Konichiwa! ^_^. Gomen to everyone who has reviewed so many times begging for the next chapter. Im really sorry, a/s exams and everything can wear a gal out!! ^_^.
Enjoy this chapter of Digitally Mimi, remember to review and no flames, I don't like them!! ^_~
*Read the new chapter of Teen Dream! *
~*Cherry Li*~
~*Digitally Mimi*~
This was it, the day that would change Mimi's life. She knew how important it was to do her best and be chosen as a digital warrior, if she failed she would loose Tanemon forever, yet to win un beknown to her, would crush Yamato's hopes in that her life would be spared.
'Are you ready Meems?' Yolie asked as Mimi looked at the gates, which opened in front of all the candidates.
Mimi turned to Yolie after her thoughts, 'I think' Mimi gave out a weak smile.
'This is your only chance, do not fail' Jyou announced and gazed over to Mimi who sighed.
'Why are you doing this?' Matt asked angrily to Jyou
'Now, now Yamato I just want what is best for the digital world' Jyou smirked 'And me' he then thought as he watched Mimi along with her team mates enter the large dome where the doors were bolted behind them.
'Only a crest can open the doors, you better hope she does well. Otherwise…' Jyou hinted to Matt of the inevitable if any candidate failed to find a crest.
'This is wrong. I make the decisions in a fair way so that no-one will get hurt' Matt said
'You make your choice, I make mine. I choose you to be a digital warrior years ago. You were the youngest but you had spirit and you were the best fighter. And now you train others, this was your dream. Why are you holding back on it?' Jyou asked as he looked to Matt.
Matt stood and glared at Jyou. He knew why, as did Matt yet saying the real truth could damage his dreams. He wasn't allowed to have these feelings for a pupil, if he admitted it he could loose his title. Yet if he didn't…
'If you tell me then I can help you Yamato' Jyou smirked and waited for Matts reply.
'Kido sensei' a trainer approached the pair disrupting Jyou's plans.
'What is it?!' Jyou spoke with rage
'Er…the candidates have arrived near the digimons. Izumi sensei wishes for you both to view it' the trainer asked
'Fine' Matt softly mumbled as he walked past the trainer who then followed.
'This should be interesting' Jyou smiled to himself then followed Matt to the viewing dome.
Mimi couldn't help but stare at the large bolted gates that slammed behind her. This was her only shot at getting Tanemon back, to become a digital warrior. Although it was going to be hard. She had to prove to everyone including Izzy and Michael that she was the best at the job and could do it, but most of all she had to prove it to herself.
'Mimi c'mon' Yolie called to her friend as the group waited behind her.
'She better not slow us up' Sora huffed as she linked to Tai's arm.
'Hey will you leave her alone' Tai said to Sora who then lowered her head.
Mimi then turned to her group and smiled
'Sorry, c'mon lets go find our crest!' Mimi smiled as she ran past her group.
'Fine with me!' Davis smiled and ran after her, closely followed by the rest of the group.
'Y'know we should really pick who's going to lead our team' Ken suggested and the group halted.
'Yeah your right' Yolie replied as she stopped next to him.
'Well who should it be?' Cody asked.
'Well I think it should be Tai, as he obviously is the bravest and talented person in this group' Sora said as she folded her arms.
'Now I know why you hate her' Yolie whispered to Mimi
'Well why do we need a leader for? If we need to make a decision then we will decide as a team' Mimi then suggested and the group paused.
'It's a good idea' Davis shortened the silence
'Yeah I agree' Yolie smiled and the rest of the group apart from Sora agreed.
'Well I don't. You lot obviously don't get it. Why I was put in this team is beyond me, and you all go listen to a preppy cheerleader who's got air inside her head and might worry if she breaks a nail!' Sora cried and grabbed Tai's hand. 'Well we're not being in a group that handles scenarios incorrectly' Sora finished and pulled Tai who then pulled away from her.
'No Sora, Mimi's right we need to work together. Just stay and try and get along' Tai said but Sora gritted her teeth.
'Fine! Stay here then I'll find the crest on my own!' Sora cried and walked into a thick forest.
'No Sora wait, don't go alone' Mimi cried and ran after her. Mimi searched within the forest closely followed by her teammates all calling for Sora. Mimi then turned a corner and saw Sora just as she screamed and slipped and fell of an edge.
'SORA!' Mimi yelled and ran towards her. Although she disliked the girl she couldn't see anyone get hurt, and besides having one of her teammates dead wouldn't make her case to be a digital warrior any better. Mimi gripped Sora's hands as she fell down, and began to pull her back up. Sora couldn't believe her eyes, the girl who looked weak puny and her rival was pulling her to safety and saving her life!
'Sora!' Tai called as he ran to her once she was safely on the ground. Mimi stood and watched the pair as Tai frantically checked if she was ok, then hugged and kissed her as Sora cried into his shoulder saying 'Sorry'. Mimi felt a pang in her heart, yet this time it wasn't jealousy it was happiness, she was happy for Tai, as she no longer had the feelings that she felt for him weeks ago. He had someone new, who loved him too, and she was happy.
