Ooh boy. here's the last bit of 'His Last Bow' (sorry it's so short) and that new Sherlock episode brought me to tears. I'll try to do the victorian christmas special though, then move into the new season. Don't know when the next chapter will be posted though, but keep an eye out. i like to finish entire episodes before posting chunks of it, so it may take a while. hope you've enjoyed this so far though! leave a review and let me know what you think. ^^
It was dark. Very dark. The library that had been my own small mind palace was pitch black aside from a very small corner of the room where I sat on a beanbag chair with a small desk lamp illuminating a messy desk of books beside me. My breaths were slow and labored and the desk lamp flickered as bits of shouting rang out through the empty halls.
"We're losing her!"
"Prepare the defibrillator!"
I jolted painfully, the lamp sparking before returning to its regular shine as I panted and clutched at my chest. D-Dammit. T-That hurts… I peered an eye open, ignoring the sweat that trailed down the side of my head as I forced myself up onto my feet shakily; knowing that I couldn't stay here. Using the bookshelves to keep me standing I staggered through the books of memories and the computer lab full of work information. I could hear them following me though. Jim's snickering laughter, that little girl's scream, Magnussen's cologne. But he wasn't there. Sherlock wasn't following me and he was what I was looking for.
You're losing it, Dani. Shouldn't have taken that hit before surgery, don't you think? Jim snickered from beside me as I staggered and stopped; trying to keep my legs from buckling underneath me.
"I had to. It was the only way I could have enough time. I needed to think clearly." I snapped at him, pushing myself onward only for Magnussen to stand in my way with that snake-like smirk of his.
You could have done me in earlier. You knew the vaults didn't exist way before Sherlock did. So why didn't you? I shook my head, forcing myself to push off the shelves and walk on my own to get around him.
"I didn't know. I had no proof. For all I knew, you had them hidden elsewhere."
Now you and I both know that's not true. Jim said, circling around me like a shark. You always had that inkling ever since you searched Magnussen's place. You'd seen him look over a document and shred it right after. If you'd taken that hit earlier, you would've connected the dots before he had to tell you. A beast should trust its instincts.
"I'm not a beast!" I shouted, rounding on him, only for him to not be there.
I cringed as another jolt of pain went through me, falling to the ground and clawing at my chest in agony, feeling the knives cutting into me and trying to piece me back together. The feeling soon faded, but I couldn't move. It hurt so much and I knew I needed to get up, but I was struggling. And then a book fell in front of me; the words being spoken out loud around me.
"You may be loud, abrasive at times, and even annoying, but not once have I ever thought of you as pathetic, stupid, or weak."
I grit my teeth, forcing myself to get up as I remembered how kindly Sherlock had treated me in that moment. That evening after the Baskerville fiasco. How he'd been so tender as he brushed his fingers across my wounds. How sweet he'd been to me while I was with him after that. Knowing that I was capable of so much more and not caring about my looks or my job or anything. Just… appreciating me. And right now, I needed him. I desperately needed him to tell me he wasn't disappointed in me. That he was proud of me and what I'd done. That he didn't care about the drugs or that I'd killed someone yet again. I just needed someone to tell me that I did the right thing.
But you're a monster, Dani. We all know the truth. Jim mocked me, but I ignored him as I shook; having a difficult time getting my legs under me. How many people have to die by your hand before you realize that? I pushed past him, feeling tears clog the back of my throat as more and more people showed up before me. People who'd died because of me. I moved past them though, whispering quiet apologies to them and their families. But the moment I got through all of them, I wasn't standing in my mind palace anymore, I was standing in that bedroom in India. My gun raised as I fired off those shots and a high pitched scream rang through my ears as I turned and caught sight of the little girl who'd seen me just kill her father. I let out a scream of my own as I tripped, stumbling and falling down a set of stairs back in my library. My body ached and cried out in pain as I struggled to breathe through my apologies and keep going, but it was so hard.
