Pain resides within the hollows of my heart
Slowly beckoning- Its tears my very soul apart
Days go by and I am blinded by an illusory darkness
That leads me to the very brink of ceaseless madeness
The excruciating pain that comes solely from their knives
As to be such a blade that brought end to countless lives
To what unorthodox angst will they bring upon me once more?
To what extent of my residual sanity have they once again tore?
I desire not freedom nor to halt their torment
For living any longer would just be punishment
Just once, I would like to see that smile
Even for a second, it would be worth while
A smile that brings me joy like no other
I wish to see you, my dearest mother...
Don't take her away, I beg of you please!
Her existence alone brings me hope and ease
I'll do what you desire, no matter the pain
I don't care anymore, even if I go insane
This poem is in the POV of Lisa Trevor :) She isn't really a big character, but I thought she deserved at least a poem!