
Hello everyone!

I've finally been able to post this up. This is NOT THE SEQUEL TO MY LAST STORY BUT it IS a PREP for the sequel. It is to setup the story for the next phase and is not a stand-alone piece because it doesn't make sense without reading Seven Days. This story will be short (only three chapters) and the next parts should be up soon. Please make sure to read Seven Days before this if you haven't already and please review both stories! Thanks!

***** Reasons for this interlude: People don't change. But if they do, it takes time.

In order for Usagi and Mamoru's relationship to move forward, the characters need to develop and time needs to pass in order for that to happen. So this piece was written so that one could see what changes and experiences the characters are going through in order to better understand why they are that way.

P.S. - I will address some of my lovely reviewers in the next update. Thank you all so much for the positive feedback and I appreciate each and every person that went out of their way to comment on my story. *hearts*

I hope you all enjoy!

(Standard disclaimer: I do not own any of the Sailor Moon characters of which I am writing about. The story is my original and I write for fun without compensation. All characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi.)

One Night

Chapter 1



Shoving her bare heels into the sand, she stared out at the calm lake watching as three of her girlfriends walked along the waterline completely unsuspecting of the guys sneaking up on them. She could barely hear their screams in the distance when they had finally been tackled into the ground, some thrown into the black water.

The scene seemed all too familiar from her trip to Shimoda except her company couldn't be more different. Her classmates from the same year had promised to try to gather before the new school year started and some had successfully met up for an overnight lake party. It was about 25 people total, which included nearly half her class and some others from different classes, including Yusuke (although he had stayed far away from her) and a couple of juniors that were cool enough to crash. They were all going to sleep in Umino's family's cabin that they had harassed him to let them use, but as to how they were all going to fit in a four-bedroom loft was beyond her.

Staring at the bonfire before her, she thought of Rei, Ami and Mako, all of whom she was a little mad at since none had tried to come tonight. But it shouldn't have been exactly surprising since she had realized very early this summer that the Senshi were a splitting faction. The last time all five of them were in the same place together had been the day of their falling out with Mina and of the remaining Senshi, there hadn't been a single meeting where there had been more than three of them in attendance.

In a mixture of her anger/depression at Sailor Venus going rogue, she was fueled to train harder. Sailor Moon in turn became better, more reliable, and as a result, is caused the rift between the Senshi to unintentionally widen. There had been a record number of 7 battles in the past 4 weeks (more than they had gotten in the whole year before that), but out of 5 of them, she was the only Senshi present. She had put so much effort into believing that she didn't need anyone else that she had actually been able to make it true. No one even had time to show up to help her; she was defeating the youma much faster than it took for the others to know there was an attack. Not even Tuxedo Kamen had time to arrive.

She no longer cared that Venus was the 'leader' of the Senshi, because Sailor Moon had been the one who was fighting and wining without anyone's help. She didn't need anyone else, she could do it all by herself. Who was the better Senshi now? Ok… so maybe she was a little bitter, but she couldn't help it, Mina had really hurt her and she still hadn't gotten over it.

Usually whenever summer was almost over, she tended to get depressed. Who ever wanted school to start again anyhow? But this break had seemed longer (and more stressful) than any other previous one and she was anxious to just get it over with. She wanted time to pass by already.

There were many reasons why, and not just because she wanted Mamoru's penis inside her again. 1-Her senior year of high school was just around the corner and if was anything like the movies, she was sure it was going to be awesome. 2-Not to mention, the credit card she'd gotten from her parents for her birthday last month had gotten a bonus credit limit so now it was going to be even easier for her to stay up to date with the latest fashionable trends. 3-Her dad had also promised that if her grades were good enough this year, she'd get a brand new car of her choice for graduation.

