Katniss isn't the only one with nightmares.
I squeeze my eyes shut, stomach turning as I stare at the door, every nightmare I've ever had lives here, breeding on the fear that resides deep within the walls of my soul. The shouting is louder, whatever victim my father has tonight is putting up a fight, but one she will never win. Just as I have never won.
What man can't stand up to his fears? I pace angrily up and down the porch, my hands tugging rabidly at my hair.
"Cato." A wild yell comes from down the street.
In the wind, a girl stands, her hair whipping around like a tornado of brown locks, almost like the turmoil inside my body.
Tremoring, I look to her, watching as her hands form tiny fists, throwing miniscule punches at the ground. It's a habit she doesn't even notice, but over the past few weeks I've noticed more than ever. Her hands move in tiny 1-1-2 motions, and I count the punches in my head, their repetition only slightly comforting me.
"Cato." She screams again, a jolt runs through me at the ferocity of her cry.
I stand taller, watching her warily as she jogs towards me, rain pounding down on her. I long to give her comfort, but as I stand in my nightmares, the fear overpowers my will to move.
Something shatters inside the house, and without even thinking for a moment, my body drops to the ground. I cower, seeking out a corner of the porch far away from the front door. The porch groans as light steps approach me, nothing in them insights fear, but still I move away from the tiny girl in front of me, her approach threatening the sanctuary I'm trying to retreat to.
"Jesus." She mutters, falling to the ground next to me, her hands fluttering nervously over my shoulder. Her movements are timid, and unsure, and I know she's cursing in her mind because she's never been good at consoling anyone. Even herself.
The battle rages on inside the house, and inside my mind as Katniss attempts to sooth me. How can a grown man break?
I can feel myself falling into pieces, and I don't know how to pick them up.
"Cato, we need to leave." She whispers urgently, looking at the door with wide eyes. I've seen her afraid, but not like this.
Her eyes are wide and wild, a furious blaze burns deep within her grey eyes, and I start to move as she tugs on me. Its then that I realize her fear means more than just the state of my mental being. The wild thumps in the house, and footsteps come closer and closer until they are upon us.
Katniss moves eaven quicker, the tiny fists at her sides moving faster as she does.
"Dammit, move Cato." Her voice is so harsh that I move, stumbling down the porch, off balance from the distorting world around me.
The door flies open, and I swear my world freezes.
HI GUYS! Wow, it's been a heck of a long time. So update on my life, its been absolutely insane. I've been sick enough to be sent to mayo where I stayed for a week, and in between uni classes, all my time is taken up with doctors appointments. If you all don't mind these little updates, then I will try to do them.
I read some of your reviews earlier today, and I have to say my readers here are SO supportive. Yall are my new favorite group, and I hope that some of you will still be here for this next stage of the book.
Let me know if you think these little updates will be okay for you!
I have an immense love for each of you.
Love to all,