This is a request story that I restarted so yay.
Warning for entire story: Slash/Yaoi/Lesbian. Straight/Het. Yeah, that's a warning too. Violence. Death. Etcetera
Disclaimer: I ownnnnn nothinggggg
Two old men sat across from each other, an odd looking board game with strange pieces acting as a border on the wooden table between them. The older man sitting with his back towards the trees had a long, curly white beard that his wizened hand came up often to comb through. With his other hand he picked up a gaudy tea cup and took a sip from it before finally moving a slim, wooden piece. The surface of the wood held a Japanese symbol that shone in the sun's light as it was moved over his opponent's piece and his blue eyes twinkled madly as he, apparently, made a wise move.
The man across from him appeared to be just as old even though his wrinkled, light skinned face and gray hair that peeked from under the expensive hat was less wrinkled than his counterpart's. His laughing brown eyes gazed at the board for a moment before he let out a sigh. He tilted his head back, squinting up at the sun from the wooden bench he sat on in the nearly empty park. His still firm hand came up to stroke his goatee absent-mindedly much like the older man.
"Albus, as lovely as this tea is and as lovely as this public park is, I know that you did not simply bring me out here to play a game of shogi… especially since you have not gotten any better since our last game," the younger old man chuckled.
He cracked his back with a sharp arch and moved his piece, overtaking his friend easily. The man whom he addressed was much taller as he straightened in his seat to ease some discomfort in his own back. The taller man simply smiled from behind his curly, white beard and hardly glanced at the game that he was obviously losing.
"You are right, my boy, I have not played this game for a long time and certainly haven't gotten any better. However, Hiruzen… there is a favor that I have brought you out here to ask," Albus said gravely. The other, shorter man seemed to bristle slightly at being called a boy but he didn't protest, simply taking out another piece from his opponent's side.
All was silent for a long time.
"What is this favor that you want?" Hiruzen finally sighed seeing that he was going to do this the hard way. He had gone through a lot of things with Albus Dumbledore, most of them secret and amongst the shadows but not all of them were something that he would write home about. They both knew things about the other that neither of them was particularly proud about so they never really kept up a farce around each other nor did they really hesitate to ask for a favor from the other.
"Hogwarts is in grave danger. The shields that are placed around them… they have been destroyed. It will take a long time for me to get them in working condition and I simply do not have the manpower to constantly guard the school by hand. My favor is this: allow me a small group of shinobi to help guard my students against dangers that may appear," Dumbledore requested.
"Students? You are allowing your hundreds of students to be in Hogwarts while the wards are down? That is very risky," Sarutobi warned. The smiling blue eyes suddenly became darker and his face was suddenly not so friendly. Ah yes, this is the Albus Dumbledore that he remembered during times of danger and war.
"Do not act as if I am new to this, Sarutobi. I have saved lives and made hard decisions long before you learned to spit fire. The students' magic helps the wards re-grow on their own rather than leeching from myself and the few that stay there alone," Albus snapped. Sarutobi glared just as harshly, silently reminding the older man that he was not the one asking for a favor. Albus winced, recalling just how vindictive the younger man could be when he wasn't keeping up his façade of a friendly old man.
It was the way he could be when given the incentive. A wizened hand came up to gently comb through the long white hair while his blue eyes softened ever so slightly to plead with his friend. Sarutobi accepted the silent apology and took pity; it was obvious that the older man was going through a lot to have snapped at him of all people.
"I am sure that Iruka and Kakashi shall be very helpful," Sarutobi said gently.
"No, I need… younger shinobi. I believe that some of my students are spies for the dark and will relay any blind spots we may be suffering as we rebuild the wards. We cannot allow such a thing to happen. Team 7, I believe, will do a wonderful job," Albus smiled, his face going back to the grandfatherly one that most were used to seeing. Hiruzen shook his head but he knew that his deadly face was seen by very few and even less lived after seeing the hard expression.
"I am sure that Naruto and Sakura will be thrilled however… Sasuke Uchiha is another story. Will that not cause some troubles amongst your staff?" Sarutobi stated, hinting at one person in particular. While most of them wouldn't know a thing of shinobi or the children in general… he had a feeling that one of them would not be so happy to see the black haired 'avenger'. Oh he could just imagine how the man would take the news of the Uchiha coming to the school filled with young wizards and witches and, most importantly, with him in it. The violence, curses, and fires would surely destroy the school if not handled properly.
"How is Sasuke? I remember that your last message said that he was a little depressed after the Uzumaki boy knocked some sense into him before he could make that dreadful mistake of joining that evil snake fellow."
"I have complete faith that Uchiha Sasuke has realized what a large mistake he was making. It has been several years since that horrific day—a lot has changed. They are seventeen now and all three of them have become quite powerful. How is that Harry boy? I hear that he was quite upset about his best friend sister's death and has some 'snake fellow' problems as well."
"Yes, Harry was quite upset upon Ginny's unfortunate death. She had died saving the boy's godfather and, of course, her brother has not been the same either. It's been two years and the poor Weasley boy has barely said over ten words. As for the snake fellow… well that is the reason for the added shinobi protection."
"Tragic… I would like to send two older shinobi with Team 7 to be sure that the children behave accordingly and it would not be a bad idea to have someone watching over everything. You may have free pick but I reserve the right to pull out any shinobi in cases of great need."
"You always have the most marvelous ideas and you always drive hard bargains, my boy!"
With that the Hokage and the Headmaster sat back in their seats, peacefully continuing their odd game even though the younger old man realized that the old bearded man had not answered his question. The Hokage could only hope that the volatile young man would not decapitate Albus. He would miss their games of shogi if that happened.