SO sorry for the wait, guys! And, just as I suspected, this is going to be longer than I anticipated *le sigh*. Possibly another two chapters, maybe. Goodness, I'm hopeless at planning storylines…This one has completely ran away with me… xD Still, I hope you enjoy and PLEASE leave a review! They really help me!

~Shego~ xx


"Sorry!" Kate Monster winced as she dabbed at Rod's bleeding forehead, her eyes slowly filling with tears.

"Don't cry!" Rod said hurriedly, grabbing onto her hand. "Kate, please, don't. I'm gonna be fine."

"But look at you! Your poor face…" She sniffed, clearing her throat as she handed him an icepack for his bruised cheekbones. "Why the fuck would anyone do this? Who did do it? Nicky won't say anything either."

Rod shrugged weakly, his eyes so dim and distant as he soundlessly fixed them on the carpet, the tremor in his hands not going unnoticed.

"Do you wanna see Nicky, Rod?" Kate asked gently, after a small hesitation, "He's really worried about you."

"I - I can't." Rod muttered. "Not…Not right now. I can't have him holding me or trying to comfort me, or…or I think I'll have some sort of panic attack. Oh God…" He hadn't even told Nicky the full story - about how Ricky had tried to…tried to…

He couldn't even process it. Ricky, his ex boyfriend, attempting to rape him? It was ridiculous. Crazy. It couldn't be right. He'd known Ricky for months and the man had showered him in so much kindness and love. He couldn't have just done what he had. Yet the bruises on his face and the raw, undiluted fear when he revisited the past hour told him otherwise. What could he do? What could he say? No one would exactly believe him - he hardly believed it himself.

"…Rod?" Kate asked hesitantly, snapping the young man out of his thoughts.


"I said, do you wanna maybe get Christmas Eve? I mean, she is your therapist…"

Although Rod rarely needed therapy any more, he did occasionally consult with the Japanese woman when he was overly stressed from work or upset about something. Still, the idea of discussing what Ricky had almost done made him feel physically sick, not to mention his threat: "Don't breathe a word to anyone, or I'll hurt you and Nicky"…

"No." He said after a short pause, slowly shaking his head. "No, thank you, Kate. I'll be ok."

Kate sighed, not overly convinced as she stood back to inspect her work. "Well, you look a little better, I have to say."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Thanks, I think."

She giggled, obviously pleased that he seemed to be coping well with the whole ordeal, when inside all he wanted to do was curl up and cry. Just the mere fact that Ricky resembled his best friend and love of his life was almost too much for him. He needed Nicky now more than ever, but the idea of seeing him right now caused him to tremble uncontrollably.

"I guess I'll have to phone work and tell them I can't go to that business trip in London tomorrow." He voiced aloud with a sigh, trying to keep himself focused. Truth be told, he was pretty relieved about not going on that trip - he'd been dreading leaving Nicky alone for weeks. Perhaps this was some sort of twisted blessing in disguise.

"Oh, God, yeah." Kate whistled softly. "Absolutely. There's no way you're working for a long time, Rod."

"But - but how am I gonna pay the rent?" He ran his hands through his hair worriedly. "I mean, I have a bit saved up, but I don't know how long they'll let me stay off for -"

"Look, it'll be ok." She soothed. "Once you explain it all to them, they'll let you know when they expect you back. And…well, if things get bad, you know that Princeton and I can always help out."

"No, no!" He said hurriedly, feeling awful. he knew how much Kate was struggling as it was sorting out the new school and Princeton still hadn't decided on a purpose yet, and consequently the two weren't exactly rolling in it. "No, sweetie, I'm not taking your money. I'm just saying what my panicking brain is thinking. We'll be fine. But…but thanks."

"You're welcome, Rod. Remember that we're only next door if you do start falling behind a little. We really don't mind. I'll make you some cocoa." Kate folded up the damp cloth and headed to the kitchen as he leant back into the cushions with a tired sigh.

The door opened and Nicky hesitantly peeked around it. "Uh, hey, Rod? You ok?"

Rod jumped, before taking a deep breath and slowly turning to face him with a small smile. "Hi, N…Nicky."

Nicky grinned in relief, gently closing the door shut behind him. "You look a lot better."

"Thank you. I…feel a little better. I guess."

Nicky paused, hovering uncertainly by the couch, tapping his fist against his leg. "Um…Can I get you anything?"

Rod had returned to staring distantly at the carpet and it took several moments before he got an answer. "No. No, thanks, I'm fine. Kate's in the kitchen. I think she's getting me a drink. I don't really know."

"Aw, Rod." Nicky groaned, carefully sitting down next to him, causing him to flinch a little. "Look, we'll get through this. I'm gonna track that asshole down as soon as you're better. And I'm here; I know you're scared right now, and I am too, but I'm here for you and always will be. Ok?"

