The three friends left Tera's home bright and early.

Keiko rubbed her eye, "Mehhh, do we have to leave this early? I'm so tired and school doesn't start for an hour."

The red head turned to her friends, "Keiko, Asuka, please! All I ask is for a moment of your time. My love life depends on it."

The blonde raised a brow, "I thought this was about your grades." Tera began to march on her merry way, "Imadori, grades...they all go hand in hand."

They walked up to the shrine and saw a strange man wearing a gray wig and a robe. Keiko hid behind Asuka as she looked at the man. Tera was completely oblivious to her surroundings as she knelt before the shrine.

"I'm not asking for much, just love. That's all I ask...please."

She stood back up, and as the girls started to walk to school.

The ginger turned to the man, "Hey uh, what's your name? If you're going to pretend to be a deity, you shouldn't stand out here, it totally kills the vibe."

Harima's face dropped as she knew who he was.

It was later on in the day and the girls were all in gym class. Because of her injury, Tera was sitting out on this one. Asuka and Keiko on the other hand were on the court playing basketball with their other classmates. Keiko was highly athletic, but if she wasn't on a track, she was basically a beached whale.

The girl struggled to keep up with her class and she sighed as she was close to giving up.

The blonde girl laughed, "What's wrong Keiko? Don't know how to throw a basketball?"

The girl pouted as she really didn't.

She replied, "I think I'm just going to sit out this game."

She wiped the sweat beads from her head as she took a seat next to a phone addicted Tera.

"Man, I am totally going to flunk this class."

The ginger didn't reply as she was staring at her phone goo goo eyed.

"Um, Tera?" The brunette snatched her phone away and saw what she was looking at. It was her screen saver.

Keiko looked to her friend, "I still don't get what you were looking at."

The red head grabbed her phone back, "Uh hello. How do you not see that blonde hair? It was a candid picture I caught of Kyosuke."

Keiko scratched her head, "Uh…Kyosuke?"

Tera nodded fiercely, "Yeah Kyosuke. I wanted to start calling him by his first name. It makes me feel closer to him."

She hugged the picture on her phone. The photo was very blurry and you could barely tell it was a human, let alone Imadori.

The taller girl sighed, "I think I'd rather play basketball than to hear you go on about the blonde one again."

She hopped off the bench, "I think I'll get some fresh air first though."

As she made her way outside, she ran into someone. Tall, dark, and handsome as they say.

She looked up at him, "Oh, I'm sorry." He looked back at her, it was Togo of class 2-D.

The boy smiled "It's cool. You're uh, the short red haired girls friend right, Tera?"

She nodded, "Oh, yeah. I'm Keiko."

The two shook hands and the tall boy looked down at her, "Well, I better get back to class. I'm Togo by the way."

She smiled and nodded, "Yeah, me too. Good to meet you Togo. I'll see you around."

As soon as he walked away she internally jumped for a refreshing bit of joy. For the first time since middle school she and Tera weren't social outcasts.

(The Next Day)

The red haired girl popped her head up from under her blanket.

She looked at her alarm clock "DAMMIIIIIIIIT!" She screamed in frustration.

The girl hopped out of bed and grabbed her clothes out of her closet "Geez, is this late stuff gonna be a THING with me?"

Tera opened her door and went to the shower room. She undressed and looked at herself in the mirror.

She looked at her figure in full and sighed "I've lost weight, and I love my measurements...but what if Kyosuke will never...i don't even wanna think about it."

Finally when she was done, she left out of the house, passing Yoichi in the family room "Later Chi-chi. By the way you still have glitter in your hair."

She giggled as she thought of the magic girl comment again. Before she closed the door Yoichi's face changed as if he realized she caught on to whatever it was he and Mai were doing.

The boy replied nervously "Later Red."

Running down the stairs, or limping rather, she dusted off her black yoga pants…they were the only pants she could wear considering her condition. Tera wore her trademark 'late girl hair,' a bun. She had on her required short sleeve blue button up shirt with her name tag on the left side.

The ginger went to the front of the complex, which of course was 'The Ramen Bowl,' she opened the door and noticed all the hungry patrions. She smiled as she was always happy to see that Shin was maintaining customers.

Just barely poking her head in the door, she yelled "Bye Shin-san, im off to work."

She looked at her watch "DAMMIT IM GONNA BE LATE AGAIN!"

She picked up the pace and ran to the side of the building, "Bike, bike, bike."

She looked at where her bike used to be "OH YEAH THATS RIGHT! THIS DAY COULDNT GET WORSE!"

Not like she could ride it anyway, she was still nursing a broken leg after all. The panicked girl began to sprint-limp to work which started in twenty minutes and was about five and a half miles away. To make matters even worse, her long purse got caught on a fence and splattered all of her things onto the concrete.

Scrambling to pick everything up, she lowered her head "Why do I even try?"

She picked up her last item which was her lipstick and whimpered to herself once more "I'm never going to be able to make it in time."

She looked back as she heard a motorcycle driving up behind her. The guy stopped a bit in front of her, he kept his helmet on so she was unable to tell who he was.

"Hey, need a lift?" She was ready to deny this stranger, but he took off his helmet and revealed his face. Harry Mackenzie.