He wasn't far, but how could I face him after what I'd done? I began to have doubts. Wondering and fearing if he would scorn me like Jim said, when a hand reached down for me and I looked up to see a sadly smiling John.
"You saved Mary." He said simply. "And I think if we can forgive her, what's stopping you?"
"But I-I've done worse. I-I've killed so much more. How could either of you forgive me?"
"Because he loves you." Mary said, walking out from behind John as she reached down as well. "And as big of a sociopath as he claims he is, forgiving you shouldn't be that hard. You saved all of us, after all. Him included. And I think he needs to thank you for that."
They pulled me to my feet and I gasped, clutching at my chest as John held me up with a look of concern.
"Hey, you need to focus. They're finishing up, but if you give in now, that's it. There's no bringing you back after this."
My breath hitched, making it feel like I was drowning or something was clogging my throat and I choked and gagged as John tried to coach me through things.
"That's the breathing tube. Relax. Breathe. It's not hurting you, it's helping."
My breathing slowly regulated, but that pain in my chest still remained, making it near impossible for me to move.
"Come on. Focus. Remember what you're trying to do and ignore it. You're good at that, aren't you?"
He's right, Dani. A new voice said and I turned to see Sherlock standing there; John and Mary vanishing as I held myself up against a wall. If you don't focus on getting out of here, then that's it. You will die. I couldn't help the small snort that escaped me.
"A-A-As blunt as ever, Sherlock."
I'm serious, Dani. As should you be. He said, moving forward and standing not more than a few inches from me. Focus. Think of something else. Find a distraction.
I chuckled bitterly. "A distraction? It might just be better if it ended here. Even if I wake up, I'm just going to end up dead anyway. Mycroft can't get me out of this one and there's no point in escaping again, only to live on the run from yet another country out to kill me."
I looked up wearily, exhausted from fighting all the time. From running away from death when it only seemed to follow me everywhere. I'd started off trying to find Sherlock. To live. But the longer I thought about it, the more I realized that living now might just be worse than death.
"What's the point?" I asked him, desperately needing an answer.
And boy did he give me one.
I love you. He murmured, reaching out and kissing me passionately as tears streamed down my face and my legs finally gave out.
He held me up though, deepening the kiss as I clung to him and tanged my hand in his hair, before we pulled apart and he looked at me softly.
You need to live. For me.
I couldn't help the quip back at him. "B-Bit selfish, don't you think? Though I appreciate the distraction."
He smirked a bit, before I felt my body sag, growing more sluggish. And I panicked at first, thinking that this was the end and I hadn't made it, but Sherlock's smile reassured me and I fell into black, only to wake up a moment later.
The room was far too bright for my liking and I winced, blinking away the spots in my vision with a small groan. That groan turned into a hiss of pain though when I shifted; my chest igniting with a fire that spread through my shoulder and arm and bringing tears to my eyes as I stopped and tried to get through the sudden wave of pain. I went to reach for my shoulder, but the jingle of metal stopped my wrist short and I glared at the handcuffs holding my wrist to the metal bar of the bed in annoyance. My other arm was free, no doubt due to the bullet wound in that shoulder, and I begrudgingly reached over with that arm to ring up the nurse. The pain was excruciating, but I pushed through it as I rang the buzzer and dropped my arm with a grunt to wait.
Of course, I didn't expect Mycroft, Sherlock and John to walk in instead and I let out a soft groan.
"None of you are my nurse." I croaked out, peering out through an eye as I winced in pain. "And I doubt any of you have the morphine."
Mycroft gave me a wry smile as John rolled his eyes and shook his head; Sherlock just standing to the side with a blank expression that made my heart ache in my chest. Just act normal. It's fine.
"I'm sure you understand why we cannot give you morphine, Dani." Mycroft said, taking a seat in a chair nearby as John looked at my chart. "Not with the stunt you pulled before you got shot."
I groaned, closing my eyes. "I don't need a lecture, Mycroft. I ran out of options. That was the only one I had left. Drugs included. You're welcome, by the way. Now you've got two problems out of your hair. One dead and myself incarcerated for an indefinite amount of time. John and Mary are happy. Sherlock's free to do as he wants. England doesn't have an annoying thorn in its side and yet another killer is off the streets. What more could you want?"