'You saved my life' Sora wept as she looked at Mimi and a smile was exchanged between them, yet suddenly the ground beneath them all shook and the trees parted as a large teddy bear angrily appeared before them all.
'I love bears, but I have a feeling I won't like this one' Yolie cried as everyone gasped at the digimon.
'What in the world…' Davis began as they all began to run 'Is a large teddy bear chasing us!'
'That's Cuddlesmon (I can't remember the name of that digimon so Im making his mega form instead! ^_^) he's a mega digimon. He's thought to be kind and gentle and only attacks when you hurt innocent digimon' Ken replied
'But we haven't done anything' Cody said looking back at the raging digimon that was gaining on them.
'Maybe we need to find out, I hate running at the best of times and now im going to stop!' Mimi said as she stopped in her tracks.
'Mimi what are you doing?' Yolie cried
'C'mon run' Sora called after her as they all stopped.
'No' Mimi said stubbornly 'We can't run forever, and as Ken said he's not a bad digimon, and we've done no harm so maybe we'll be ok' Mimi then said although her mind was screaming how much of an idiot she was!
'Well im not letting her do this on her own' Yolie said and walked next to her friend, then the others followed suit.
'Cuddlesmon, why are you chasing us we've done no wrong to you?!' Mimi cried to the large bear who stopped in front of them.
'I'm angry!' the large bear yelled
'Why?' Mimi then asked and the bear sat down making the ground shake.
'Because whilst I was picking a pretty thing up, I got a thorn in my foot' the bear wailed as he shown the small thorn in his foot, and the group sweat dropped.
'Is that it!' Tai asked
'Wow considering the size of him he sure is a big baby!' Davis sighed and Cody nudged him.
'But it hurts!' The bear cried and rubbed his foot.
Mimi then had an idea.
'We can help you, but we want to know if you can help us too?' Mimi asked and the others watched to see her plan.
'Anything, just get it out!' Cuddlesmon cried and Mimi smiled to the others.
'C'mon' Mimi then ushered everyone together to formulate a plan.
'Ok so we basically tug the torn and hope for the best?' Davis asked about the plan
'Yep, and hopefully he can tell us where to find the crest' Mimi smiled and the others smiled back.
'Great idea Mimi' Yolie smiled as they walked over to the torn as Cuddlesmon covered his eyes with his paw.
'Thanks. I just hope we get the crest so I can get Tan…I mean get into the digital warriors' Mimi smiled back to Yolie
'Ok everyone' Mimi called as they each held a piece of the large thorn (well to them!) 'PULL!' Mimi then ordered and everyone pulled hard as Cuddlesmon yelped in pain as the thorn finally came out.
'There we go!' Mimi smiled and everyone looked at the thorn.
'Wouldn't want that in my foot!' Davis said as he looked at the large thorn which was nearly as tall as him!
'Thank you so much' the bear smiled and then stood 'Now what was it you wanted?'
'We want to know where the crest is to get us out of here??' Mimi asked and Cuddlesmon opened out his paw.
' You were all kind to me and genuine. Here take this you deserve it. I was going to keep it as I found it, that's how I got the thorn in my foot. But you may as well have it seems you need it more than me' Cuddlesmon smiled and gave Mimi a tear shaped crest. The group then cheered and raced to the gates waving goodbye to the bear as they left.
'Seems that Tachikawa is doing well, they've found the crest and are on their way out' Izzy stated as Matt entered the room.
'What?!' Matt cried and Jyou smiled.
'I knew she was a good choice. Looks like your final 7 was correct' Jyou smiled to Matt who snarled at Jyou.
'Yeah, we should go and meet them and tell them the good news' Michael suggested
'No' Jyou stopped him 'Tell them nothing, just say that they should get cleaned and dressed for the dance so not to ruin everyones day, it will be a nice surprise for them all at the dance' Jyou smiled
'That's a good idea Jyou. Quite thoughtful' Izzy smiled and left to greet the others with Michael.
'Yeah thoughtful' Matt angrily whispered as he walked past Jyou, the decision had been made. The only thing he could do now was to hope that he would lead them into battle, so he could protect her. ^_^.
Jyou smiled to himself, he loved playing games with peoples minds, and wanted great pleasure into watching his game unfold for Matt.
Mimi pressed the crest into a lock and the doors slowly opened in front of them where Michael and Izzy stood waiting for them.
'Did we do it?' Mimi asked running into the domed area again
'Yeah am I a famous warrior?' Davis asked impatiently.
'We will tell everyone the results at the dance tonight. Yet for now you must rest and get ready for the dance' Izzy smiled and everyone sighed and walked back towards there dorms. Mimi hung her head low and walked in silence, the dance where she had to meet that creep who kept Tanemon her beloved friend. Did she do well enough to get her back and become a digital warrior, or has Jyou got Tanemon forever and another fate for her????
Ohhhh has Mimi lost Tanemon to that creep Jyou?? Will Matt save Mimi?? And What will happen at the dance?? Review and I'll tell you ^_^.
The Calling is the next story to be updated so keep your eyes peeled!!! ^_^
~*Cherry Li*~