5. Plants & Rags

Violet :

''I want to go bring you on a real date.''

I was surprised by Tate's proposal. He usually just liked to hang around at home, or go to what he called ''his'' beach... I was thrilled but decided not to show it.

''Really ?'' I asked, an eyebrow raised, smilling mischievously. ''Mr. Langdon asking to go somewhere new ?''

Tate acted insulted, eyes wide open and gasping.

''Gee, I'm offended Vi.''

''Wounded even ?''

''Hurt, Violet''* he retorted, shuckling.

I laughed as he fell on the bed next to me.

''So, what's it gonna be ? I'm expecting something spectacular.'' I joked.

''I don't know yet but but I guess that's a yes then ?'' he whispered, leaning in to kiss me.

When he pulled back, I couldn't help but notice how happy he seemed at the idea. He almost looked childish.

''Yeah, alright.'' I sighed, still wondering how long his smile would last.

Tate wasn't the kind to stay joyful very long. Most of the time I would exit the room for a minute leaving a merry boy and come back to a sullen version of himself. I just had to get used to it I assumed, after all I was a little like that too...

The next few days I can't help but spend my time wondering what Tate was planning. I was quite impatient, I have to say. The day before the ''big day'', while I was waiting for him to climb up into my room at my window, he appeared at his.

''I'm not coming tonight'' he stated calmly.

I frowned at him, pouting like a kid unhappy with it's christmas present.

''Why ?'' I asked, keeping my cool never the less.

''Got stuff to do here and there...'' he answered, a goofy grin stuck on his face.

I stared at him for a few seconds before I spoke again :

''Too bad, I was planning on showing you my tits. Maybe more.''

I shrugged, casually leaning my elbow on the windowsill and my chin on my closed fist. I watched him hesitate, balancing from one foot to the other like a metronome, hands in his pockets. Cute.

''Aaaaah... Crap. No seriously I got shit to do...''


I turned around quickly to hide my dissapointment, heading back into my room.

''Vi...'' he moans, sliding his hand up my thigh. The sensation of his pulsing manhood pushing inside of me is incredible, like a first bite of chocolate ever, a first time joint and a first kiss all in one. His hands on my hips, he drives himself into me again and again, and, by the grunts I hear rising from his chest, I'm not the only one enjoying our lovemaking. He lifts his head up, locking his eyes onto mine.

''You're so hot, Violet... Hot, and tight, and wet...''

I feel myself clenching a single time at his words and he stops, breathing in a few times in an attempt to regain control. I let out a high moan as Tate starts pumping into me again wildly, and my moaning only seems to spur him further on. I feel myself rising from the mattress, a stroke away from orgasm...

I sat up at the noise. I stared into space for a few seconds, rubbing my legs together for a little friction... I turned to the window as I heard another ticking noise. Slipping off the bed, I walked over to see why the fuck I had been woken up at 3 am,during a very enjoyable dream. As I leaned over the ledge, there he was, sitting on the garage roof, looking up at me, as delicious as always.

''Hey.'' he whispered, boyish smile illuminating his face.

''What's with the pebbles man ?''

''I just wanted to see you...'' he answered, his voice a little louder.

Tate being fucking cheesy... Something's up.

''Well, you disturbed a great dream. You were in it...''

''Oh really now ?'' he asked, his smile turning into a devilish grin. ''Wanna share ?''

''Basic sex. A little too usual for me but still, I'm always open for dirty dreams.''

I enjoyed toying with Tate. He just became so predictable when I talked about sex...

''More details please ?''

''Well... Your dick was impressive. I guess you're gonna have to live up to my expectations now.''

He laughed out at my remark.

''Oh, I'll live up to it, Vi...''

''Better live up to it soon...'' I mumbled, before going on : ''Anyway, I have important matters to take care of. I'll see you tomorrow, Tate.''

I turned around and headed back into my room before he could have the time to answer, slumping onto my bed. I did have urgent thing to do...

Tate :

I was surprised to hear Violet speak about sex so openly. She already had, but usually hid her allusions behind semi-transparent innuendos...

I stayed on the roof, sitting down right under her window and laying my head again the wall. After a few seconds, I started to hear her breathe, first quietly then louder and louder. I heard her old bed's matress squeak and the moans she was trying to keep quiet. Must have been a pretty good dream. I wondered if she knew I was listening and felt divided : a part of me felt like climbing up there right then, and take her right then, wildly, while I also wanted our first time to be perfect, and gentle, for her. Moments later, silence, and then the soft noise of her back laying back down on the bed. Her breath is shallow for a while, until it faded away into the night and everything became peaceful and calm again. I lit a cigarette a just closed my eyes, not believing just how peaceful and calm I felt – the first time in a long time. When I started to shiver from the cold, I jumped down and headed back to my bedroom, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, my slumber filled with flower sented and amethyst dreams.

*You know you love Scott Pilgrim as much as I do. Don't fight it.

Okay, so sorry for the waiting and the shortness of this one:( I suck, but anyway ! I hope you like this never the less and I PROMISE I'll have a new one up soooooooon !

Oh ! And so I have this little inside joke going on with myself (sad isn't it...) : every chapter title is also the title of an awesome song:) So you know if you can guess some of the singers/bands, I will love you forever and ever. Plus there really good so:D

Okay, bye !