"Are you serious, Dani?" John said in disbelief. "Why are you talking like this?"
"Because, John." I said bluntly, completely straight-faced. "I know what I did. I know the consequences for what I did. And I accepted that the moment I turned and shot Magnussen. Fighting back won't do anything more than put me back at square one. On the run with yet another country holding a bounty on my head. And honestly? I'm tired of running." I cringed again, turning to Mycroft. "God, is there anything they can give me for this?"
"Hm." Mycroft hummed, not amused and not bothering to give me an answer. "I'm sure you'll be pleased to know then, that I've come up with an alternative to your incarceration."
"Oh, yay." I muttered sarcastically with a roll of my eyes.
"I will give you more details on a later date. I simply wished to see how you were holding up, but I will be leaving now for a meeting."
"Have fun, teddy."
Mycroft frowned at the nickname, but left as John shook his head and made for the door as well.
"I'll go fetch Mary. She'll want to see you now that you're up."
I hummed tiredly, allowing my eyes to slip closed as he too, left; very nearly forgetting Sherlock was in the room had he not sat down in the chair beside my bed.
"Thank you." He said, making me peer an eye open. "For the watch."
I furrowed my brows, mind a bit scrambled, before it clicked as he held up the pocket watch that was dented in; making me wince.
"Whoops. Forgot I had that on me. Hope it still works."
He nodded. "Quite well."
We grew quiet again, though my stomach churned, making me desperately want to say something, though I wasn't sure what I should say.
"I'm sorry." I finally blurted out, turning my gaze to the ceiling with a small sad frown. "For using… and you know, murder."
"What happened in India?" He blurted out suddenly and I winced.
"Job gone wrong." I murmured, cringing. "Bad guy had a daughter who came home from school early. Walked in after I finished."
He bobbed his head in silent apology, before pulling something out of his pocket. "Can I…"
He gestured to my wrist that was cuffed to the bed and I gave him a small shrug.
"Not like I can stop you."
He reached over and I watched him as he placed something on my wrist and pulled away, revealing a simple braided leather bracelet. I frowned, confused and looked at him as he looked up at me with a look that made my heart skip a beat.
"I'm… sorry." He said, confusing me further. "For making you have to come to a decision like that. And for forcing you to do what you did." He paused, looking down at the bracelet he'd placed on me, before looking back up. "I want to start over."
"Uh, feel free? Though what you just said makes perfect sense. Don't need to repeat it."
He shook his head with a small smile. "No. I don't mean that. I wish to… start over. With you."
"What?" I asked, feeling my heart swell in hope, but trying to stifle it in fear I was hearing one thing when he meant something else. "I-I don't—"
He rolled his eyes and stood. "Oh, for Pete's sake…"
He leaned forward then and pressed his lips to mine, shocking me for a second before I leaned into it—as much as I could while injured and handcuffed to the bed.
Sherlock pulled away and looked at me seriously. "I love you, Dani. I don't care about your drug problem. And while I don't care much for your… line of work, I'm willing to look past it. However, as you know, I am not the best person when it comes to sorting through these feelings and with you possibly being shipped off to Eastern Europe, I'm not sure how—"
I stopped him, placing a hand lightly on his chest. "Hold on, Eastern Europe?"
He glanced away awkwardly. "Probably shouldn't have mentioned that."
"Oi, what's this about Eastern Europe?" I pushed and he shuffled a bit.
"It was my suggestion to Mycroft to get you out of possible incarceration. I had a job offered to me by MI6 to do undercover work in Eastern Europe. Mycroft told me to decline due to a high chance of me dying within the first six months. I happened to mention that you might take the job considering the other option and he put it up before the… board, if you will. They accepted it."
I frowned at him. "You took a possible incarceration and instead gave me a job in Eastern Europe that could possibly kill me in six months?"
