Well, this is getting a little ridiculous…ANOTHER Avenue Q story from me? I can't help it. I love it too much. Please review and hopefully enjoy!

This one is rated M for certain themes, such as sexual harassment, sexual themes and language. If you're uncomfortable with those, then please don't read. J

Pairings: Rod/Nicky and Kate/Princeton

Disclaimer: If I owned it, Rod and Nicky would be getting off with each other practically every two minutes.

~Shego~ x

"It's a DOUBLE date, Nicky." Rod whined at his recently - turned -boyfriend, "And trust me, I'm not all too sure about it either, but it'll be so rude if we cancel! I already said yes!"

Nicky rolled his eyes and tugged Rod onto the couch easily, so that the skinnier of the two practically fell on him. "And there are so many things we could be doin' tonight instead." He murmured suggestively, causing Rod to blush. Which, in all things considered, wasn't overly hard.

"Nicholas! No!" Rod stammered, albeit a little half-heartedly as Nicky burrowed his head into his shoulder. "Absolutely not! We're going. Get changed."

Nicky groaned in defeat as Rod stood up and held out his hand. Nicky clasped onto it and was gently hauled up by his boyfriend, who pecked him on the lips. "Wear that new shirt I got you, ok?"

"Sure. Whatever, Rod." He sulked.

Rod cocked an eyebrow and pressed his body closer against Nicky's, "Remember that new move you wanted to try? Maybe when I see how handsome you look tonight I might be willing to give it a go." Alright, so seduction wasn't exactly a practised skill of his, but it seemed to work as this time it was Nicky who flushed red, though his eyes were gleaming mischievously.

He pulled Rod in, giving him a deep kiss on the lips, before breaking away with his sweet grin and hurrying into their bedroom to change. Rod laughed fondly after him - he couldn't help it. He loved him so much, more than anything else in the world. He was so glad he'd finally confessed and Nicky had realised that he too was in love. They'd been together as a couple for nearly ten months now and Rod couldn't remember being happier.

So, naturally, Kate Monster had been badgering him for ages for him and Nicky to go out on a 'double date' with her and Princeton at some expensive restaurant that he, no doubt, would be paying the majority for.

It wasn't that he didn't like her - she was a great friend and they were very close - but to spend a whole evening with her getting mushy with her boyfriend whilst having a large access to alcohol…Rod grimaced at the mere thought.

Nicky emerged moments later in a deep navy shirt and jeans. Even his usually unruly hair looked as if it had been combed. Rod found his heart fluttering just by staring at him.

"See? See how lovely you look?" He grinned as he wrapped his arms around Nicky tightly, "Easily the hottest guy on the whole Avenue."

Nicky laughed and brushed his lips against Rod's forehead, "I wouldn't say that when the only competition is in front of me, Rodney."

"Don't call me that." He found himself grumbling, only to gasp slightly as Nicky gently bit on his ear.

"My bad." He grinned his adorable, innocent grin, breaking away, "Where did I leave my shoes again?"

"They're by the coffee table."

"Oh yeah."

"I said we'd call by their apartment and then we'll all head for the restaurant."

Nicky pulled his shoes on, giving his boyfriend a quick nod of his head.

"Do you really not want to go?"

Nicky laughed as he saw Rod's slightly down expression, "Naw, I'm only messin' with ya, Rod. It'll be fun."

Rod smiled gratefully back at him. "Well, good! Glad you think so. Nicky, couldn't you have put your shoes on by the door? I literally just vacuumed."

Nicky sighed, rolling his eyes as he lightly treaded over the carpet on his tip-toes, reaching the apartment door. "Sorry."

Rod too rolled his eyes, shoving his wallet into his pocket. "Apology accepted."


Five minutes later, they were warmly greeted into Kate and Princeton's apartment. After opening up Kate's School for Monsters, her and Princeton had moved in with each other and Kate took delight in informing everybody about how wonderful it was going at least twice a day.

"Oh, sit down, sit down!" Kate squealed. She was wearing a very nice pink dress - which Rod assumed was Prada by its design - and her hair was pinned up. "Hold on, Princeton was having trouble picking out a tie…"

"Rod could probably help with that." Nicky grinned and Rod hit him on the shoulder in annoyance, blushing slightly.