It was as if her prayers were heard and an angel was sent in the form of Harry. He smiled at the girl and his charm seemed to have no affect on her. It wasn't that she didn't care; she was just interested in only one man, Imadori, of course.

Harry tossed her a spare helmet and cocked his head back "Get on."

She fixed the helmet on her head and got on the back of the bike. "I don't know how this is going to work with my cast."

He looked back to her "You can rest it on my leg, and make sure you grab on."

She put her injured leg on his thigh and, lightly placed her hands on his waist. Before putting his helmet back on he looked back at the girl.

"You ever been on one of these before?"

She shook her head.

"Well, these things go pretty fast, so you might wanna hold on a little bit tighter."

The blonde man grabbed her delicate hands and placed her arms tightly around his waist.

"Alright short stuff hang on to your bag, and tell me where to stop."

Generally, she would be irritated by short jokes, but she was too worried about getting to work. As he drove her, a smile spread across her face. This was a great time. She was enjoying the ride. She enjoyed it so much so, that she almost skipped the store she worked at.


He nodded and pulled over in the nearest spot. It may have been small for a grocery store, but it was very busy on days like this. She walked in and sighed at her boss as she took her place at the counter. It was more so of a 'yes I do realize I was ALMOST late' sigh.

She looked up at Harry who followed her inside, "Listen, I can't thank you enough. Thank you so much-"

"Call me any time." He interrupted her and clarified his words, "Like if ya need a ride again, call me."

The ginger started "But I don't have your number."

Harry pulled out his phone "Alright then first year, lets exchange."

They exchanged numbers, and before she was done, he grabbed her phone and raised it up so she couldn't reach. She still tried anyway as he read aloud

"Apparently I am...Hot Blonde."

He smirked and gave her the phone back. "Good to know."

She blushed and turned her head away until he left.

'That's only because Imadori was Sexy Blondeoh wait he's Kyosuke now, I forgot. Well whatever!'

The rest of her day was boring and uneventful; she just finished her shift and locked up.

She opened her phone and went to contacts "It is kinda late...should I call him? I really don't wanna walk all the way home."

A man's voice came through the other line "Hey short stuff." He yawned "Whatcha need?"

"Hey Harry. I was wondering if I could take you up on that offer…for a ride home..?"

(Yagami High School)

It was finally the weekday again, so Tera was back in class. It was lunchtime and she stared out the window as she was lost in thought.

Asuka touched her shoulder, "What's wrong?"

Tera looked back at her friends "N-nothing, I'll be back, okay?"

She gave a deceptive smile to her friends.

'Yeah, I think I'll leave campus for lunch today.'

She made her way to the city and her stomach growled "Mmmm, I'm so hungry."

She looked up and saw a strange man in a straight grey wig. He was wearing long cloths and sunglasses. Strangely, he was surrounded by a lot of animals.

Tera curiously walked over to the man "Um...what are you doing?"

He began to speak "I am telling fortunes young girl."

She leaned her head a bit to the left and squinted at him "HEY! You're that one guy from school, and the one that stole my bike. Didn't I see you at the shrine too? What was your name again... Harry...Hario..."

The man began to sweat a bit as he saw Tenma and Karasuma walking over to them from a distance.

"I don't know what you are talking about little girl, now you have to go."

The red head snapped her fingers "OH THATS RIGHT! YOURE HARIM-"

He covered the girl's mouth, "Please, you gotta get outta here. I'm begging you."

Tera's eyes widened as she nodded. This was the first time she actually feared the man. She didn't think he'd do anything, but she was gonna stay quiet so she wouldn't chance anything. He released his grip and she began to walk away.

"I won't tell anyone about your...identity, okay? But you should go back to school. I always hear people talking about you. They miss you and stuff, ya know?"

As she left, she walked down a flight of stairs thinking about everything.

'Summer is coming up in a few weeks. I'll be getting this cast off, and I can finally continue my journey for Kyosuke's love. It seems like this school year has just begun, yet it's been so long. I really wish I could have made the swim team though...I guess what's past is past. I suppose to get my mind off the ordeal, I'll plan a trip for this summer. A weekend trip. It'll be me, the girls, Chichi and a couple guys from school...maybe Kyosuke will come. Yeah, that would be nic-.'

She was cut out of her thoughts as she saw a crying Tenma dash past her. Yes the girl was a bit annoying, but once again, the ginger felt bad for these strangers. She saw the girl run faster than she'd be able to catch up to, well, in that cast anyway.

She sighed, "Damn, that sucks. Poor girl."

Another voice replied "What sucks?"

Tera turned around quite surprised, "Mai?"

She waved her hand dismissively, "Oh, it's nothing. What are you doing here?"

The brunette looked around a bit, "I was supposed to meet Yoichi here, but I have no clue where he is." The ginger lowered her eyelids, "If it has anything to do with you, he'll be here."

A peachy color stretched across the girls face as she tried to maintain her professional attitude. "Oh...okay, well then I suppose I'll wait a bit longer..."

Tera waved at the girl as she reentered her thoughts, "See you later Mai."

'Yeah, a summer trip is what I'll plan. So help me, I'll make this the best summer I've ever had.'