Well here we are with yet another fic from the ever procrastinating Millennion.. This one will be Naruto as I think it should have been.. And, for the most part, things will remain Canon although some characters will be far stronger than Canon simply because Kishimoto fucks up power levels.. As for the status of my other fics: (to those that actually care) Death on the Battlefield will have a new chapter whenever I get around to completing it. Hopefully soon. As for the other two, they will be rewritten with the same premise but with hopefully much better writing.. So without further ado let the story begin…

Naruto Uzumaki eyed the obstacle in front of him with unflinching concentration. Angling his short frame perfectly he let loose with the kunai and watched it land with a meaty thunk near the center of the target. A small smile crossed his face and he gleefully wiped the sweat from his brow. Picking up one of several fallen kunai that littered the small training ground he was using he resumed his practice. The sight of a four year old training his kunai skills so diligently was unusual even in a village renowned for its ninja like the Village Hidden in the Leaves, but the Old Man had promised him that he could start the academy next week and the Blond had vowed to be ready. It was getting late, though, he thought before grinning. Time for some Ichiraku's.. Gathering up his training kunai he was about to make his way towards his favorite ramen stand when he heard a loud crash along with the unmistakable sound of metal grinding against metal. Innately curious he made his way silently towards the noise his jaw dropped in awe. In the next clearing two blurs crashed into each other before separating to reveal two ninja both wearing leaf headbands. Naruto watched in stunned excitement as the two palmed a pair of kunai and performed a series of expertly timed punches and kicks that their opponent just as deftly blocked or dodged. As the battle before him intensified Naruto found himself frozen in place as an invisible pressure bore down on him and yet still his eyes watched in fascination and fear as the two ninja wove handseals at speeds his untrained eyes could barely see. A great gout of flame burst from one of the ninjas mouths and was met with a wall of solid earth. The earth split the fireball in two sending one half careening harmlessly into the sky and the other half headed straight for the frozen child. The blond's scream of pain tore the two Chunin from their battle and they watched with growing horror as his screams died out as his charred body crumbled to the ground.

Drip… Drip… Drip… Naruto groaned and opened his eyes…'Where am I ' he thought glancing around. The first thing he noticed was the sheer darkness surrounded by what was undoubtedly a sewer. Further inspection revealed a series of tunnels and as he looked around he saw a light far into the distance down one of them. He made his way down the pathway noting with curiosity the strange sounds coming from the end of the tunnel. As he neared the end the sounds grew in volume until they were easily recognizable as the growls of a large animal of some kind. Swallowing the lump that appeared in his throat he made his way into the light and gasped in surprise at the sight before him. It was a large white gate with the word SEAL in giant letters over it.. Behind the gate was an enormous fox with nine gigantic tails waving casually behind it. A combination of fear and uncontrollable curiosity coursed through him and he made his way slowly forward before a booming voice stopped him

"So My Jailer has arrived.." Roared the Fox before grinning cruelly, eagerly showing off rows of razor sharp teeth "Why are you here, Human?"

Naruto gulped before mustering his courage and shaking his head. "I don't know. Last thing I remember was that fire coming towards me then pain and I found myself here…where are we?"

The Fox scratched his gigantic nose with one of its tails before answering in a bored voice "We are in your feeble little mind human."

Naruto looked surprised. "How did you get in my head?" He asked curiously.

The moment the words left his mouth the pressure he felt earlier watching the two ninja was back and intensified to a level that Naruto's young mind could not comprehend.. His muscles froze and he found it impossible to breathe as his young mind began the shut down under the pressure of the fox's rage.. Noting the affects his anger was having on his jailer the fox reluctantly eased up on his killing intent until the boy in front of him was able to gasp frantically for breath. He studied his jailer for a moment before heaving a large sigh and responding. "I was sealed in here, brat, by the one you call the Fourth Hokage…Your Father."

Naruto's brain threatened to overload at the new information he received.. The fourth was…"Wait,," he yelled in startled realization.. "You are the Kyuubi who attacked the village 4 years ago" he was about to back away in fear before the rest of the Fox's statement sunk in. "Wait… my father was the fourth?"

The Kyuubi sighed in exasperation "Yes brat, he's your father and I did indeed attack this pathetic village." He grinned again at the memory before noticing the sound of barely restrained sobs as the child began to cry... "Why?" he sobbed staring accusingly at the unrepentant fox. "Why did you kill him…what did we ever do to you?"

"You'd never understand child." "Please tell me!" begged the blonde before falling to his knees. "I've been alone my whole life….everyone ignores me no matter what I do,, so please, please, tell me why….It's not fair" he sobbed.

The fox stared at him for a moment before sighing.. "No, I suppose it's not"

Settling on his haunches he spoke again. "I know all too well the unfairness of fate… can you understand child what it's like to be caged? To spend an eternity in darkness?" the boy shook his head but listened intently. "You humans are so selfish, constantly lusting for power. Throughout the centuries of my existence me and my brothers and sisters have watched you slaughter each other wholesale. As your wars escalated it wasn't long before your ancestors began to seek the power of my brethren. Of course, they failed horribly and we killed and ate all who dared to challenge us. All was well until that man appeared: Hashirama Senju, your first Hokage. He was born with an ability not seen since the death of the Great Sage, the ability to subdue the powers of the Bijuu and, like all humans, he lusted for power. He captured my brothers and sisters and traded them away to promote the so called peace between the newly created hidden villages."

