TITLE: Lessons for a Bright Witch

SUMMARY: The BDSM training Hermione receives from Charlie and Bill Weasley. Prequel to The Wolf, the Witch and the Animagus, contains BDSM scenes.

PAIRING: Hermione/Charlie/Bill - no incest!

WARNING: BDSM scenes, some mild swearing. Not to all tastes, but please R&R if it happens to be to yours! Hermione is 16, the age of sexual consent in Britain. Charlie is 20, mostly as I'm unsure of his exact age.

RATING: M. Very, very M.

A/N: I appear to be caving under remarkably little pressure and writing a prequel. It was requested after my fic The Wolf, The Witch and the Animagus was published, and so I thought "Hey, why not, it's the summer break and all." So even though I should be working on my thesis right now, here I am writing this for your amusements.

Story follows basic lines - one POV per chapter as with The Wolf, The Witch and the Animagus. However, unlike The Wolf, The Witch and the Animagus, we hear from them all twice. Enjoy!


I stare at the parchment and quill in front of me. I know what I want to say, but so far I've only written "Dear Charlie" at the top of the page. I have to chose my words deliberately and carefully. But for a mysterious reason, I can't find any words to say: which for me, is pretty shocking. Actually, maybe not so shocking, given the nature of my enquiry. Because you can't exactly say "Please tie me up and beat me, it gets me off." to one of your best friend's brothers. Even when you know that that brother is in on the lifestyle and would be able to help train you. I pick up the quill, and I dip it in the ink. I take a couple of deep breaths, and I look around to make sure Madame Pince isn't reading over my shoulder to make sure I'm doing homework. I hope she isn't, as there's no way in hell I'd ever be able to pass this letter off as homework.

Dear Charlie

It's Hermione. Hermione Granger, that is. You might be surprised to see that I'm writing to you, when I don't think I ever have before - except that time to get you to come and collect Norbert, that dragon Hagrid managed to hatch in my first year. I think my reasons, however, will be clear by the end of this letter.

I'm writing to make an enquiry of you. I suppose the best way to introduce this enquiry is to tell you that I made a certain discovery in your room when I was cleaning in there over the holidays. I honestly wasn't prying, I just opened a drawer to put some of your things that you'd left in the living room away, and they were kind of right there. The magazines. I didn't look at them, but I knew what they were - I guess it was obvious, really, going on the picture on the cover. I know you're a Dominant on the BDSM scene, and I think I should tell I know I'm a Submissive. I don't want to go into details in a letter. I think I can get this to you without Umbridge reading it - I'm sure you know what a foul toad that woman is. But if she does intercept it, I'd rather not hand her any more information than I already have. I have Warded it - you should be the only one able to read it, but she might be able to break the Charms. But about my enquiry. I'm sure you've already guessed - but I'm asking you to train me. I haven't been trained at all, and this is a lifestyle I'm genuinely interested in.

I'm asking you because I know, trust and admire you. I won't cause a fuss or anything if you turn me down. I know you might have concerns about my age or my being Ron's friend. I'd like to at least discuss it with you. Please let me know if you can help me.


P.S: Please send reply to the Hog's Head in Hogsmeade. Aberforth and I have an arrangement about post now that Umbridge intercepts our letters. I check with him and go when I must.

As an afterthought, I add a kiss at the end, and then seal the letter. I tuck the letter into my robes, pack up my books and retreat to a dark corner of the library, where I Disillusion myself and creep out behind a group of first years. I go down to the grounds, walking quickly, making sure I stay silent. Thank God I managed to get Mad-Eye to teach me some cloaking spells before we left for Kings Cross. The darkness manages to hide me even further and I'm reasonably confident I'm all but invisible. I make it to the gate in about an hour. I peer through the bars, and whistle softly. A barn owl hoots in reply, and swoops down, landing on the other side of the gates. I Charm the letter onto his leg, and tell him where to go. He hoots again, and swoops back into the trees. I stand, and turn for the castle. I'm going to have to run, else I'll be late. It took longer than planned to get down here, and I can't be caught out after curfew. Tucking my cloak about me, consulting the Marauders' Map and checking my charm is still in place, I set off back to the castle. I'd've borrowed Harry's Invisibility Cloak, but I couldn't get him alone, and if I'd asked with Ron in earshot there would have been a Spanish Inquisition from him about what I'm up to. I would have lied, but I hate doing it, they always know. Not that they'd mind. They both thoroughly approve of sneaking around these days, with Umbridge nearly constantly on the prowl. But then it'd get back to Fred and George and I'd have to endure relentless teasing about how the great Hermione Granger was breaking rules. I'm sure they'd be very proud of me.

I get back with seconds to spare. I have to sprint for Gryffindor Tower and am coughing like crazy when I give the password. My God, I'm out of shape. Harry and Ron stare at me.

"Christ, Hermione, you OK? Have you been running?" Harry demands, jumping up to slide my bag off my shoulder for me. I wave helplessly at him.

"I'm (gasp, wheeze, cough, splutter) fine, just had to run (gasp, gasp, cough) from the library."