Rod finally lifted his head to look at him and offered him a weak, genuine smile. "Thank you, Nicky."

"Well, that's ok, Rod." Nicky said happily, pushing himself up from the couch. "Look, I'm just gonna talk to Kate for a second. I'll be back in a bit."

Rod gave a silent nod and watched as he entered the kitchen, leaving him alone with his pessimistic thoughts.


"You went to the police?" Kate hissed, stirring sugar into a mug of hot chocolate. "Nicky! Rod told you not to!"

"Ssh, ssh, I know." The green-complexioned puppet ran a hand through his messy hair with a sigh.

"What did you say to them?"

"I just told 'em what I saw - Ricky pinning Rod up against a wall, then running away. I also showed 'em a picture of how badly beaten Rod was so they knew I wasn't lying. I think they went round to Ricky's apartment to question him. They'll be wanting to talk to Rod soon, I guess, but I told 'em to wait till tomorrow."

Kate had inhaled sharply. "Ricky did that? No way in hell. He was so sweet!"

"Yeah… well." Nicky said darkly.

"That explains why Rod didn't wanna see you right away, then. I mean…Ricky does look just like you, huh?"

"Bad luck indeed." He smiled grimly, leaning against the kitchen counter, then quickly added: "Kate, you don't tell anyone what I just told you. Not even Princeton. That was fucked up of me, but I just wanted someone to talk to -"

"Nicky, relax. I totally get it." She assured, handing him the mug with a gentle smile. "Here, give this to him. Perhaps it's best if you kinda stay out of his way for a bit, he's still a little freaked out."

"Sure." Nicky hesitated and decided to tell Kate what had been running through his mind all night. "Hey…can I ask ya something?"

"Of course!" She replied eagerly, looking at him with big eyes. "What is it?"

"Uh…Well…" He cleared his throat awkwardly, lowering his voice even more. "I know this sounds a little crazy, but… I was actually gonna… propose tonight -"

"WHAT?" She yelped excitedly, then clapped a hand over her mouth, mouthing, "Sorry."

"Yeah, but now everything's a little screwed. Y'know, I'd planned on a proposal, him saying yes, and then having some fucking hot sex."

"Uh-huh." She bit her lip, nodding thoughtfully. "Well…maybe you can do it in reverse order."

He frowned. "You reckon he'd be up to that?"

Kate shrugged mischievously. "One way to find out, huh?"

Nicky chuckled nervously, cradling the mug of warm liquid. "I guess so."

"Good luck, Nicky. You two are perfect for each other. You look after him."

He saluted with his free hand. "Promise."

She giggled as she pecked him on the cheek and bustled out of the kitchen. "Rod, I'm gonna head off now. You sure you're ok?"

Rod glanced up at her with a smile. "Sure. Thanks a lot, Kate - you were brilliant. First Aid training obviously paid off."

"Ah, it's the least I can do." She smiled as she walked towards the apartment door. "Just call round if ya need anything!" She waved before ducking out of the door, which gave a soft click as it closed.

Nicky carefully sat next to Rod again and passed him the mug. "Here. Look, I get that you might wanna be alone, so I'll just go and watch TV in the bedroom or something, if you want."

"Oh…" Rod took the mug from his outstretched hand, still not quite looking his boyfriend in the eye. "Thanks, Nicky. I might just sit here and read for a bit before coming to bed."

"Sure. Sounds good." Nicky hesitated before leaning in to kiss Rod's cheek, which in turn made the investment banker blush slightly and nervously smile. "Are you tired?"

Rod chuckled and gave him a half-amused, half exasperated look. "You want sex, don't you?"

Nicky blushed crimson. How did he do that? "N-No! I…I mean…No, obviously it's not fair on you at all. Shit, I'm sorry…"

Rod gently took his hand and kissed the tips of his fingers. "Nicky, it's ok. I think…I think I kinda need you tonight."

Rod couldn't help but say the words. He needed to feel safe, he needed to feel loved. He needed to stop thinking of Ricky every time Nicky looked at him. Maybe it would be fine. Maybe making love to Nicky would push his fears of the night away.

Nicky smiled softly and tenderly kissed him on the lips. Rod's pulse increased in nerves and pleasure, only for Nicky to pull away with another smile. "I'll see ya in there in a bit, if you want. Just relax, read, whatever."

"Mm." Rod responded, bringing up his hands to cup his boyfriend's warm face. Nicky. Nicholas. Not Ricky. "O-Ok. Sure." He stuttered, nervously pressing his own lips against Nicky's for a few seconds and breaking away with a blush and a hammering heart.