"There's nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance and wanting to look a little fancy ." He said defensively, pointedly turning to Kate. "Like you, sweetie. You look fabulous."

Kate giggled, pecking him on the cheek. "Aw, Rod, thanks! You're so cute!"

Nicky - almost protectively, it seemed - put his arm around his shoulder and kissed him too. "Sure he is. Go on, Roddy, go and find Princeton his dream tie. Make his night."

Rod pushed him away with a smile, "I trust his taste. He'll be fine."

Princeton appeared from his bedroom looking almost surprisingly stylish, in a very nice suit and light blue tie.

"Hey, guys." He smiled at them, before turning to Kate and gesturing at his outfit, "Well, is this smart enough?"

"You look perfect." She beamed, pulling him in for a kiss which lasted far too long for both Rod and Nicky's liking.

Eventually they pulled away from each other and Princeton began rummaging around for some money. "Where're we going, again?" He asked his girlfriend, shoving some ten dollar bills into his pocket.

Kate rolled her eyes, hands on her hips, "I told you, Princeton! Tony's! Practically the best restaurant in town!"

"When we could've just got take-out…" He muttered and next to Rod, Nicky nodded in agreement.

"But there's no romance in that, Princeton!" Kate huffed.

"Exactly!" Rod backed her up, giving a disapproving glance at his boyfriend, "Trust me, Nicky, this place is nice. So please don't show me up."

Nicky and Princeton both laughed and Nicky ruffled Rod's perfectly styled hair. "I'll be on my best behaviour. Scout's Honour."

"You've never been a Scout in your life." Rod rolled his eyes, but kissed him lightly as they stood up from the couch. Nicky gently clasped onto his hand and Rod felt his face grow hot at the light touch. Even after all this time, Nicky still made him blush uncontrollably.

"I'm just countin' on that new move tonight." He murmured into Rod's ear, who found himself nervously laughing in response. Damn, Nicky was cute…

"Ok!" Kate clapped her furry hands together happily, ushering them all outside, "Let's go, go, go!"


Nicky was impressed at how well Rod knew him. He'd pretty much been expecting a boring, expensive and up-tight restaurant, but was pleased to find that it was much more like a relaxed bar. There was even space for people to dance to live music, not that Rod would be willing to do that in front of people he knew.

"See?" Kate beamed, her arm linked through Princeton's as they sat down at their table. "Nice, huh?"

Princeton grinned at her. "We could be eating outside from a garbage bin and I wouldn't care, as long as I had you."

"Oh, Princeton!" Kate squealed, kissing him so passionately that the waiter ordering their drinks had to clear his throat several times before they even noticed him standing there.

"It's a little loud in here…" Rod sighed, rubbing his forehead whilst glancing at the menu.

"You wanna move seats?" Nicky asked his boyfriend, before ordering himself a beer and Rod a martini.

"Huh? Oh, no, Nicky." Rod smiled, lifting his head to look at him, "I guess I just enjoy complaining. So, what do you think?"

"I like it. Not what I was expecting." Nicky admitted, casually draping his arm across the back of Rod's chair and glancing back at the dance floor. "Didn't think it was your type of place, though."

Rod shrugged. "I felt like being spontaneous."

"Spontaneous enough to dance later?" Nicky asked with a well-known grin.

"Ah…" He hesitated, clearing his throat. "Maybe?"

Nicky kissed him lightly, still grinning. "I'll get some drinks in you, then we'll see."

"Oh, dance, Rod!" Kate giggled. "Princeton and I are going to, right?"

Princeton looked slightly startled and nervously looked at the dancers. "We are?"

Kate turned round to glare at him, "Yeah, Princeton, we are!"

Rod smiled at the arguing couple, knowing full well about the wars of romance. He and Nicky could barely go a day without bickering, after all - not that he'd change him for the world.

A few drinks and a meal later, they were all exchanging stories and continuously knocking back alcohol, though Rod was trying his best to take it easy - he could hardly turn up to work with a massive hangover, though on the few occasions where he had got drunk on a Sunday, he'd always managed. Still, it wasn't necessarily something he enjoyed.

"Ok, ok, how 'bout this." Princeton managed through his laughter. "What's the worse sex you've ever had?"