"Lost track of time again, huh?" he says, grinning, sitting me on the sofa and shoving my head between my knees so he can rub my back a bit. "Better?"

"Yeah." I try and sit back up, but he holds me, makes me ease up slowly. "God, I need to get fit."

"Well, I'm going to bed," Ron says, getting up and pointing at me severely. "Now we know you didn't get caught for doing something you shouldn't by Umbridge and the crew." I pull a face at him and he shambles off up the boys stairs. I pull the map out and hand it back to Harry.

"There a point me asking what you wanted it for?"


"OK. Night, Hermione." I stay for a little longer, watching the flames settle down into glowing coals while the common room empties around me and my heartbeat returns to normal. Its almost midnight before I find the energy or the will to rise, and I take the stairs slowly. The girls are already asleep, the giggling long since over. As I set my alarm for six, I'm getting the feeling I'll regret my late night in the morning.

I manage to drag myself around the next day, thankful that it's Friday and I can fob the boys off with the excuse that I stayed up late studying. Umbridge is striding about the castle looking angry about something, which puts us all on guard. All that means is that she knows something is going on in this castle, but can't find out what. Checking the coast is clear, I drag the boys into a secret alcove and check repeatedly to affirm that we're alone. When I'm finally satisfied, I turn to Harry and Ron.

"So, she either knows or suspects about the DA or she knows something else. Either way someone's getting careless. They're not checking well enough before they come into the Room."

"How can they? All that bloody Inquisitorial Squad would need to do is Disillusion themselves." I nod at Ron, knowing he's right.

"We need to be more careful. Either we call off tomorrow's meeting, or we start slamming up enough security to keep even Dumbledore at bay."


"Harry, you'll have to hide outside. Keep checking the Marauder's Map. Don't let people go in unless the coast is clear."

"Hermione, we'd be out there for hours. The meeting would never get started. If we're that worried, then someone needs to distract the Inquisitorial Squad."

"I'll do it," I say. "Look, you're only covering what people want to practise now it's getting to close to exams. I'll distract them."

"Are you sure?"


"Be careful, Hermione. Don't let them catch you. Don't do anything that'd get you more than a detention -" and Harry grimaces, as we all know what that'd entail "if you're caught doing it."

"Understood. I'll be careful, Harry." We check the Map before we leave our alcove, and miraculously, we get away with it.

Very early the next morning, a coin vibrates under my pillow. I know who it is immediately. Sure enough, engraved on the side is Aberforth's staple message. "Letters. When?" I tap it with my wand. "At once." I slide out of bed, dress quietly, and then head for the boys tower. I sneak into Harry and Ron's room, and climb onto Harry's bed. I put a hand over his mouth and he jolts, blinking. I see his hand edging, and put a knee on it.

"It's me," I whisper. He relaxes and nods. I lie down, and he pulls the curtains around us.

"What?" he grumbles after he's set up a silencing charm.

"Letters. I need the Cloak and the Map. I'm going now."

"What time is it?"

"Four. Aberforth will give me breakfast."

"Be careful," he says, warningly, withdrawing both items from under his pillow. He hasn't bothered putting his glasses on.

"Always am. Meet me in here after breakfast."

"OK. I'm going back to sleep, get out."

"OK," I say, smiling. I slip off his bed, out of the curtains, and then tiptoe out and down the stairs. I put the Cloak on before I leave the Common Room, and unfold the Map beneath it. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," I whisper, tapping it. There's nobody outside, and nobody in any of the corridors leading to the one-eyed witch passageway. Even so, I check at regular intervals. I encounter nobody and it's remarkably easy to get into the passages.

I'm famished by the time I get to the Hogs Head. Only one human is revealed by my spells, and that human is using no charms or potions to protect a secret identity. I knock on the door to the back rooms. Aberforth's voice enquires about my identity.

"You have letters for me, Aberforth." The door opens at once, and he glowers down at me.

"And I suppose you'll be wanting food?"

"That'd be lovely, thank you." I've got used to his gruffness by now. If he wasn't feeding me, he wouldn't bring up food at all. Sure enough, he gestures to a plate of food and a glass of pumpkin juice sitting on a rough table.

"What's it like up there?"

"She's got a smell up her nose about something. It's getting harder."

"You're going to have to call it off eventually."

"Exams are soon enough. It'll all stop then any way."

"If Umbridge has a smell up her nose, as you put it, you don't have that much time."

"Do you know something?"

"I have feeling. Be careful, Miss Granger. It won't be very long now. You are going to be found out."

"Then we'll deal with it. We knew the risks, Aberforth. We aren't the children you suppose us to be."

"No, Miss Granger. I never thought of you as children. Here. Quite a bundle today. I'll walk you to the Shack."

"No, I'll be fine. But thank you for offering nonetheless."

I get back easily enough, but have a narrow scrape with Malfoy. I have no choice but to pass him as I go back into the castle, and it's a close shave indeed. I'm fairly sure he senses that I'm there, but his grab for me misses. I take myself into the boys dormitory, find it empty and perch myself on Harry's bed, waiting.

