Me:Hey guys! Again it's me, trying to write another fanfic. :)

Ikuto: Hey kid. *ruffles my hear and I growl at him*

Amu: That's what you get for mocking her. Hey Meg-chan. *hugs me and I hug her back with a smile on my face*

Me: Hi Amu! So how've you been doin?

Amu: I'm fine. How are you?

Ikuto: Don't ignore me!

Me: Shut up pervert! You're mean so we'll ignore you. *me and Amu turn away from him and hmp*

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

"And in the black and red Porsche is the living legend: The Underground Devil! " The crowd went wild and loud cheers and whistles were heard for the girl that was walking confidently to her convertable car, her heels clicking with every step she took on the cold and ruff concrete. The night wass chilly but the girl didn't seem to worry about that, wearing black and red tight leather clothes that hugged her body and showed her perfect curves. Her whole helmet was in names; the names of the people that she outraced. Her long silky pink hair was showing from under the helmet and was flowing gently behind her. No one could see the smirk under the glossy helmet on her head because she knew one thing and she was sure of it. The pinkette was sure that she would win. Again. The boys all around her checked her out as she walked slowly without a care in the world, as if a race in the middle of the night with a lot of people around and music blasting around was a normal thing.

"The Underground Devil is a living legend people! Treat her with some respect or you'll have to deal with me!" The said girl chuckled at her friend's attempt to scare the others off. The blond pig tailed girl grinned from her spot in the middle of the track, her long black lashes covering her sparkling purple eyes. Beauty was the only word that could describe her but that temper was the thing that scared people shitless. The speaker was always trying to protect her from everyone and everything, the Devil thought with a small chuckle but straighten up a moment afterwards. Not that those perverts over there were something to be scared of but they were a waste of time and time was something the female group cherished.

"She comes from a long line of racing family so the racing is in her veins! Her Black and blood red Porsche is a model LMP1. Parts are hard to find in this country and this little baby's parts come from America! The Porsche car history is long starting from the Porsche 64 coming down to the Porsche Le Mans 2014 Project. I can't wait to see what this baby can do!" The girl dressed in short shorts in American print and a black and white tank top was talking again about the pinkette's car and that topic would bore anyone to death. But the mike was not in their hands so they were left in the mercy of the blonde who didn't give fuck about what they wanted or didn't want to hear.

The girl that was in the white Lamborghini pouted. Her Gallardo LP 560-4 Super Trofeo had its engine started and she didn't want to waste any time. nor gas for that matter.

Emine was sure that she would never be able to beat The Underground Devil. The girl was upgrading her car no matter the limits. Her cars were the best there was. Every driver's dream was to meet her and if they die and go to Heaven maybe even drive on of her cars! That's why she took every chance she got. And just that one chance was something no one would take but she did. How stupid of her, she later thought but it was too late to back down now.

In a moment of arrogance Emine challenged the legend and was now regretting it deeply. The helmet didn't help either. Her blue eyes scanned the black helmet and she gulped nervously. There was almost no room left.

It was just a matter of time before she signed her name along with the others.

"Utau, I know the history of my car. Maybe because I'm the one who drives it! Count already!" The pinkette yelled to one of her best friends. She waved her hand while ramming the keys in the lock on the driver's side and threw the door open, placing her leg in. The challanged girl was feeling extremely well tonight. Utau pouted but did as she was told and the crowd laughed. They knew that the blond was friends with The Underground Devil but didn't say anything about her identity. Her best friend always wore her helmet when out in front of people and showed her face only to her closest people.

No one knew who she really was. All they knew was that she came from a race family. Honestly, they didn't need anything more because she was providing them a good show and some hot chick to go along with it.

"On your tracks…" Utau started counting and The Underground Devil and Emine sat in their cars, their legs just slightly over the gas pedal.

"Get set…" Only one thing left. The Legend smirked while Emine was sweating worried about what to do now because it was too late.