"Princeton!" Kate scolded as Nicky doubled over laughing, tears in his eyes, "We can't say stuff like that here!"

"Ah, sure we can!" He waved his hand dismissively. "Come on, Rod, you first!"

Rod blushed furiously, pretending to find his drink fascinating as he stared into it. "Oh - oh, no, really, I -"

"There's something I've always wondered…" Princeton interrupted, quite clearly drunk as he leant forward, "I mean…how do you guys, you know…do it?"

Oh, holy mother of God! Rod choked on his drink, gagging and wheezing as Nicky thumped him on the back in what he obviously assumed was a helpful manner.

Kate Monster had closed her eyes in embarrassment and muttered. "Shit, I am so sorry, you two."

Nicky grinned, still laughing as Rod continued to blush. "Hey, no, it's totally fine. It's a fair enough question."

Rod glared at his boyfriend, so mortified he thought he'd collapse there and then. "Nicky!"

"Aw, c'mon, Rod. I'm only playin'." Nicky took a swig of his beer and dropped his voice to a whisper as he looked at Princeton. "But to be honest, it's pretty much the same as with a woman, only hotter. And you can do more, y'know?"

Princeton nodded, also taking a gulp of his drink, ignoring the way Rod and Kate were trying to pretend that they weren't there, both their faces crimson. "Uh-huh. So, what, are you on top all of the time?"

Nicky chuckled, far too intoxicated to care at the state his boyfriend was in. "Usually always, right, Roddy?"

"Nicholas." Rod responded through gritted teeth, suddenly remembering his first night with Nicky - he hadn't been able to walk properly for days it had been so good - and desperately tried to purge his brain in case he did something stupid. "Stop. Talking. Right. Now."

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about!" Nicky beamed, wrapping his arms around Rod's neck, "Aw, you know I'm only messin'. You looooove me!"

"Right now I do not at all!" Rod growled, trying to prise Nicky's strong grip away from him. "Honestly, Nicholas, what are you playing at?"

"Dance with me." Was Nicky's reply, his brown eyes suddenly wide and pleading. Rod found himself drawn into them as he hesitated. "Please, Rod. Dance?"

"I will if you get some coffee in you to try and sober you up." Rod grumbled, grudgingly standing up and gently pulling Nicky to his feet. "This better be worth it."

Nicky grinned excitedly, pulling the smaller man into a hug. "Aw, yay!"

"Coffee. Now." Rod lightly shoved him in the direction of the bar area and Nicky obligingly walked over, Rod close behind him.

Soon Nicky had slugged back a couple of cups of the scalding black liquid and seemed a little better as he grinned at Rod. "Hey, hon, sorry if I embarrassed you back there."

"That's ok." Rod replied, a bit stiffly as he avoided the other man's gaze. Kate and Princeton were up dancing now, though technically it could be called grinding, as they couldn't keep their hands off each other, Kate's previous embarrassment clearly forgotten.

"I love ya, you know." Nicky said seriously, taking another gulp of the coffee. Rod's heart always fluttered whenever he heard him say that.

"I…I love you too, Nicky." He murmured, feeling his cheeks heat up again.

"So - will ya dance?" Nicky said hopefully, extending his hand. He was still a little drunk, but not worryingly so. Rod sighed with a small smile as he clasped onto it. They were childish-looking hands, yet surprisingly strong and Nicky wasted no time in dragging Rod onto the dance floor with him.

"Nicky, you keep standing on my toes." Rod scolded after a couple of songs had played. He was enjoying himself more than he cared to admit, as he pulled Nicky closer to him, his hands on his boyfriend's hips. "Just follow my lead, ok?"

Nicky nodded, an intense look of concentration on his face as he tried to mirror what Rod was doing, then looked up and grinned at him. "Told ya you'd have fun."

Rod smiled back. "Yeah. When are you ever wrong?"

He laughed and glanced to his left, suddenly stiffening as his eyes hardened.

"Nicky?" Rod frowned, trying to find the source of Nicky's discomfort through the packed crowd. "Hon, what's wrong?"

"Nothin'." He replied a little too quickly, trying to give him a reassuring smile as he squeezed his shoulders. "It's ok."

