Author's Note: I think I could have finished this fic with the previous chapter but somehow it seemed like it needed one more chapter so here it is. Hope you enjoy it

and please review! Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement! By the way, I do not own the '70s show.

Hyde pulled into the Forman's driveway and cut the El Camino's engine. The house was dark,

it was late and he was frustrated. Taking Raquel out had turned out to be a bad idea. He had told

her to meet him at the Forman's on the off chance that Jackie would be there. If she wasn't then no

doubt his moron friends would be and he could count on them to tell her he was going out with

another chick.

He was waiting for Raquel when Jackie had walked in, her eyes sparkling and a smile on her

beautiful face. His heart started pounding when she wrapped her arms around him and announced

she had chosen him. He kissed her with all he had and damn, if it didn't feel good.

Then the freakin' door opened and Raquel was asking if he was ready to go. Reluctantly he pulled

away from Jackie, who waved a finger at the blonde biker chick.

"Who-whoa-who's this?" she demanded.

There was nothing to do but play it out. He couldn't tell his ex that this was all a ploy to win her back. She'd never let him hear the end of it especially since she had made up her mind on her own. Jackie was glaring at Raquel. Clearly she was jealous. She pulled on his hand as he moved towards the door and asked him to stay. It was all he could do not to slam the door in Raquel's face but he wouldn't do that to any girl-especially one who didn't deserve it.

So he blew Jackie off and left with his arm around Raquel's waist but all he could think of the rest of the night was the hurt in Jackie's big amber eyes. Shit, what had he been thinking? He should have stayed with her.

Sighing , he got out of his car and headed towards the back stairs to the basement. A movement

out of the corner of his eye startled him and he swung in it's direction, fists raised.

"It's just me," a little voice said in the dark.

"Jackie?" He moved towards the lawn chair on the back porch where she sat. "What are you doing

out here?"

In the dim light she shrugged. "I couldn't sleep. Donna has Eric in our room so, no way I wanted

to be around for that!" her little nose wrinkled up in distaste.

He chuckled. "I don't blame you. Last week I was in my room and I heard someone crying. It was


"What? Why was he crying? Was he alone?"

"That's the funny part!" He moved to sit in the chair next to her. "He and Donna were doing it and

he called her Leia. She nearly tore his balls off!"

Jackie's hands flew to her mouth in horror but her eyes danced in amusement. "Oh my God!"

They both burst into laughter.

"What a dweeb," she said.

"Yeah, he's a real dumbass," he smirked. "Red's got it right."

After their laughter faded away they sat in silence for awhile. He didn't know what to say.

She sighed, "I guess I'll ask since you won't tell me otherwise. Are you going out with that girl now?"

"Nah-it was nothing. No big deal. We hung out at the Hub and shot some pool at Smitty's."

"So-um-you didn't? You know," her voice was soft.

"God, no," he said then proceeded to put his foot in his mouth. "Not that I wouldn't have…"

Her head shot up. "Oh, really?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, she's .." and too late he snapped his mouth shut.

She stood up, shaking her head. "What, Steven? She's hot? She's just your type? I don't know what

I was thinking by saying I'd picked you."

"Sit down, Jackie." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down in her chair. "It took you long

enough to decide-especially after what happened at Summerfest."

"Yeah, well, it looks like I might have made the wrong decision. You couldn't even wait for me.

You had to go out with some skank…"

He clenched his jaw, trying to keep his cool. After taking a deep breath he spoke. "You've kept

me and Kelso hanging for weeks. For whatever reason-he's doing some chick or he lost interest-

he's given up on getting you back. But stupid me, I've been waiting for you all Summer. You've been working on your tan or painting your nails or whatever other stupid shit you do…"

She gasped and would have said something but he cut her off. He was worked up now and damn if

he was going to let her get away with torturing him.

"You finally decide it's me you want and I'm supposed to get on my knees and thank you. Like hell. In fact, I think you owe me an apology," he half-snarled at her.

"An apology?" She popped up from her chair like a Mexican jumping bean. "For what?"

"For playing me-for making me look like an idiot," he snapped.

"Oh, you do that just fine all on your own, Steven!" She pushed past him and stomped across the

driveway to the Pinciotti's.

"Damn it," he muttered and kicked the chair she'd been sitting in. Just then Eric came thru the dark, glancing over his shoulder at a fuming Jackie.

"Hey, what's up with the cheerleader? She looks pretty pissed."

"I don't wanna talk about it. She drives me crazy," Hyde ran a hand around his neck, trying to ease the tension he could feel tightening his muscles. "Let's light up," and he headed for the basement. Shrugging, Eric followed him. Hyde threw him a smirk , "By the way, how's Leia?"

For the next week or so it was a standoff between Hyde and Jackie. She would taunt him with rings on her perfectly polished toes and lay out in Forman's driveway in a skimpy bikini. He would brush her off and pretend he wasn't interested but he wasn't fooling anyone. Their friends pleaded with him to just admit he wanted her but he held out.

Eventually Kelso, of all people, took it upon himself to get them back together. In typical screw up

Kelso style he got them to meet up in the driveway to talk. Hyde's stubbornness almost ruined their chance again but showing a surprising willingness to compromise Jackie spoke up.

"Look, I'll even go first. Steven, I want to be with you. And you?"

Looking in her beautiful eyes he caved-sort of. "Yeah, Jackie, I want to be with you too."

She gave him a flirtatious smile as she moved closer. "Because you lo…"

"Don't push it," he growled at her then pulled her into his arms. Their lips met and although he didn't say it, they both knew it. He loved her and she was worth the wait.