"GO!" There was a horn and the tires on both cars rubbed against the cold cemented road before they dashed towards the turn. They would turn around after driving for about a kilometer and whoever arrives first, wins the loser's car. Those were the rules that every racer followed.

The pinkette was already out speeding Emine's Lamborghini and easily doing the sudden turns and bumpy parts of the road. It was during the night that she felt the freedom to do anything she pleased sp why not turn the radio on and listen to some music? The turn was a stop sign and when turning the wheel, the black and red Porsche was already on her way back while Emine was still trying to get through the turns and bumps. The pinkette bobbed her head up and down while her hand shifted the gears on her car, singing along to Old School Hollywood.

Emine however wasn't so relaxed as she saw that the Devil was now clearly going to win her car from under her nose and while thinking that, she almost rammed over the stop sign that indicated the time to turn around. The black haired girl cursed. Of course. Why did she even think that she could beat The Underground Devil? Did she believe in a miracle that would help her?

Emine sighed and slowed down because there was no use for speed now. The track was at its end. The pinkette smirked again under her helmet when she passed the black and white finish line and Utau raised a Black and red flag while she ignored the wind that blew right at her when the car went just a few inches next to her. Utau smiled brightly when the other racer crossed the line and skipped towards her friend to congratulate her what seemed the hundreth time in a row, the device still in her left hand.

"The winner is… The UNDERGROUND DEVIIIL!" She screamed through the speaker and the crowd errupted in screams and congrats to the Porsche, which stopped for just enough room for the coming Lamborghini to stop.

The drivers got out of the car and Emine went to the winner, head hung down in shame. The pinkette felt a pang of sympathy but rules were rules. If she wanted it she had to race again and the girl in front of her didn't have a car anymore.

"Congratulations. You won my baby. Here are the keys." She mumbled and got her car keys from her pocket. Her hand was shaking but she gave them becauseHer pride wouldn't allow her to cry in front of anybody. She lost fair and square. A small hand lifted her head by her chin and for a moment she thought she saw a flash of golden behind the pastic part of the helmet.

"Better luck next time Emine. Now head's up, you will get there some day." Blue eyes widened. The Underground Devil had bothered to remember her name?

Before having the time to thank her tho, the black haired girl was handed a white marker to write her name and she waited but when nothing happened she dared to look at the winner again.

"Aren't you gonna take it off?" She asked surprised that the pinkette was still wearing it. The girl just shook her head and Emine raised her shoulders. Doesn't matter anyway. She still lost. Signing her name she gave one last smile to the winner. Thanking her quietly for her encouraging words she raised her voice again:

"You better treat my baby well." She joked and went to her friends, who were cheering for her. Two girls hugged her, comforting her because of the loss and the other two watching the Legend from the corner of their eyes.

Meanwhile Utau didn't miss the chance to grab her friend's hand and dragged her in the car that had just won and both took off,not even looking back at the stunned and still cheering crowd that soon forgot about the event and continued to gossip about the pinkette and blonde.

Said blonde rode her own car while he best friend drove her black and red Porsche. Before leaving they called someone to take care of the car they won, yeah sure, the reciever was a little pissed off at them but they were too happy to deal with that at that exact moment and hurried back to their home, soon pulling down the driveway. When they got to their base, Utau parked quickly somewhere and jumped out of the car to give the other driver a big bear hug. Her companion barely had time to get out and she was snuggled into her friend's arms, swirming her way out for some air. Both laughed a bit at that but that didn't mean that Utau was going to let her breathe.

"Utau… can't … breat…" Was herd and Utau released her, brushing the invisible dust from her leather clothes and rolling her eyes at her. The lights from the entrance of their home shined down on them and goledn eyes met purple.

"Amu, you know how much I love you…" She trailed off and stuck her tongue to Amu. The pinkette smirked while taking off her helmet, breathing in the much needed air, her lungs filled with oxygen and she sighed content how the spent their Friday night, now Saturday morning.