Nicky smiled encouragingly at him and smoothed his hand through the redhead's hair. "Feelin' a bit better, then?"

"I…I guess." Rod whispered, staring into Nicky's warm eyes. "You might have to bear with me."

"Honestly, Rod, don't worry. Whatever you want, I'll make it happen for ya."

He tried to smile, though he wasn't really sure if that's how it came across. Nicky had stood from the couch and was heading towards the bedroom, leaving Rod alone as he picked up one of his books and tried to focus on the words. However, nothing was sinking in - every time he tried to concentrate, Ricky kept popping back into his head. Where was he now? Was he simply waiting? Was he -

Rod snapped the book shut forcefully and immediately hurried to the bedroom, shoving open the door. Nicky was reclining on the bed, listening to his iPod, though he quickly pulled the earphones out at Rod's expression.

"Rod? What is it? Come here." Nicky softly patted the spot next to him and Rod obeyed, grabbing onto his hand and staring into his eyes.

"Nicky." He whispered.


"Is the door locked?"

Nicky understood in an instant and gently pulled his boyfriend closer. "Listen. The whole block of apartments has a key-code to even get into the main building, remember?"

"Yes, I know, but he has lived here before -"

"The code changes every two months." Nicky reminded him softly. "And our apartment door is locked and bolted so if for some reason the bastard buries his way in, he'll have that and me to deal with."

Rod buried his head against Nicky's chest, breathing him in, still not totally reassured but slightly more relaxed even so. "Yeah. I suppose…Thank you…" He hesitantly raised his head and pecked him on the lips.

Nicky responded sweetly, gently raking his hands through Rod's styled red hair. "You sure, Rod?"

Rod nodded firmly. "Yes. Yes, I'm sure. Kiss me, Nicky."

Nicky smirked good-naturedly. "If ya put it like that…"

Five minutes later Rod was laid down on the bed and Nicky was carefully, gently, pressing his hips against Rod's as he supported himself with his hands. Rod's eyes were screwed shut as Nicky trailed kisses down his neck and he was breathing heavily, his heart pounding. He couldn't do this. Why the hell had he agreed to this? Oh, how stupid and pathetic and -

Nicky obviously knew Rod's inner turmoil and felt his heart hurt at the sight of him with his eyes closed and his laboured breathing, his whole body tense and on edge. Nicky carefully removed himself from where he'd been on top of his boyfriend and lightly lifted his chin, kissing him softly on the lips.

Rod's eyes fluttered open in surprise and he stammered a little as Nicky reached to pull his pajama t-shirt back on. "N-Nicky? Wh…I'm - I'm sorry I'm doing it wrong…"

"Hey, hey," Nicky soothed, placing his finger over Rod's lips, effectively silencing the smaller man. "Relax, Rod. I can't do this to ya. It's not your fault at all, understand? I was an idiot for suggesting it."

"But…I'm sorry…" Rod mumbled, staring at his knees.

Nicky gathered him up into a hug, clicking off the bedside lamp. "C'mon. You'll feel better after some sleep."


It was a pretty rough night for the both of them. Rod woke up at least three times after some sort of nightmare and it would always take a while for Nicky to calm him down and assure him that he was safe. Suffice to say, when morning came, they were both a little worse for wear.

"Nnnuuugh." Nicky moaned as the phone rang at about eight am, shattering the peaceful silence. He only decided to clamber up and answer it when he realised that it might wake Rod. His best friend and boyfriend looked as if he was finally at ease, his features relaxed as he slept soundly, his bruises looking even worse in the faint daylight cascading through the slightly parted curtains.

Nicky staggered into the living room and snatched up the phone blearily. "Hello?"

"Rodney Robyns?" An official sounding voice answered and Nicky immediately knew it was the police.

"No, this is Nicky." He said lowly, keeping his voice down as he sat down on the couch. "Nicholas Lyon. I'm the one who came to the station last night to report the assault."

"Well, Mr. Lyon, you might be pleased to hear that Ricky Greenwood turned himself in this morning and is currently in custody, though we still want to have a little chat with Rod, if that's alright -"

"He what? He turned himself in?" Nicky said excitedly, abruptly leaping back onto his feet. "So, what, he's gonna go to jail?"

"We still need to hear Rod's side of the story."

"Why? The guy confessed, didn't he?"

"Yes, but it's more complex than that. Admitting to attempted rape is a very serious issue and we need to listen to what Rod -"

Nicky froze, his fingers tightening around the phone. "Attempted…what?"

"Yes. Ricky was practically inconsolable when he came here this morning, blaming the amount of alcohol he'd consumed and stating how angry he was when he saw Rod with you, I believe. He confessed that he remembered attacking Rod and then tried to…engage in unwanted intercourse, shall we say…before you found him."

