Last Chapter: Once the girls were cuddled up under the covers of Tori's bed and the lights were out, Jade broke the silence with one final question before they would drift off to sleep, "Are you gonna dream about me tonight?"

Tori smiled, and went in for another short kiss before answering, "Why dream when I have the real thing right here."




Jade moved back home the following day. Her parents were happy she was home, and after having a long family discussion Jade believed things would be better between the three of them. Jade opened up to them about how she felt empty as a child and how their "abandoning" her only escalated her downward spiral. Her parents agreed they made mistakes and gave up too easily. Their conversation lasted hours and ended with Jade's parents telling her how proud of her they are and how relieved they were that she was back. They even had a family hug and everything. Thing were finally starting to look up for Jade's family problems.

Although Jade moved back in with her parents she still spent the night at Tori's every now and then. She still used the window to, something about nostalgia kept her from straying from it. Both girls found themselves missing the warmth of the other girl that they found it hard to sleep. They would spend hours on the phone before going to bed, wishing each other goodnight and sweet dreams before hanging up and dreaming about each other.

Tori and Jade continued their relationship, and by their third date (about a week since their first date) all of their friends had figured out they were dating. Tori couldn't keep it a secret from Andre and told him right away. Beck already knew Jade had been on a date and after a couple days of observation at school he finally figured out who made Jade so happy that night she pushed him off the bed. Cat excited to show Jade her new pet kitten accidentally walked in on the two of them making out on Jade's bed. Trina, much like Cat had accidentally walked in on one of their make out sessions, this time in Tori's room. Robbie was the last to find out; it wasn't until Cat had giggled about Jade sitting next to Tori at lunch one day that sparked a conversation revealing their relationship to the oblivious Robbie.

None of them, well besides Trina, were surprised by the girls news, in fact when Sinjin found out he said he knew they would get together all along, and Sikowitz admitted to trying to force them together by casting them as a couple in numerous plays as well as partnering them up for class projects whenever he got the chance. Everyone they knew was supportive and other than the handful of kids at school who gossiped about the pair no one really seemed to care.

After their four month anniversary Tori and Jade agreed to tell their parents. Tori's mom admitted Trina told her soon after she herself found out. Her parents didn't care; Tori came out to her parents a few years prior, she just hid her relationship with Jade from them because she was nervous, Jade was her first girlfriend. Tori had some experience with girls, flirting, kissing, and such at some Northridge parties as well as outings with some of her old friends from her other school. But Tori had never been in a relationship with any of them, but Jade was different and Tori knew she had something special with her. So in telling Tori's parents they were just happy she finally found someone. They could see the light in Tori's eyes when she talked about Jade, and vice versa. Now Jade's parents were a little more surprised by the news, but they didn't object. They figured as long as Jade was happy that's all that really mattered, and they felt they owed it to Tori for bringing her daughter home and greatly improving their relationship with her.

Tori and Jade stayed together throughout the rest of their senior year. And looking into their future they found different paths but that didn't affect their relationship at all. Jade moved into an apartment shortly after graduation, she beat out thousands of students to win an internship with a production company in Northern California and thus needed to move out there for that. Tori was accepted and enrolled into a performing arts college that was located only about twenty minutes away from Jade's apartment. She even took a couple online courses through Tori's school as a part time student.

Although Tori lived on campus, she stayed at Jade's at least three days a week. And every now and then, much to Tori's roommate's displeasure, Jade would stay in Tori's dorm. They were happy together; they came a long way from that first night almost a year ago, and they were excited for their future together.

Alright guys, there you go. That is the epilogue, I had to include this cause I had specific ideas of where I saw them going after that night and I wanted you guys to know. But unfortunately that means this really is the end for this story. There will be one more update but it will ONLY be an author's note where I thank you in more detail for reading/reviewing/favorite/following this story and supporting me. Please note I WILL be writing more Jori fics in the future, I'm probably gonna take one shot requests next, until I can think of another good multi-chapter story idea. As always please review and let me know what you think, did my future match yours? Any favorite parts of the whole story? Favorite chapters? The more feedback you give me the better my next fic will be, thanks so much guys!