His Hands

Izaya stilled for a moment, consciousness just barely floating to the surface as he felt something warm trace along him, unsure of where it was and who it was from, or even if it was one of his beloved humans. Perhaps it was even Shizuo, strangling the life out of him once and for all. But the thought made him ache. He didn't want to die anymore, not that he wanted to before, but the simple thought of Shizuo doing that was something he couldn't stand to think of.

A fuzzy voice was heard as he felt his head roll back on his shoulders, unsure of what was happening. "Wake up." he heard, feeling that warmth travelling all around his body. He fought for consciousness, fighting for air in his lungs even though he could already breathe fine. Groaning slightly, he opened his eyes lightly, the blinding light from the sun instantly making him close them once more as he hissed.

Cracking them open slightly, he noticed Shizuo over him. That made him glance to the side where a little crowd had formed but was already dispersing. What was going on? "Are you alright?" he heard Shizuo ask even though it was muted slightly as if his ear drums had been shattered or even as if his head was underwater. He pushed himself up, off the damp concrete of the street, trying to resist the temptation to lean into that touch.

It was clear that Shizuo's hands were the warmth he was feeling, he had no idea why, but for some reason it comforted him and unnerved him at the same time. He wanted to ask what happened, but he didn't think Shizuo would really even give him a clear answer since it was obvious that the rage bubbling inside the blond was not directed at him for once. "You fainted on me, Izaya." He murmured, a large hand coming up and making Izaya flinch slightly. Shizuo frowned, but retracted his hand. "Is something wrong? You're not acting like yourself." "I-I'm fine, Shizu-chan, you stupid protozoan."

A look of clear surprise crossed Shizuo's face. "You haven't called me by either nick name in a while." He raised an eye brow and, despite Izaya flinching again, he did a soft stroke down the back of Izaya's head, just to be sure that the raven hadn't fractured his skull or anything that was clear anyways. The look Izaya gave Shizuo was bafflement and confusion, for some reason it made Shizuo laugh. "I guess the question was a bit too much for you to handle." He softly stroked Izaya's hair again, leaning in to give the raven a kiss. Izaya felt his heart leap at the contact even as those strong, warm hands helped him up and helped to steady him once more.

"Wh-What was the question, Shizu-chan?" Shizuo appeared to be sheepish and gave the raven a grin even as his cheeks seemed to redden with a blush. "Well, I know we've been dating for a couple years now, well probably more than that if you think about it, but I thought that it was the right time to ask," Shizuo paused as Izaya's heart thundered in his ears and against his ribs as he waited for the question. "But Izaya, will you marry me?" That was exactly what he thought it was. And before he could answer, he let out a gasp, eyes shooting open to find that it was a dream, his arms stretched out towards the ceiling as he could feel tears pricking at the back of his eyes.

Just a dream. It was... just a dream. He rolled over onto his stomach, burying his face in the pillow as the tears spilled out, his heart aching. He loved Heiwajima Shizuo and he could never EVER let the brute know, despite how many times he wanted to. So for now, he would just wallow in his feelings and dream of things he could never have.