The fox gazed down at the eagerly listening child…"tell me Naruto Uzumaki" "What right did he have to trade away power that wasn't his? To trade away the freedom of my siblings as if he was Kami himself?"Before the stunned blond could answer the fox continued, "Eventually I alone remained free. Until one day Uchiha Madara, with his cursed eyes and foul chakra, attacked and managed to subdue me. He led me towards what is now the Valley of the End to fight his rival, Hashirama. He was defeated and I was freed from his cursed genjutsu. However, before I could leave, that bitch, Mito Uzumaki, sealed me into her body." He growled angrily. "I spent years trapped in darkness. Chained to a rock until, finally, the seal began to weaken. I surged my chakra forward in an attempt to break my shackles and managed to escape. I breathed fresh air for the first time in decades, but before I could enjoy my freedom, I was bound once again. This time in a new container: your mother, Kushina," Here Naruto gasped but remained silent entranced by the tale." I bided my time… swearing to one day be free and to have my vengeance, then four years ago I had my chance. Your mother was giving birth which weakened the seal. I tried to get out and suddenly I was free. But before I could enjoy it Madara appeared again and put me once again under his control. I raged and slaughtered the Konoha forces until suddenly I was free from his control. I suppose your father must have stopped him somehow. I made my way to the village destroying all who stood in my path and prepared a tailed beast ball that would wipe out this village and remove everyone who had a chance to take my freedom again. But I was stopped by your father and once again found myself sealed. All because your father wanted you to be able to steal my power!"

With his story finished the foxed lay down, content to be lost in his thoughts before a soft voice broke his reverie. "I'm Sorry" mumbled the child before gathering his courage and gazing into the fox's surprised eyes. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, son of the Fourth Hokage and I hereby swear to find a way to set you free." Kurama stared at the child in surprise and sensing no falsehood or negative emotions from him he smiled. "Then Naruto Uzumaki, I, Kurama, lord of kitsune accept your pledge and vow to aid you in whatever endeavor you find yourself in."

Hiruzen Sarutobi paced frantically by the wounded child's bed. Such a stupid accident for his pseudo grandson to be involved in. The two irresponsible Chunin had been punished with a month of intense training with Gai. That should raise their battlefield awareness, but truthfully, accidents like this happened fairly often. The old Hokage never thought he'd be grateful for the Kyuubi's presence within Naruto, but as the boy's wounds healed far more rapidly than a normal human being's, he couldn't help but be grateful for the strange twist of fate. He was snapped out of his reverie by the slow movement of the bed sheets and with speed belying his age he was by his young friend's side. "How are you feeling Naruto?" he asked softly.

The boy glanced around sleepily before hugging one of his few friends in the village. "I'm just fine Jiji," he smiled before a loud rumble filled the room. "Could use some ramen though"

A week had passed since the accident at the training ground and his meeting Kurama. The two new partners had decided that keeping Naruto's knowledge of Kurama and his parents a secret would be best for now. After the initial excitement was over, Kurma informed him that there was little he could do to help him until his body got strong enough to handle his chakra but Naruto merely grinned and said it was fine as he did not want to depend on Kurama's power anyway. It was now the first day of the academy and he was eager to attend. Making his way past the mass of new students to his classroom, he took a seat near the front and he listened with boundless excitement as the female teacher introduced herself as Suzume-sensei. The first few months, she explained, would be spent going over basic taijutsu forms and physical fitness. They would also be learning the proper way to hold and use a kunai. Also, by the end of the year, they would be learning how to unlock and use their chakra.

A month into the class, however, it was clear that Naruto's genetics had shown through. His quick mind absorbed taijutsu forms like a sponge to water and his previous practice had his accuracy at the top of the class. It was also apparent after the first spar he had with one of his fellow students that he had already unlocked his chakra and was subconsciously using it in his attacks. He had quickly sidestepped his opponent's sloppy punch and sent him crashing into a wall with a sidekick. It became apparent a month later when Suzume-sensei caught him practicing the more advanced 2nd year academy taijutsu forms that there was little else she could teach him at this level and she firmly recommended he be placed in a more advanced class. The next day he started his second year classes under Keiko-sensei.