He winced. "Actually, we calculated you could possibly extend it to a full year, given your skill set."
"You know, if I wasn't injured and handcuffed to this bed, I would have probably smacked you by now."
"Noted." He muttered, before giving me a look. "I take it you're willing to start over then?"
I rolled my eyes. "You dolt, of course I am."
He smirked, leaning in for another kiss before I pulled away.
"No more women though."
"Hm, no more men."
"Alright. Help me with rehab?"
"I'll do my best. Cut down on your other job?"
"Sherlock, I will quit my other job."
He smiled, giving me another quick peck as I smiled in return. "Then I think we have a deal, Miss Evans."
"Hm, I agree, Mr. Holmes."
John walked in then with a groan as Mary snickered behind him. "Sherlock! She's just woken up and you're already doing this?!"
"Oh, let them." Mary said with a light smack. "It's not every day you see the two of them getting along to this extent."
John frowned at his wife as I chuckled, before cringing.
"Ooh, yeah. Still need those pain meds. Nurse?"
John rolled his eyes before heading out; Mary winking at me before following him as well; giving Sherlock and I a chance to laugh and start up where we'd left off. The lot of us finally being happy for the first time in what seemed like ages.
Dani stood beside Mycroft and another man as a sleek black car pulled up to the jet they were waiting outside of. Mary, John and Sherlock got out of the car and smiled as they headed over towards Dani.
"Keep an eye on these two, would ya? You know how Sherlock can get." Dani said to Mary with a smile of her own.
"Oh, don't worry. I'll keep them both in trouble." She replied, kissing her cheek and hugging her lightly before pulling away.
"You're the best Mary."
John took her hand and Sherlock turned to Mycroft.
"Since this is likely to be the last conversation we'll have with Dani, would you mind if we took a moment?"
Mycroft hesitated, but Dani gave him a grin.
"I promise I'll behave. No funny business, teddy."
Mycroft rolled his eyes, but gestured for the other man to head off and he and Mary wandered away to give the three a bit of privacy.
"So here we are." John said, clearing his throat as I raised a brow.
"You say that like it's a bad thing. I'll sneak out of this, John. Just give me a bit." Dani smiled, but John shook his head, voice tight.
"You don't know that. You… You can't know that, Dani."
"Hey now. No getting depressed. Not when you're gonna have a little John running around the house."
"William Sherlock Scott Holmes." Sherlock suddenly blurted out, making Dani look at him just as confused as John.
"That's the whole of it. If you're looking for baby names." Sherlock offered, making John chuckle.
"No, we've had a scan. We're pretty sure it's a girl."
"Oh. Okay." He smiled. "Dani works just as well."
"Hey now. I'd really rather not get all confused when John starts getting upset with Dani and not knowing whether it's me or the kid." Dani joked, earning a few chuckles before things grew silent once more.
"Yeah. Actually, I can't think of a single thing to say." John muttered as Dani shrugged.
"Me neither. Good luck with the mood swings?"
John snorted and turned to Sherlock. "The game is over."
Sherlock met his eyes and turned to Dani. "The game is never over, John. But there may be some new players now. It's okay. The East Wind takes us all in the end."
"What's that?" John asked and Sherlock made a face. "It's a story my brother told me when we were kids. The East Wind. This terrifying force that lays waste to all in its path. It seeks out the unworthy and plucks them from the Earth." He turned to John. "That was generally me."
"Nice." John said sarcastically.
"He was a rubbish big brother." Sherlock commented, before John turned to Dani.
"I'll go ahead and give you two some space." He said, reaching over and giving Dani a hug as well, being careful of her arm in its sling. "Keep out of trouble. And do try not to get shot again."
Dani smiled as he pulled away. "No promises, but I'll do what I can."
John nodded and went to join his wife, leaving Dani and Sherlock alone.
"Twelve months. My brother's never wrong." Sherlock said, though Dani snorted.
"Yeah, well he doesn't know me that well. I think I can add on some time to that."