"Yeah I know, but that doesn't mean that you can park wherever you want. Find a decent spot please." She reminded Utau, who in return pouted and they both looked over at the little bush that was the victim of Utau's parking this time. Her car literally ripped it from it's roots and it was now under the tires of the car. Her nose wrinkled and the blonde frowned slightly as she looked again at Amu.

"What's the use of having a whole building and a whole freaking parking lot, when you can't park wherever you want?" She raised her brow in hopes of convincing her best bud to budge and let her do her thing.

"At least park it in the garage…" Amu trailed off and was about to say something else when the white Lamborghini she won parked in front of them and only a few feet away from where Utau was standing. A small girl with long honey brown hair and eyes the same color hopped out as soon as the car door opened and tapped her foot against the two other girls. Amu looked amuse while Utau was trying to avoid the little brunette's half glare half stare. She was the one who called Rima in such a short notice but of course blamed Amu on not telling her to phone sooner. That girl was just too lazy sometimes for her own good.

"At least call me sooner." She scolded Amu and the Underground Devil sweat dropped because the blame was on her again. Rime walked up to her and raised her head to look her in the eyes so they could chat more easily, her small hands behind her back.

"Sorry Rima." Was all she said before Rima flung her hands towards said girl and hugged her tightly, giggling a bit. She sqeezed her frame slightly and Amu smiled softly as she looked down at the girl in front of her.

"I'm so proud of you." The huge mass of brown curly hair said again or more like mumbled against her leather jacket.

"Thank you Rima." Amu patted the small girl's head and out of the blue jumped another brown haired girl with small pig tails and a lollipop in her mouth with a computer in her hand and holding the stick from the lollipop in the other. She grinned, showing her pearly whites at the group who laughed at the sight.

"Amu-hii, hath was shoo gweat!" She complimented Amu and raised the computer to say that she watched the race from her computer. One of Emine's friends had recorded the "battle" and if you log in onto a certain adress you can watch live. Rime stopped hugging Amu and regained her composure with that bored expression.

"Yaya at least put down the candy to talk okay?" Asked Utau in a quiet voice, trying to calm down the energetic girl who was bouncing and jumping while running around them. She took the advice with an eager nod and another girl walked out of the tall building. She ran and hugged Amu, her purple hair swaying behind her and her eyes glistering with joy for her comrade.

"Congats." She said with a smile and Amu returned the gesture with an eager nod of her head, her pink locks following the movement.

"Thanks Nadeshiko." They all laughed and Nadeshiko informed Amu that Yukari-san wanted to see her. They parked the cars in the huge garage underneath the five stories high building much to Utau'ss dismay. The purpose of having all that space and not using it was now lost and they all had to hear her coomplain about it while reverse parking in their respective places.

"Amu, one day you aren't going to have a place for them all." Joked Nadeshiko and the group laughed while Rima smiled at the sight that was before them. Nade wasn't far from the truth.

"Now come on and let's see what Yukari wants." Offered Amu and they nodded. Walking along with her girls down to a small wooden door in the back she placed her finger on the light switch, turned off the lights but not before taking a look at the car parked away from the rest trophies, staring at it calmly for some time before being called by a little adgitated Rima who was waiting for her on the stairs.

She turned her back on the garage thinking about that car.

Her dear father's car.

Me: Okay, so what do you think? :)

Ikuto: I think it sucks. There's no me in it. *gets whacked behind the head by Amu* Amu-koi why did you do that. *stares with puppy dog eyes*

Amu: First off I'm not your Amu-koi and second: This is her second story give her a break besides school's starting.

Ikuto: Fine, fine but next time I'll be in right?

Me: *mumbles* why didn't I write a Tadamu?

Ikuto: Because you hate tadagay!

Me: Oh yeah right! I forgot it while you were blabbering…

Ikuto: Why you little… *starts to chase me around while I laugh and he gets more irritated*

Amu: *sweat drop* R&R please and tell A little present from hell what you think.

Me: Yeah, By the way I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING only the plot. I'm saying it now and only now cuz there's no point in writing it every chapter ."