Now, all of those reasons would be great except that they didn't really matter because…

1-Nothing was like the movies, ever. Yusuke, due to an unfortunate turn of events, had not been able to graduate and thus was forced to repeat the grade in—guess what—her homeroom class this year. So there was that. Then her new ability to splurge on clothes wasn't even relevant, because 2-she had to wear a uniform to school everyday anyway. Besides, she spent her money on cheap things like food, video games and manga; the bonus did her nothing since she never could spend that much anyway. And lastly, her father getting her a car meant nothing to her since 3-she had zero initiative to learn to drive. In her opinion cars were useless in Tokyo; there was a ton of public transportation options that she could choose from, why would she bother with the hassle of driving (assuming she could learn to drive), when she didn't need to in the first place.

So in reality, the real reason why she needed fall to come was because of the magazine discarded right beside her feet. The headlines read: 'Boy of Billion ¥ Company Inherits Bigger Bucks' with a picture of Mamoru in a tux shaking hands with another man in an apparent business deal. Beside it, accompanying another picture of Mamoru in a candid shot with a very famous celebrity singer as they walked into a restaurant together, read: 'Youngest Billionaire, Chiba Mamoru: Your Perfect Bachelor!'.

"Don't let it die, Usagi-chan!" Umino exclaimed suddenly, coming up suddenly from behind her. Bending down to pick up the magazine, he tossed it into the bonfire before them and she watched transfixed as it consumed the paper hungrily, the flames reaching higher into the sky. Looking away from Mamoru's melting face inside the burning heap of wood, she turned to Umino with quiet gratitude.

"Usagi-chan, you're in charge of keeping up the fire!" Naru reminded her, coming to stop beside Umino. "If you can't handle it, I'll send someone else to do it." It was true that the flames had been dying for a while now, but she was just too lazy to go gather things to feed it.

"I'll get more firewood, geez!" she complained, putting on her shoes slowly. Watching them both return to the cabin at her response, she kicked them off again when they were back inside. Couldn't a girl get some alone time to think around here?

Staring out into the crescent moon floating above her, she was the only one left outside. Everyone had gone inside which was odd considering the night was still refreshingly breezy. She could hear loud yelling from coming from the cabin and briefly wondered what all the arguing could be about before realizing it probably had to do with dessert.

Since a number of people had requested smores, a car had been driven out to the nearest shop to buy the supplies. Unfortunately realizing a little too late that they didn't have matches either, (and Umino refused to have so many people holding flaming marshmallow sticks inside the house), they tried to strategize what to do since everyone else that was left was too lazy to go to the store and no one had reception to actually call the guys that were already out. (Even the one girl who smoked had gotten her lighter wet.) So they had set up a contest to see if anyone could race from the house to the fire pit without loosing the flame they got from the stove inside, but the wind had caused them all to fail.

Luckily at least one person had a useful set of skills and had been able to conjure fire seemingly magically. And so she had been left in charge of the flame that some genius had made out of a couple of twigs and dry grass to make sure that it didn't go out before the guys arrived with the ingredients. Needless to say, they were horribly ill prepared to survive for the night; all everyone had brought along were a whole bunch of cell phone chargers. Still, it was fun hanging out with her classmates for a change, retarded as they seemed and all.

A hard poke finally pulled her out of her thoughts. She turned to the culprit and wasn't surprised to see Ichigo, one of the many guys who had been vying for her attention today. They had the same inner circle and had hung out a couple of times throughout the year, even flirting a bit, but this was the longest they've ever hung out. Today he had been following her non-stop and his advances were getting more persistent as the day progressed, but luckily for him, she actually liked him.

"Please tell me that they're finally here," she said as he sat beside her on the log. She was tired of waiting around; it'd been over half an hour. He shook his head and casually put an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm here to tell you that if you don't go in there right now, you'll have to sleep outside," he smirked. So that's what they were arguing about in there.

"I'm staying in the master bedroom with Umino and Naru; I don't care if I have to sleep awkwardly in between them," she joked. "There's no way that I would be safe downstairs with creeps like you probably staring at me in the middle of the night." He smiled, but she knew that he hadn't heard a word she said. He was just staring at her mouth, transfixed.

"Tell me the truth Usagi-chan, are you dating someone? That blonde guy?" he asked her seriously.