I must fall asleep, because the next thing I know, there are five people goggling at me.

"Er, Hermione?" Dean asks, grinning. "What exactly are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Seamus asks, also grinning. "She's waiting for Harry."

"How'd you guess?" I ask, yawning.

"Because you were asleep," Ron says, smirking, "in his bed. And you weren't there this morning."

"Hey, you caught me. Couldn't stay away another moment."

"I know," Harry says, throwing himself down next to me. "I'm just irresistible."

"God, I know, Golden Boy," Seamus says, throwing a pillow at him. "I'm actively restraining myself from jumping you." With many ribald comments and sexual innuendos, the boys leave me, Ron and Harry alone.

"Letters," I say, pointing my wand at the curtains, closing and warding them. I draw the packet from inside my robes, and dealing them out. "This one's for Ginny, I'll give it to her later. Two for you, Ron, one for you, Harry, and three for me. Aren't I the popular one." I've already taken out Charlie's. I don't want questions.

Only later, when I'm alone in my dormitory, curled up on my bed, do I open his letter.


It has to be said, it's nice to have you writing to me about something other than Hagrid's illegal dragon hatchery. Your handwriting's gotten better since then.

I don't believe you were prying. It's true, I didn't exactly hide them. You discovered the magazines by accident, and I'm not angry. One should hide the secrets they don't want to be discovered in more discreet and hard to reach places. Speaking of hiding secrets - quite impressive charm work on the letter and good work on establishing secret links for letters and mail. No doubt the twins would be proud. This is a discussion we need to have face to face, however. I'm not saying no - your request intrigues me greatly and I merely want to talk about the things we cannot safely discuss in letters. Meet me at the Hog's Head next Saturday at two - I assume that you can get out, by fair means or foul. Do me a favour, don't wear your uniform - Umbridge might have spies around, I assume this is something you'd rather she didn't discover. I expect you'd rather keep your ways and means of getting out of the castle to yourself. Only answer if this won't work for you - no point going to lots of hassle for the word "OK."


My God, he's a bit brisk. Still, at least he hasn't just said an outright no. I was half afraid he would. Now - what the hell do I wear?

I spent my week worrying about not just that but a whole host of little things. I want to cut my hair, increase my bra size, eradicate the thin white scar from above my eyebrow - a legacy from falling climbing Snowdon with my parents - get a new wardrobe, learn to walk in heels. I haven't the time or the skill to do any of those things, although I finally give in to Lavender's pleas and I do let her trim my hair. I have to admit, she's actually very good at it, and obeys strict orders to only trim the split ends and do a general tidy. It looks a lot better, and it does make me look less of a frizzy-haired schoolgirl. I dither extensively after lunch on Saturday. I've whittled my choices down - not that there were particularly many of them - to two. Either I go smart, or I wear a green fitted sweater and jeans. Eventually giving up, I decide to go with sweater and jeans. I put my hair up, coaxing it into a tousled effect, like I just threw it into this style when I got up in the morning. I spend five intense minutes on make-up, put Harry's Cloak and the Map into my shoulder bag and run down to the Common Room where I find both him and Ron engaged in a violent bout of Wizard's Chess. I'm greeted by a wolf-whistle from Fred and George, and I try glaring at them, although I'm fairly sure the smile tugging at my lips and the blush on my face pretty much negates any quelling effects it might have had.

"And where are you going?" Ron demands, looking me over. "Got a boyfriend among the library people?"

"I'll be back by dinner," I say, standing on my dignity. "As for you, Ronald, don't be childish. It's none of your business where I'm going."

"Well, sorry I offended you."

"See you later, Hermione," Harry says, grinning. "Bishop to E7."

"Goddamn, you got my Queen!"

"Pay attention then." While Ron broods over his next moves, Harry gets up to give me a hug. "You look positively delicious."

"Hush," I say, looking around to make sure nobody heard that one. "I want to speak to you later."

"I'll spirit you away somewhere after dinner."

"Alright. I look OK?"

"Oh yes, you look 'OK' alright." He smirks as he lets me go, and I leave the Common Room slightly flustered. I know well enough what it'll end up with when he "spirits me away" as he promises. There are no objections from me.

I get out of the castle with no hassle, and I see from the Map that not one member of the Inquisitorial Squad was anywhere near either me or the passage at any point. While Hogsmeade is a little busy, I keep the Cloak on until I'm at the Hog's Head and I've ascertained that none of the people in the bar is using any Concealment Charms. How ridiculously over-cautious all this is! Goddamn Umbridge. I can't see the tell-tale Weasley red anywhere, but Aberforth is behind the bar. I stand directly in front of him, and tap my coin with my wand. He turns with great nonchalance. "I'm here." My coin vibrates not a moment later, and his message reads "Upstairs." At that exact moment, some kind of bar brawl breaks out, to the delight of the patrons, and while they're distracted, I slip off the Cloak, revealing my own beneath it. I keep the hood up, and make for the stairs. The door at the end of the corridor upstairs stands open and I head for it. I take a deep breath, take my courage in my hands and enter.