Rod shook his head, bemused, and scoured through the many people until he realised and immediately froze, gripping tightly onto Nicky. "Oh my God."

"Ignore him, Rod. Whatever he does, ignore him." Nicky urged, tugging onto his hand. "Let's get a drink or something. He hasn't seen us yet."

Rod couldn't take his eyes off his ex-boyfriend, Ricky, practically Nicky's mirror image, standing by the side of the dance floor, his dark eyes looking ever so forbidding in the soft yellow lights.

He allowed Nicky to gently steer him away out of Ricky's sight, quite rightfully so - Rod thought he was going to start hyperventilating. He hadn't seen him for months; not since Ricky'd accused Nicky of trying to 'steal his boyfriend', then punched him in the mouth. Rod had ordered him out on the spot, trying to stay calm as he helped clean Nicky up.

That was the night when he'd finally confessed to Nicky that he'd always loved him and his roommate had responded with a kiss, though he had to take it gently because of his busted mouth. It had been undoubtedly one of the worst and best nights of Rod's life. How dare Ricky hurt his best friend…the love of his life.

"Rod." Nicky said softly, snapping him out of his flashback, "I promise I won't say anything to him if he does come over. I'm over it. He actually did us a favour, otherwise we wouldn't be here now, right?"

Rod nodded nervously. "Right. Ok."

Nicky squeezed his hand and gave him his trademark innocent grin. "I'll go get us drinks. See you in a bit."

Rod simply nodded again, sitting down in one of the comfortable chairs as he focused on trying to find Kate and Princeton in the crowd of dancers. He had just spotted them when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, making him jump.

"Rod? Hey, Rod!"

He cursed inwardly as he turned to face his ex, offering a small little smile. "Hello, Ricky."

"Didn't expect you to be here!" Ricky chuckled, his hand still on his shoulder. He noticed and quickly withdrew it, still smiling. It was an innocent enough smile, but it still made Rod feel uneasy. "Anyway, listen - I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry about what I did to Nicky. I know it was a long time ago, but I never really apologised for it, so…"

Rod shrugged a little stiffly, trying to maintain his politeness. "Well, at least you have now."

"I was completely stupid. I was just jealous, y'know? I mean, I know he's not interested in you that way, but at the time I was so convinced he was tryin' to steal you away, what with him knowing you for years and all that. God, I was an idiot." He laughed, obviously expecting Rod to join in, only to abruptly stop at the investment banker's flushed face and guilty eyes. "Wait. You and…You and Nicky really are…"

"We - we weren't when you and I were dating!" Rod rushed desperately at Ricky's stunned expression. "It was…afterwards…He realised he l-loved me and -"

"No, no, it's fine!" Ricky assured him, his smile back on his face. "Hey, really - congratulations, Rod. Where is he?"

"Oh, he's…he's buying me a drink." Rod mentally gave a sigh of relief at how well Ricky was taking it. "He'll be back soon. But I don't know if -"

"He'll want to see me?" Ricky finished with a small nod. "Yeah. I get that." He scuffed the floor with his strong leather boots, his hands in his pockets.

Rod hesitated before politely asking. "And…how are you? Anyone special in your life?"

Ricky flashed him a tight grin. "Nah. Not at the moment. I'm kinda enjoying the single life, though, so no worries on that. I'm really happy for you, Rod."

"Thank you." Rod said sincerely, finally feeling at ease. Maybe it would work out after all - maybe they could still be friends…

"Oh, shit, that reminds me!" Ricky clicked his fingers, the grin still on his face. "You left something at my apartment one time and I've been keeping it in case I happened to run into you again."

"Oh - I did? Sorry, Ricky, you didn't need to hang on to it…" Rod frowned, but Ricky waved his hand dismissively.

"Ah, it was no trouble. It's in my car right now, if you wanna come out and get it? It's just parked outside."

Rod glanced back at Nicky, who was still in the queue at the bar and hadn't noticed who he was talking to. It wouldn't take long to retrieve whatever item he'd left. Nicky wouldn't even notice.

"Ok." He turned back to Ricky with a smile. "That sounds fine."

Ricky looked pleased as Rod stood up and casually put his hand back on his shoulder as he led the smaller man through the people and bustling waiters. The fresh, cold air of the city woke Rod up and he carefully moved away from Ricky's touch, turning to him expectantly.