She shook her head, knowing that he was referring to Motoki on that day she'd been able to convince him to go jogging with her. Before Motoki had gotten there, Ichigo and another classmate of hers had been jogging behind her, taunting her as she ran. When Motoki arrived and she'd gone to him, she remembered how Motoki had scowled at them when he noticed them looking at her. She involuntarily smiled thinking about Motoki; she hadn't seen that buffoon in a while.

"No, I'm not," she responded.

"Then why are you smiling like that?" he wondered, scratching his chin playfully as if it were a mystery that needed solving.

"I'm smiling cause you're stupid," she said. He laughed lightly.

"Be my girlfriend, Usagi-chan," he said suddenly, an adorable smile on his face. She licked her lips not knowing whether to take him serious or not.

"I don't know," she answered honestly. She liked him, she really did, but there was just so much more to it than that. Mainly Mamoru.

For the past few weeks—actually that was a lie—ever since her night with Mamoru, she had just turned into this horny beast. On average, she masturbated about 3ish times a week, maybe. But after Mamoru had rocked her world so thoroughly, she was touching herself everyday, multiple times even, trying to regain those precious moments of bliss he had so wondrously bestowed upon her.

They were impossible to reproduce of course and so her mind started to wander, searching for an alternative answer to her dilemma. With Mamoru being so far and the exact details of his absence unknown, the possibility of substitutes became increasingly intriguing. Could she simulate all her experiences with another guy? Hell yeah she could. Mamoru wasn't the only freaking penis in the world that wanted to sock it to her; there were plenty of other guys that liked her. The problem was finding who she liked in return and considering she was hooked to Mamoru, no other guy stood in comparison.

She by no means felt any fidelity per se, nor did she want to considering she was only in high school, but having sex with someone other than Mamoru was hard to wrap her head around. She had gone so far with him, farther than anybody else by a long shot and it had been difficult enough getting to that point. She couldn't really imagine having to start that all up again with someone new. Not simply that, but she was still so unsure of so many things.

Would it feel the same with different guys? Would their penises all be different? Did size really matter? She had no idea; it was still a complete mystery to her. Sure she'd watched porn before, but that didn't prepare you crap for the real world. She'd seen oral performed a million times, but that didn't make her a freaking expert. Just the way one could watch someone do a backflip on an online video clip over and over and still never learn how to do one yourself, it was the same way with porn; you learned nothing from it except that guys love cumming all over pretty faces.

Her friends were all just as useless since they were either MIA (Mina), in a similar situation (Rei), secretive as hell (Mako) or even more clueless than her (Ami and Naru). Who else knowledgeable did she have to ask questions to? Not even the Internet could fully answer all the questions she had.

So it appeared that without proper advice, she would be forced to venture out into the real world to experience those answers for herself… but since she was a HORNY TEENAGER and that dictated all discretion that could, and probably should, come before it, she was more than ready to learn. PENIS and VAGINA was all that was on her mind lately—She just wanted a PENIS INSIDE HER VAGINA.

"Well, think about it," Ichigo said. "I really like you." She smiled; he was so cute.

"I like you too," she admitted, suddenly feeling like a shy girl with a crush. He reached out to hold her hand and she looked down at it touching her.

His gentle caress surprisingly made her heart speed up and she let out a shaky breath as he brought her hand to his lips. The sensations that she thought were unique to Mamoru's advances, she learned with relief, were universal and she let herself bask in them. She missed the feeling.

A sudden gust of wind made her shiver and Ichigo grabbed her forearms, rubbing them down to her wrists. He kept his hands on her before leaning closer, rubbing his cheek against hers, his mouth barely grazing her jaw. She stayed still, anticipation freezing her on the spot as she waited for him to move closer. He pulled away from her slowly, his face hovering next to hers as their eyes met before he focused on her lips again.

