Naruto: Villain's Heir
Kegin: Alright readers, have I got a treat for you. In this story, Kami-Sama and Shinigami-Sama see the future of little Naruto, and decide to use the Kyuubi sealing as an opportunity to change it. They seal several well-known villains in the seal along with Kyuubi in order for them to repent by teaching Naruto to use their abilities in order to make his future a brighter one. The villains will be seen later on in the chapter. This will be a harem fic. You will vote for girls. This will be a powerful/godlike Naruto fic. as well. Flamers will be ignored. Story start!
~Story Begin~
On October 10th, XXXX, the biju known as the Kyuubi No Kitsune, for some unknown reason, attacked Konohagakure, the strongest military power in the shinobi world. Although their shinobi were of exceptional caliber, none could hope to match the power of the strongest of the nine biju. As the battle drew on, and the shinobi continued to give their lives to protect their home and loved ones, the Yondaime hokage, Minato Namikaze, rode atop Gamabunta, head of the Gama Summoning clan, into battle to combat the Kyuubi. Seething in blind wrath and fury, the Kyuubi struck at the new adversary with three of its tails. Leaping from the ground Gamabunta dodged two of the beast's tails, but the third scratched his eye in a vertical slash. Ignoring the injury, Gamabunta made his way to the beast, dodging the tails along the way, and once there, with all of his strength, Gamabunta grabbed onto the Kyuubi. With what little time he had, The Yondaime jumped onto the Kyuubi's head, revealing the small bundle in his arms, shouting "SHIKI FUIN!" Once his declaration was said, the great god of death, Shinigami, appeared with all his dark glory. The Shinigami then snared the Kyuubi's soul in his fist, he then sealed it into the stomach of the bundle in the young hokage's arms. After the completion of the sealing, Minato looked the bundle, his face not in pain, but in a small, loving smile. With his soul leaving his body, his last words were spoken "Good-bye Naru-Kun. I love you my son." And with that, Minato Namikaze, the Kiiro no Senkou, the Yondaime Hokage and pride of Konohagakure, died.
As he began to leave the mortal realm, Shinigami heard a melodic voice and halted his leave. "Hello Shinigami-Kun." Said deity turned to see the graceful, smiling face of the creator herself, "Kami-Dono…" He bowed in reply. Giggling softly, Kami raised the head of the bowed Shinigami. "Oh Shini-Kun, how many times have I told you that you don't have to bow to me every time we meet?" her voice, while full of grace and kindness, also rang with a childish essence. "Kami-Dono…" Shingami began, "You are the true sovereign one, the creator. I must show my deepest of respects to your presence."
Laughing quietly, Kami shook her head as once again; Shinigami was being stubborn in his "proper etiquette". Sighing, she looked at the God of Death. Her aura changed from one of joy, to one of a more…serious nature. Noticing this, Shinigami stood up and looked at his superior, surprised at the sudden change in her aura. She was almost never serious. 'For her to be like this must mean something is wrong, but what?' the God of Death wondered.
"I know that you were just summoned by the mortal Minato Namikaze to seal the Kyuubi into his newborn." Kami stated matter-of-factly, her face in a no-nonsense state. Shinigami nodded in response, wondering why she was concerning herself in a matter already taken care of. "Indeed Kami-Dono. But why is this issue troubling you? A new Jinchuriki is hardly a matter that concerns you." Ignoring her long-time friend's words, Kami looks at Shinigami with an empty look, "Have you seen his future?" Surprised by her question, the God of Death shook his head lightly. "No Kami-Dono. Why would I? All mortals die. That is when I see their lives. Why do you ask this question?" he was honestly curious. He had never seen the supreme deity like this before. Her gaze softening, Kami looked at the small bundle of the sleeping baby, completely ignorant of the hard times ahead of him. "Shini-Kun." She began, gaining the god's full attention. "Look at his future. And then you will understand what I am getting at."
Complying with her wishes, Shinigami focused his mind on the child before him and looked his future. 'What?!' he opened his eyes in disgust. 'How could a child live through that and have remained as pure he is now?' he had looked into the boy's future, and what he saw sickened him beyond what he had thought possible. Beatings, malnourishment, hindering teachers, bullies, all in all hell waited for the boy. Shinigami turned his yellow eyes to the bundle. "How…" his voice low, "How can a human, a child no less, go through what I saw and remain pure?" he turned to Kami. "How?"
Kami looks at him and answers with a soft voice, "Because he has a heart purer than gold and a soul purer than anything I have ever seen. I've never seen such a soul such as his before. However, he will no more pain and anguish than any one human could ever know." She turns the Shinigami, who then sees the pair of tears leaking slowly from her eyes. "He will know so much pain and loneliness. It's not right Shini-Kun. No mortal, especially deserves such a thing." She finished her short speech and turned her attention to the bundled child, her gaze unwavering.
It tore at Shinigami to see his friend in such a state. "What do you propose we do Kami-Dono? We cannot simply alter events of times yet to come, the laws you created prevent that." He reasoned. "Then..." Kami's gaze returned to Shinigami, "This once, I will allow that law to be broken. For there is something else that can be done…"
Shinigami stared at Kami, wondering what she was up to. "Where are you getting at Kami-Dono?" She looked at him and revealed her idea, "Over the years, you obtained the souls of those who were deemed 'villains' isn't that right Shini-Kun?" Nodding his head, Shinigami confirmed her question. "That I have, but what does that have to do with…Kami-Dono! You can't possibly be suggesting…" "I am Shini-Kun." Kami stated her eyes as cold as steel. "Seal these souls inside young Naru-Chan. With their powers, he should be able to prevent not only his sad life…but he may also be able to prevent the disaster that was foretold for this world." Shinigami took in her words, before he realized a flaw in her plan. "Kami-Dono…why would these souls teach him? What would they have to gain?" Kami smiled as she turned back to Shinigami. "By teaching him, this is their way of repentance." Her simple sentence widened the God of Death's eyes.
Considering the possible problems, he nodded before raising his right hand; mass of multiple orbs, all a mixture of purple, green, and red, before lowering his hand and placing the amassed orbs inside the newly constructed seal. Sighing, Shinigami looked at Kami. "I hope you're right about Kami-Dono. The power of those souls….what if they corrupt him?" Kami looked at Shinigami, a small smile formed, "I suppose we must have faith Shini-Kun. We should go." And with that Kami vanished from Shinigami's sight. Turning one last time to look at the young child, Shinigami smiled as he returned to his realm.
"Stay strong….and good luck. Naruto."
Kegin: And we're done! Next chapter you folks will see meet the villains *applause* thank you thank you. Now, I want you all the look up my other story Jack L Antern: prelude, everything will be explained there…now once again. Vote on my other stories dammit! I need those votes to decide what to do with the harem! Seriously….vote. Not that hard.
I'm gonna go eat some cheesecake…