The second year's curriculum was far more difficult than before, in addition to having more advanced taijutsu and weapons training, they were also taught history and basic shinobi tactics and stealth. They were also introduced to chakra control and began working on the leaf floating exercise. It was during once such lesson that Naruto discovered that he had a large amount of chakra for his age and, thus, had difficulty controlling it. Luckily, while Kurama had no knowledge of how to do human jutsu he did have some knowledge on chakra control and was able to impart the basics of tree climbing and water walking, bringing Naruto to average control over his chakra which was impressive for his age. His healing factor allowed him to train harder and longer than his peers and he intensified his physical training running laps around the village and swimming with rocks tied to his ankles. The great benefit he found in being a second year student was that he was allowed access to the Academy Library. There were very few jutsu available to learn, merely a few D-ranked ones like the basic three and body flicker. However there was a wealth of scrolls on the basics of ninja arts such as sealing and medicine. There were even basic theories on genjutsu. Naruto devoured such knowledge and was soon able to make his own explosive tags and was able to identify the 8 main lethal parts on a human body. He advanced so quickly in fact that after three months he had learned the entire second year's curriculum and had increased his strength and speed so much that no one in the second year class could come close to him in taijutsu. Once again, he found himself advanced to a higher level. It was then that the whispers started: Tensai. Genius. The second coming of Itachi Uchiha. Hiruzen was so proud he took him to Ichiraku's to celebrate.

Naruto found his transition into his third year classes far more difficult. Hounded by bullies who were jealous of the fact that a child so young had made it into their class he discovered a hitch in his progress. While his chakra capacity and control had continued to grow steadily through hard training, and his quick mind absorbed the new lessons on geography and infiltration like a sponge, he was simply too small to defeat the older boys in direct combat during spars. Mastering the basic three did give him an edge on the weaker students and with tactics he was able to win, however, the top students continued to knock him around like a ping pong ball. To overcome this glaring weakness he began wearing small weights and worked long and hard on speed training. He also raided the library and absorbed everything he could on genjutsu. After a month of hard training he once again was running circles around even the most dedicated third year students. He mastered the tree walking and water walking exercises and after a combined 4 months of training found himself once again advancing into the 4th and final academy year.

The final year at the academy was spent with more intense spars and battlefield simulations as well as mastering the three basic jutsu and eliminating any holes in their skills. With the genin exam looming, Naruto began to work on kunai balancing, the next level in chakra control training, as well as finally mastering the body flicker technique. He increased his speed training and began working on increasing his hand seal speed as well as mastering a newly discovered ability to sense negative emotions which came in handy during stealth training. Finally, after three months and a combined year of training, the day of the genin exam had arrived. I must have looked comical, he would think years later. Though he was a whole foot smaller than the shortest student there and wore a bright orange track suit with black stripes, when his name was called he moved with supreme confidence. In the accuracy test, he achieved perfect bullseyes and while he didn't get a perfect score he knew he scored high on the written exam. Next came the stealth test, which despite the fact that his orange jumpsuit was like a neon sign, he was skilled enough to avoid being seen and passed with flying colors. Next came the ninjutsu part of the exam in which he created 15 perfect clones. The final part of the exam was a match between him and the number 2 student and top Kunouchi, Hana Inuzuka.

Hana attacked with all the ferocity her clan was known for, knowing from experience that if she let him gain any momentum it was all over her. Naruto nimbly dodged her strikes mentally thanking god that he had worked so hard on improving his speed. She was bigger and certainly stronger than he was and while he could honestly say his forms were smoother and more skillful, in a straight up taijutsu match she would slaughter him. Dodging a roundhouse kick to the face he quickly wove through seals and body flickered behind her, and taking advantage of her surprise launched a series of fast punches into her stomach before landing a sidekick that sent her flying. She recovered her balance and landed daintily on her feet. Glaring at the boy before her who almost seemed to be laughing, she moved to attack again before the cool metal tip of a kunai dug gently into her neck. To her surprise the boy in front of her shimmered away. 'Clone jutsu' she thought angrily. "The winner and rookie of the year: Naruto Uzumaki".

"Well done Naruto." exclaimed Ayame as she served the ecstatic boy another heaping bowl of miso ramen. The boy grinned widely at the ramen shop girl before diving into the new bowl of heavenly noodles.

"Indeed" said the blond's companion, an old man in white robes with the kanji of fire shadow on the back." You are now the youngest to ever graduate the ninja academy. I'm truly proud of you," the old man smiled. 'He is truly your son, Minato' "However," he continued, "you have a long and dangerous road ahead of you, never slack in continuing your progress."

Naruto grinned and his blue eyes glowed with excitement. "No worries old man! I promise to be the greatest ninja ever." With a mischievous grin he turned to his pseudo grandfather. "So how about you teach me a jutsu as a graduation present?"

Three days later after mastering the shadow clone jutsu the old man taught him, Naruto was sitting in class awaiting his team announcement.

"Team 12: Naruto Uzumaki, Hana Inuzuka and Jin Miyamoto, your sensei is Mikoto Uchiha."

A.N Whew… finally done! Now to get those pesky questions out of the way: The pairing for this fic will be Naruto/harem… Sorta. You'll have to read it and see but romance does not play a big factor in this and no none of the rookie 9 will be paired with him. In fact, depending on how people vote I may make him 2 years older than they are. What do you guys think

Naruto will be very skilled in this and after reading the manga the only way to really super power him is to make him a Super Saiyan I mean come on Madara can use the Rinnegan and the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and head off all 5 kage…