"Uh, Ricky…" He glanced around the empty street. "Where's your car?"

"Just down here." Ricky walked ahead, gesturing for Rod to follow. "When I meant outside, y'know, I meant on the other side of the restaurant." He laughed a little. "But if we go down this alley, it's a really good shortcut. Honestly, it'll take two minutes, tops."

"Well…" Rod hesitated as he struggled to keep up with Ricky's stride. The alleyway looked awfully dark and forbidding…

"C'mon, Rod. I'll feel bad if you don't get your stuff back." Ricky wheedled, his big brown eyes widening.

Rod sighed as he smiled and gave a nod. "I hope whatever I left is actually worth this." He laughed good-naturedly as he walked ahead.

"It will be." Ricky said in a low voice, so different to how he had sounded previously.

Before Rod could comprehend what was happening, he'd been shoved into the brick wall with such a sudden force that he saw black spots in front of his eyes and his legs gave way and crumpled. Blood. There was blood on his face, dripping onto his suit. His glasses were smashed. What was -

A fist swung, cracking against his cheekbone, the noise ringing out in the deserted alley. Rod cried out, trying to cover his face as he curled up in a desperate attempt to stop the attacks. "Ricky! Ricky, what are you doing? Stop!"

Strong hands lifted him up and he was roughly shoved against the wall again. Through his dimmed and blurred vision he saw his ex boyfriend's expressionless face as he leant closer with a snarl. "You're a lying bastard, Rod. Sleepin' with Nicky? Is that how low you can get, you asshole? Huh?"

Another punch. Rod cried out again, pointlessly trying to struggle against Ricky's grip on his shoulders. "R-Ricky…Please…"

"You shouldn't have left me, Rod. This is what you get when you cheat on me with a dumbass like Nicky and expect me to accept that. You little fucker."

"N-No, Ricky! I never cheated on -"

"Shut the HELL up!" Ricky growled, releasing one hand to press it against Rod's throat.

"You're…drunk…" Rod managed to choke out, his eyes full of terror. "Please…you don't know…what you're d-d-doing!"

"I have a pretty good idea." Ricky whispered back in a hushed voice as he slowly kept one hand against Rod's neck, whilst the other reached down to unzip his pants. Rod suddenly realised what was happening and felt tears stream down his bruised and bloodied face.

"No…No, Ricky…No… I'm begging you…" He whimpered, struggling uselessly. "Please, don't…"

Ricky's shadowed eyes never left Rod's and he gave a slow smile, ignoring Rod's desperate pleads and cries.

"You deserve this, Rod. You know you do really, don't you?" Ricky nodded to himself as he leant even closer. "Of course you do…"


"Kate? Princeton?" Nicky yelled, shoving past the dancers to reach his friends. "Guys, have you seen Rod? I can't find him anywhere!"

Kate frowned, releasing her hold of her boyfriend. "Um…I last saw him sitting down, I think, just over there."

"Maybe he went outside?" Princeton suggested, breathing heavily as he wiped his forehead. "It's pretty hot in here…"

Nicky felt really uneasy for some strange reason. Maybe he'd run into Ricky after all? Was he ok? Then again…Princeton was right…it was hot. It was perfectly reasonable for Rod to have gone out for some fresh air.

"I'll check." He replied after a pause. "Yeah, I'll go and take a look outside."

"Want us to come?" Kate offered, brushing her brown hair away from her face. "I wanna get him dancing with me anyway!"

Nicky grinned at her. "Thanks. C'mon, let's take a look. He needs to drink the martini I got him - it cost loads."

They exited the building, appreciating the slight breeze as they glanced around the quiet streets. Nicky frowned. "Well…he's definitely not in there, honest. I searched, like, the whole place."

Princeton shrugged. "He could've gone for a walk?"

"It's not like him to just take off, though…" Nicky insisted, that uneasy feeling crawling over his body again. He walked to the left, listening carefully and suddenly tensing as he heard whimpering and a small, horribly familiar voice crying out. He spun around, quickening his pace as he located a nearby alleyway where the noises were coming from.

"Nicky? What're -"

"Ssh!" He immediately cut Kate off, gesturing at her to keep back. She hesitated, but obligingly stayed by the restaurant, clinging on to Princeton's arm uncertainly.

