble and said, "It gets even worse!"

He turned to the others and said, "It sent me to the Ice Age!"

Everyone gasped and Jewel said, "What?!"

He looked at the bubble and said, "There were glaciers, and mammoths! There were animals that are now extinct!"

Ruby had a scared expression and asked, "What do we do?!"

Blu turned and said, "I don't know. But I do know that we will be alright as long as no one goes into the bubble again."

Suddenly they all heard Nigel say, "What a pity pretty bird."

They all turned to see Nigel looking down at them with an evil smile as he continued, "It seems that all of you are afraid and don't know what to do. Well, perhaps I can be of assistance."

They all looked at Nigel with fear and Blu said, "Nigel! Your feathers grew back!"

Nigel's evil smile grew bigger as he said, "Yes, and I have returned to take care of some unfinished business."

Nigel looked at Bruno, Pablo, and Ruby standing in front of Jewel and said, "I must say what adorable children you have. They look ripe for smuggling!"

Jewel held Bruno, Pablo, and Ruby close to her while Blu said, "Leave my family out of this!"

Nigel chuckled evilly before saying, "I don't think so."

He then showed an angry and evil expression as he said, "You took away my victory and my dignity! I will have my revenge on you and I will smuggle all of your friends and family!"

He then quickly flew off of the branch and toward Blu, Jewel, Ruby, Bruno, and Pablo. They quickly flew away from him and the Nico, Pedro, and Rafael began chasing Nigel while the others stayed on the ground and watched. They swerved through the trees but did not lose each other; Nigel eventually ended up chasing Blu, Jewel, Pablo, Bruno, and Ruby in the direction of the bubble of energy. He was gaining on them and the family of blue macaws flew into the bubble and disappeared and Nigel followed them into it. Rafael, Nico, and Pedro stopped and hovered in front of the bubble and everyone had expressions of fear.

Nico then asked, "What do we do now?!"

Rafael landed next to Eva and their children and said, "We have to wait for them to come out."

To be continued.