Hi all. I'm hear to tell you some very sad news. If you haven't figured it out by now, I have discontinued The Real Story of Ninjago: Year of the Snakes. I am very disappoint those who have been looking forward to me possibly continuing the story. With that said, allow me to clarify something:

I am not giving up on this story!

Yes, you heard me right. I did say that I'm not giving up on the story. Recently, I was rereading The Real Story of Ninjago thinking of possibility continuing it. But as I read it over, I realized that there was no way I could do that because I no longer write in that format. So I made the decision to rewrite the story.

Currenly I have only rewritten the first three chapters of the original. It's a tedious job but I really want to see the girls adventures continue. And there is no way I can do that by attempting to write in my old style.

So if you are interested, check it out!

Now here is the very last of my writing in my old style. Enjoy.

(Zora's POV)

On our vehicles, Cathleen, Cole, Zane, and I rode towards the Constrictai tomb. As we stopped, we turned them back into the weapons they were. I glanced down at my suit and groaned. I hated purple.

"Well," Cole said. "Our vehicles won't traverse the steps. We'll go the rest of the way on foot."

A glint of excitement appeared in Cathleen's eyes.

"But, this is the Mountain of a Million Steps," Zane pointed out. "Aren't we pressed for time?"

"Then we'll have to take a shortcut," Cathleen smirked, stepping forward.

I have a feeling I'm not going to like this idea very much.

Seconds later I was clinging to Cathleen's back, hanging on for dear life.

"Am I holding on too tight?" I asked in slight fear of falling off.

"Light as a feather, purple girl," Cathleen grinned, continuing our assent up the mountain. Suddenly rocks began rolling down the mountain side toward us.

"Hold on!" Cathleen yelled back to me.

What does she think I'm doing?!

Finally, to my relief, we reached the top of the mountain. I got off Cathleen's back and sighed in relief as Cathleen fell to her knees, breathing heavily.

"Jeaz Cathy. It wasn't that hard," Cole told her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Cathleen glared at him.

"Well you didn't have rocks falling on your head."

"True enough," Cole turned to me and Zane, "Why don't you two go ahead? We'll catch up in a moment."

The two of us nodded and climbed over a few rocks which were blocking the way. Then we peered into the cavern at the middle of the ground.

"Looks like Pythor was already here," Zane said as he pointed to the rope tied to a rock near the hole, "Perhaps we should investigate."

I nodded in agreement grabbed hold of the rope. After sliding to the bottom, Zane followed me and lit a torch so we could see. I walked towards the wall and noticed a form of picture writing. I quickly skimmed it.

"Huh." Cole hopped down from the rope followed by Cathleen, "Didn't Mama Snake ever tell him not to draw on the wall?"