He crept closer, noticing two figures in the darkness. As his eyes adjusted, he breathed in sharply and felt white hot anger course through every part of him. Ricky had Rod pinned up against the wall, one hand against his boyfriend's throat. And…holy shit…Rod was covered in blood. What was…

"Ricky…" Rod whispered brokenly. "I'm sorry. I'm s-sorry -"

"I know." Ricky replied gravely. "And it's ok, Rod. But I have to teach you this lesson, so you know not to play around with Nicky in the future. You understand that, right?"

There was a ringing silence, the only sound of Rod's sobs puncturing the eerie night.

Nicky took another step forward, his fists clenched. How the hell could Ricky do this to Rod? How could he stand there, holding him helpless, and justifying his insane actions? How the fuck had this even happened?

"RICKY!" Nicky hollered furiously, striding up to his double. "Ricky, you get your goddamn hands off of him right NOW!"

Ricky had turned around and his eyes had widened a fraction, and he froze as he stared at Rod's boyfriend.

"You heard me, Ricky! Get away from him! What the hell are you doing?"

Ricky immediately swung his head back to Rod, gripping him by the arms again. "Tell no one." He hissed at the terrified man, deliberately quiet so that Nicky couldn't hear. "If you breathe a word to your friends or the police, I will hurt you and Nicky. I will do what I was going to do tonight." He pressed himself forcefully against Rod. "And you know exactly what that means, don't you, Rod?"

The investment banker nodded, still crying piteously as Ricky released his hold and turned, running into the darkness before Nicky could even chase after him.

"Ricky, you asshole!" He shouted after him. "I will find you! You're not gonna get off that easily, you bastard!"

Rod had sank back onto the floor, his head buried in his raised knees, his shoulders shaking.

Nicky turned to him, kneeling beside him and gently placing a hand on his shoulder. Ricky could wait. His poor, hurt Rod was his main concern right now.

Rod flinched away from his touch, his hands hugging his knees as tremors coursed through his body.

"Rod, it's me. He's gone now." Nicky soothed, trying to rub his shoulder, only to have Rod desperately move away from him. "…Rod?"

Rod hesitantly raised his head and Nicky felt sick at his bruised and battered face and smashed glasses.

"Jesus," Nicky murmured, his eyes full of concern and worry. "What the hell did he do to you, Rod?"

"You…You look so much like him…" Rod whimpered, his face full of pain and fear as he turned away from him, tears still streaming down his face.

Nicky felt his heart tug as he nervously reached for Rod's hand. Ricky had hurt him so badly and now Rod was scared of Nicky…He felt terrible for not finding him sooner. "Rod, hon, you need to look at me. I'm me, I'm your boyfriend, your best friend. I'd never hurt you. I'm so sorry for what's happened…"

"I was so scared…"

"We need to go to the police, Rod, or at least the hospital."

Rod's turned to face him and he shook his head quickly. "No. No, we can't!"

"Hey, hey!" Nicky said, slightly alarmed as he reached for Rod's hand again, finally taking it in his own, relieved to have it not pulled away. "Rod, we can't let him get away with it!"

"I - I know." Rod averted his eyes, his hand still shaking terribly as Nicky clutched onto it. "But, please…Not tonight anyway…I just need to get c-cleaned up…"

Nicky hesitated, before sighing. "If it's what you'd prefer…I still think we should -" He cut himself off at Rod's scared expression and bloody face. "Ok," He said softly, "Ok. Let's get you home. Kate can help out. She did her First Aid training for the Monster school, after all."

"Y-Yes…Get Kate…" Rod whispered, still unable to look at Nicky in the state he was in. "Th-thank you…"

"Don't thank me, Rod!" Nicky said incredulously. "I love you! I'm hardly gonna leave you here, am I?"

Rod smiled weakly and squeezed Nicky's hand back a little, finally meeting his eyes. "I…I love you too…" That was all he managed before his eyes drifted shut and he found himself slipping into a welcomed deep sleep.

A/N: Wow, that was really hard to write…Poor Rod…I honestly don't hurt him for fun, I swear xD Fuck Ricky! Well, Nicky'll make him better in part two, right? Please read and review!