Hi! This is my first fanfic, so don't kill me if my writing isn't very good. By the way, the story takes place between The Last Olympian and The Lost Hero, before anyone knew about Gaea rising and the roman camp, though they do know about the New Great Prophecy. Enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO and all the characters in it except for those that I created myself, such as Katrina.


My day started normally enough, which proves that even the nice days can go horribly wrong. You want an example? Well, today was a pretty good one. I woke up early in the morning and took pegasus flying lessons along with the Aphrodite cabin. Nothing bad happen during the lesson, unless you call falling from your pegasus 10 meters in the air bad. But for a normal demigod, that was considered a minor issue. Afterwards, I scaled the climbing wall in full eruption mode, which means that the wall spits out lava and rocks and shakes all the time. I even managed to make it to the top in just 15 minutes. Or was it 20? Anyway, I took a break from training and sat down on the beach with my girlfriend Annabeth, and we just chatted about everything under the sun. Okay, almost everything under the sun. During that hour, life was peaceful, kind of nice. And that's when bam! Everything went wrong.

It started with the howling from the hellhounds. Oh, what are hellhounds? If you can imagine a huge black dog growling at you, then you pretty much got it. Just remember to imagine the red eyes, the slavering jaws and the fact the dog was at least the size of a horse. Of course, being a great hero, I rushed to the scene to find an 11 year old girl running away from hordes of hellhounds, empousa and dracaena. What are empousa and dracaena? Find out yourself 'cause I'm not going to tell you. The girl was running for her life, straight towards camp. There was no doubt that she was a demigod. Wow, that girl could really run, way faster than me. Then again, I'm slower than the nymph instructors at camp, and that's when they're in tree form. Yes, I'm really that bad, no need to rub it in. But let's get back to the girl. She was making good progress, almost reaching the border when she just had to trip on a rock. Did I mention that our luck is horrendous despite countless prayers to Tychee, goddess of good fortune? But then the Nemesis cabin prays to their mom, so maybe that's why. So the girl trips on the rock and lands face flat on the ground, giving the monsters the opportunity to catch up to her.

Naturally I ran forward to help, and so does Annabeth. I distracted the monsters by fighting them while Annabeth got the girl to camp. It was quite easy to destroy the monsters due to my Achilles's Mark, which makes me invincible. Cool huh. Soon, there were a few dozen piles of ashes around me. I recapped my sword (a.k.a. pen) anaklumos, also known as Riptide and put it in my pocket. Then I raced back to camp to find the girl.

[insert line break]

When I got back to camp, I found the girl in the Big House, and beside her was Annabeth and Chiron, the activity director in the Camp Half-Blood. Chiron was treating her hand and knees that got scratched when she fell. Other than that, the girl was fine. It was quite marvelous that she got here with such minor injuries, especially with so many monsters chasing her. I wondered who her godly parent is, giving her a strong enough aura to attract that much monsters. Then Annabeth asked her a question.

"What's your name? Mine's Annabeth, this is Percy and the centaur is Chiron."

"Katrina, Katrina Clearwater. And where am I? I got a weird feeling to come here, but I know absolutely nothing about this place. Can you help me?"

Yep! The "Daughter of Time" is Katrina. I'm pretty sure all of you already know who her godly parent is, but I'm not confirming anything. I know it's a very short chapter, but there wasn't much dialog to write. Dialog always make chapters soooo much longer. Anyway, it's the weekends now, so most likely I'll be able to write the next chapter tomorrow. See ya!