Nicky's heart was beating furiously and he felt sick. "But…but…Rod never said anything like that…"

"Which is why we need to talk to you both. Perhaps the feeling was mutual between Rod and Ricky, only he was too ashamed to tell you?"

"That's BULLSHIT!" Nicky abruptly yelled down the phone, the fury washing over him momentarily making him forget who he was talking to. "Explain the bruises then, huh? Ricky confessed to it and he better be going down for it!"

"I expect to see you down at the station then, Mr. Lyon, in less than an hour."

"We'll both be there." Nicky growled before slamming the phone down angrily. He raked his shaking hands through his hair, feeling sick, upset and mad all at once.

The bedroom door opened and Rod hesitantly stepped out. "Nicky?" He asked softly, "What were you yelling about?"

Nicky took in a ragged breath and lifted his head to look at him, his jaw clenched. "Somethin' you want to tell me, Rod?"

"What?" Rod looked worried at his expression but folded his arms defensively. "What is it, Nicky?"

"The police were just on the phone."

Rod's jaw dropped and his arms fell limply at his sides. "You…you went to the police? Fuck, Nicky, did you not listen to me? I said I didn't want you to go there! You promised me!"

Nicky stood his ground. "Never mind what I did. Ricky just turned himself in."

Rod paused, a mixture of astonishment and fear on his face. "He…He did?"

"Yep. And guess what, Rod? He just said he tried to rape you to the cops." Nicky stormed over to him, prodding him forcefully in the chest. "Well? Failed to mention that one to me, huh?"

Rod looked terrified. "Oh…Oh my God…"

Nicky stared at him almost pleadingly. "Tell me he's lying. Please tell me he's lying."

When Rod did nothing other than drop his head in defeat, Nicky swore viciously, turning away from him.

"Jesus Christ, Rod! How could you not have told me? That son of a bitch!" Nicky thumped the wall in a display of sheer frustration. "Why the fuck did you keep that to yourself?"

"Stop yelling." Rod whispered, running his hands through his red hair.

"I will NOT stop yelling until you tell me exactly what happened!" Nicky turned around furiously, his voice rising, "No one gets to hurt you like that, Rod! As if the fuckin' bruises weren't enough! But…but this is just…"

"I'm sorry, Nicky! I'm sorry!" Rod shouted, his fists now clenched. "I'm sorry that I didn't consider your precious feelings in all this! How do you think I felt? How would you have expected me to have brought that up in a conversation?"

Nicky shook his head speechlessly as Rod continued, "He told me I deserved it. Maybe I did, I don't know. Yeah, maybe I did for being so fucking clueless and not telling you anything, right?" Tears spilled from his eyes now as he hissed, "I was scared, Nicky. He said he'd find me and h-hurt me if I told anyone…He said he'd hurt y-y-you -"

Nicky instantly stepped closer and wrapped the fragile man up in his arms, kissing his head. "Rod…I…Never let me hear you say you deserved that again, do you hear me? Never."

"I was scared, Nicholas…"

"I know. I'm sorry. I…didn't mean to yell at you like that. I just feel so fuckin' stupid! I mean, I asked you for sex, after that! Jesus -"

"I wanted it. I thought it would make me feel better. I was stupid." Rod managed to say through shaky gasps. "He said he'd hurt you if I told anyone…How could I?"

Nicky simply held him tighter, his heart thumping painfully. "Never mind me. I'm not scared of that jackass. You should've said…but I get it. And now I've just upset ya even more. I'm doin' well today, huh?"

Rod managed a small laugh, pushing his head further into Nicky's chest. "So what happens now?" He whispered after a short moment. "What's gonna happen to Ricky?"

Nicky's grip tightened. "Who cares?"

"Nicholas, please." Rod raised his head, staring straight into his eyes, "What did the police say?"

"We need to go down there." Nicky muttered back, "to tell your story, I guess. He deserves everythin' he gets."

Rod nodded slowly. "I see."

"You don't feel bad for him, do you?" Nicky asked incredulously, gently pulling Rod away from him to look at him better, "I mean, after everythin'?"

"Don't be ridiculous. He's nothing short of a monster. But I still need to see him."

Nicky shook his head bitterly, but Rod's imploring stare made him sigh. "Fine. Whatever. If it'll make you happy - fine."

"Thank you."

"All I need is five minutes alone with him, ya know." Nicky smiled, his eyes darkening, "Just five minutes and his face won't be quite so pretty."


"Yeah, yeah, I know. God, I feel so stupid, letting this happen." A mixture of frustration and despair once again clouded his features, before he looked back at Rod firmly. "But don't'cha worry about a thing, hon. I'll make sure that son of a bitch goes down for this if it's the last thing I do."