They stayed in the same position for a few moments, him staring, apparently contemplating whether to go in for the kiss and she, there waiting, wanting him to. She slowly moved in after she realized that he wouldn't get closer without a nudge. It was kind of sweet that Ichigo was holding out on kissing her; it something that she hadn't experienced before. She was so used to guys being aggressive. Although he was pretty confident talking to her, it all apparently went out the window when it came to actually doing something. It was just fine with her though. She had no problem making the first move.

The sound of the returning car driving onto the property made her pause. Ichigo was just a breath away when she heard people coming outside, some even cheering at the recent arrival. Thank goodness there was a depression in the ground where the pit was because otherwise everybody would have been able to see how close they were to each other, even in the distance. She realized that the noise was slowly getting louder, the crowd no doubt coming toward them to start their smores roasting.

"Help me get firewood," she whispered. She wanted to continue this with him, but not in front of everybody. He nodded and they both stood up quickly.

Maybe it was stupid that she wanted to take him deep into the woods and have sex with him on a tree stump, but she couldn't find herself to care anymore. What was she supposed to do? Just sit around and wait for Mamoru to come back? Please! A woman had her needs and right now she was definitely needy.

There was a shed behind the house that she would have liked to use but she was sure that it was probably occupied by another horny couple. So she led them opposite the house and held onto his arm as they made their way over fallen branches and large rocks. As they went in deeper, the rush coursing through her had her feeling oddly giddy about what she was about to do.

It took a certain type of girl to do this. Was she that girl? More importantly, did she want to be that girl? She couldn't even begin to answer that yet, but only knew that this was what she wanted at the moment. The temptation to woo a man into the dark parts of the forbidden forest was much too alluring for her to stop now. She was eager for the new experience.

She stopped walking when she realized that if they went in any further, they probably would never find their way back in the dead of the night. Luckily she'd found a tiny little clearing that let her see the sky above and that had small tufts of grass on the ground. She tugged his arm to a halt.

"Why did you bring me out here for?" he asked looking down at her. He was smiling, waiting patiently for her to answer. She had no idea what to say to him without straight up admitting that this was exactly what it seemed, so she just smiled back.

"Sit on the floor," she told him, pointing. He gave her a surprised look but hesitantly obeyed, cautiously making sure he sat on nothing sharp. He leaned back against a large rock and watched her with his brows furrowed.

"What are you doing?" he asked, the smallest hints of panic tracing his voice when she moved towards him. She straddled him as he watched, adjusting herself so that her knees wouldn't get scuffed up too bad on the rough ground.

"Trying to talk to you," she reasoned with a smile, coming in close enough to his face so that their mouths were inches away. She could already feel his bulge under her and she teasingly wiggled herself on top of him, acting it off as a comfortable adjustment. Ichigo bit his lip.

"Talk then." One of his hands found their way to her thighs and she shifted on top of him again, waiting, daring for him to make a move. He didn't. His jaw only tightened and so she kissed his chin, moving lower down to his throat.

"You smell good," she murmured, taking in a deep breath of him. His cologne reminded her comfortingly of the one her dad used, except that it smelt way sexier on Ichigo of course.

"Usa…" His hand came up to her cheek, tucking a couple of strands of hair behind her ear and in that moment, she wished a million times that he was someone else. She closed her eyes and pushed thoughts of Mamoru away, trying to immerse herself in the present; focusing on where she was, who she was with and what she was going to do. She was with Ichigo and that's where her attention needed to be. Nothing else should matter. No one else.

"Kiss me," she whispered, needing desperately an escape from her wandering thoughts. He looked down, keeping one hand on her cheek and finally obeyed.

She relaxed into his mouth, his lips biting down gently on hers as his hand moved around to massage her neck. He felt good, so good, against her and she let herself enjoy the differences in him; how he moved his tongue over her top lip, the way he tangled his hands into her hair, the feeling of being held gently, tentatively, as if she were frail. It was all new, all so different and she loved every bit of it.

He wasn't Mamoru, but that was ok. For now. Until then, he was exactly the kind of distraction that she needed.


Holy crap! Love it? Hate it? Tell me! REVIEW!


More coming soon! Love you all!