Sherlock shook his head with a small smile, reaching forward and taking Dani's hand; looking at the bracelet he'd given her back at the hospital all those months ago.
"I'm sorry again, for putting you in this position."
"Please. You and I both know, it was our combined efforts that got me here. Don't go hogging all the credit." Dani joked, trying to keep things light. "Besides. We're doing good. The both of us. I can't let that go to waste."
Sherlock smiled, resting his forehead on hers. "How're the hallucinations?"
"Jim still hangs around sometimes. Magnussen too, with the occasional little girl, but I'm doing good. There's a curly haired detective who shoos them off." She smiled. "How's the drugs and the smoking?"
"Better." Sherlock hummed. "Down to the patches again. Been clean for months. You?"
"As good as I can be. Been trying to stay clean since I got shot. Down to half a pack a day. I could be doing better, but I'll can't really work on it with where I'm headed." She peered up at him. "Was that really your full name?"
He smiled. "Course. And just between you and me, Sherlock is actually a girl's name."
She snorted. "Yeah, I doubt John will believe that. They're not going to name their daughter after you."
He shrugged. "It was worth a shot."
Dani shook her head before giving him a small sad smile, leaning up and kissing him. "I love you, Sherlock Holmes. Always will."
He smiled sadly back, bringing his hands up to her face. "Make it back for me, will you?"
She nodded. "I'll finish in record time."
"That's my girl." He smiled, kissing her once more before Mycroft cleared his throat and they pulled apart reluctantly.
Dani turned away, heading over towards the stairs leading up into the jet and paused, turning back to the trio by the car with a big grin on her face to reassure them, before climbing up the stairs and taking a seat as the jet prepped for takeoff and soon was up in the air. She took in a deep breath, it hitching as she let it out, but she refused to let tears fall as she looked out the window below; the plane taking off.
Little did she know, something was happening down below and Mycroft got back out of his car in disbelief.
"That's not possible. That is simply not possible."
Sherlock turned to him in confusion, as did John.
"What's happened?"
Sherlock stormed over and got Mycroft's attention. "Mycroft, what's going on?"
"He's back."
Sherlock quickly pulled out his phone and checked the news, only to find Jim Moriarty's face on the screen; the words 'Did You Miss Me' being repeated. Sherlock clenched his hand and glared at Mycroft.
"Bring her back."
"I said bring her back. Bring Dani back now." Sherlock demanded angrily and Mycroft frowned.
"Sherlock, I can't just do that. You're here, so there's no reason to—"
"No, you don't understand." Sherlock hissed. "Moriarty took her, remember? He's interested in her. If you send her off now, who's to say he won't take her out from underneath you? And you know just as well as anyone, that she can help with this. Now bring her back."
Mycroft frowned, but begrudgingly gave in; knowing that Sherlock was right and he dialed up the jet.
I stared solemnly out of the jet window, just sort of in a daze about what I was about to be dropped off into, when the steward came over to me with a phone; confusing me.
"Ma'am, it's Mr. Holmes."
"Which one?" I questioned.
"Mycroft, ma'am."
I furrowed my brows, but picked it up. "Hello? What's going on, teddy?"
"Hello, Dani. How is the exile going?"
"Oh, you know airplane food." I muttered, knowing something was up. "Now why exactly are you calling when I left maybe five minutes ago?"
"Well, I certainly hope you've learned your lesson. As it turns out, you're needed."
I raised a brow, crossing my legs. "Yeah? What country this time? Is it Korea again? Because if it is, tell them I'm busy."
Mycroft chuckled on the other end. "No, actually. It appears Sherlock does."
"Yeah, well, tell him he's clingy." I said with a roll of my eyes.
"I don't think you understand, Dani. It's not just him. It's the whole of England."
That perked my interest.
"You better explain this, Mycroft. I don't appreciate going up only to have to come back and you know how I like my details thorough."
"Moriarty is back, Dani. And he's all over the England television channels."
I paled, feeling ice go through my bones at those words as the plane turned around and my breath shuddered as I spoke.
"G-Give me details. Now."