Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in the update but I was busy working on filler for a later episode. As I mentioned in chapter 18, I will now commence the election for the top five episodes of Nyotalia- Axis Powers. The rules are simple:

Rule 1. For eligibility, votes must be placed as reviews and must also include the episode and how it could have been improved.

Rule 2. From the votes, I will personally tally up the votes and pick the five episodes with the most votes. If there's a tie, then I'll decide based on the episode's fluency.

Rule 3. I will only accept one review per person and each person may only put one episode as their vote (those with multiple votes will be disregarded).

Rule 4. If either of the following occurs, I will decide on which episodes to put on the top five (or at least part of it) myself:

If there are no reviews for votes at all.


If there are reviews for votes but not enough episodes counted.

Now that I've finished my explanation on the rules, I shall begin episode 19.

I, oath-keeper95, own the rights to neither Hetalia- Axis Powers or the craze Nyotalia.

Please enjoy.

"Alright guys, let's get this meeting started." Amelia said with the attention of Anya, Igiko and Franciose on her. "We'll start off with-" she cut herself off as Chun-Yan enters the room. "Chun-Yan! Your way late dude?"

Chun-Yan turned to Amelia as she smiled. "It was not my intention to be late but I was busy in the kitchen making zui xie and are not sorry or regretful for my appetite or cultural arrogance aru." she explained.

Igiko turns to Chun-Yan. "T.M.I. Just hurry up and take your seat so we can begin the meeting already."

"With pleasure. I brought some friends today." Chun-Yan replied before turning back to the hallway. "Okay everyone, they say it okay to bring them in now aru." In reply to her words, a whole flood of people carrying 2X4's, rows of ducks, and several other things entered the room.

Igiko sighed at the sight of all of them. "Marvelous. She brought the entire bloody Crolnintarium ( I think I spelt it right) with her." She finished as the last of the people entered the room.

"I let you know Igiko that it very important to make me feel at home aru." Chun-Yan said with puffy cheeks.

Igiko shut her eyes for a moment as she rubbed her forhead. "Fine, whatever. Why don't you just make us some crabs then?" Igiko said as she opened her eyes to see an entire town in front of her, and when I say entire town, I mean buildings and cars and lampposts and stuff of the like.

"Their thirty dollar a piece." a local shopkeeper replied with a cache of crabs in a box labeled 'Fresh'.

The Allies (all but Chun-Yan) looked in awe of their new surroundings. "How the bloody hell did you build a town so quickly?" Igiko asked before she realized something. "Forget that! How the hell did you build a town in a twenty-four by thirty-two foot room?"

Chun-Yan just winked at her cohorts and giggled. "Ancient Chinese secret aru."

Nyotalia- Axis Powers episode 19!

"Count off!" Monica said as she stood before a large mob of Italian soldiers and Daisy.

"Uno!" Daisy said in reply as her soldiers were all still half asleep.

"Zergoot, Zen let's continue our training. Alright you Italian dummkopfs, Keep your hands to yourself und try to listen."

The Italians and Daisy replied with a simple, "Yeah."

Monica closed her eyes as she continued. "I need for you to try to understand how to be good soldiers. First, you need to change your attitude in battle." she said as she turned away from them. "Of course, ze only things you guys seem to know how to do is run avay und surrendering. You need to follow the lead of your German…"

"Pssss. Mrs. Daisy, what's that?" one of the Italians said as he pointed to a brown object moving closer to them.

As the thing got closer, the Italians began to panic as they ran away. "AHHH! It's the British Army!"

"…victorius, meaning you must learn to fight ze Germany vay." Monica said as a dog with brown fur walked up behind her and barked. "Your hearts must be made of cold steel und show no mercy in ze heat of battle. You are part of our army now." Monica finished as the Italians walked back to see if Monica was dead yet.

"Oh look. It's a puppy." Daisy said as she ran up and began petting it. "That's a good girl." The puppy ruffed at the affection she was getting.


Back with the Allies.

"Alright girls, were half way done with the meeting and I'm surprised to say that were actually making progress." Amelia said before she got a shiver down her spine. "Hey… does anyone else feel that creepiness here. It's almost as if were being watched." Flashes to a young girl with long hair, a scarf, painters hat, and a cute little polar bear with a ribbon around its neck. "I'm seriously feeling something freaky."

Flashes back to Amelia who now has Igiko next to her. "I sense it to. It feels as if there's someone else in the room with us."

Flashes to Anya, Chun-Yan, and Franciose who are freaking out together. "Anya, did you happen to pick up another ghost of one of your dead emperors?" Franciose asked Anya.

Anya shook her head. "Not me. I learned my lesson from last time I let Peter III join me for our meeting."

Chun-Yan lifted her arm and rolled her sleeve up. "Well whatever it is, it giving me the chilly-bumps all over my arms. I am now seriously creeped out aru."

Once again it flashes to the unknown girl as Amelia says sheepishly, "Hey? Who put that video tape in with all the static?"

"It wasn't me aru."Chun-Yan replied.

"Hey get this, I just took a count, and there are six people in the room." Franciose said.

This got Igiko nervous. "Six people? Then who the hell is in here with us?"

Hearing Igiko's question, the unknown girl answered quietly, "I'm right here. Maybe they'll pay attention to me if I make a lot of noise. What do you think Mrs. Kumashiro?" She was referring to the little bear she held, which lifted its head in response.

"Who are you?" the bear asked.

"I'm the Canadian rep Madeline." she answered with a smile.

However, even after that, the Canadian's turn never came.


"Count off!"



"Alright ladies, you've made it half vay, so now it's time to test your metal und see vat you're made of." Monica said as she, Daisy, and Sakura walked over to the jogging course.

After a while, only Monica and Daisy were left on the field, Monica because she wanted to, and Daisy because she still had ten laps to go, and Sakura was sitting off to the side with a cat.

"Daisy! Zat pace is never going to cut it! Until you finish your laps, we're not going to lunch!" Monica said to the slow Italian behind her. Hearing this got Daisy more motivated and she began to run faster, granted Monica was only four feet behind her. "Amazing. It's almost as if she's more motivated by food than ze prospect of winning." Monica thought to herself.

Beginning to slow, Daisy looked behind her to see if Monica was still following her before she noticed the brown blur again. "AH! IT'S IGIKO!" she exclaimed as she ran at a speed comparable to that of a race car.

"Where ze hell are you going! This is no time to skip out on training!" Monica exclaimed at Daisy.

Flashes to Sakura and the cat as Daisy runs right past her. "IGIKOS GONNA GET ME!"

Followed by Monica. "Daisy! For crying out loud! You need to learn to run this fast ven you're not in retreat!"

Sakura looks at Camera C. "So it was proven true that whire Itarian tank advance sixty mile a week, they are somehow abre to retreat at sixty mile a day when they see the British coming."

Monica skids to a halt as she backtracks to Sakura. "Ve are done vith training for today!" she exclaimed before she turned back to where Daisy ran off to. "Get back here!"


"Ladies, it's time to stick a fork in this meeting 'cus it is done." Amelia said as she stacked the papers that they all had worked on… except for Madeline. "Everything mentioned her today is to be kept on the down low. Please refrain from leaking anything talked about today to the outside, got it?"

"Ve~. Got it." said Daisy who had been watching the Allies secret meeting for the entire time. As everybody realized that she was here, an aura of 'how did she get in here?' surrounded them. "Just one question though, is there gonna be food after this? Dinner's got to be next. Even you guys have to eat sometime. Is it time for us to eat?" she asked as we flash to the hallway just outside of the conference room. "I wonder if it's gonna be a pizza. I hope you know how to make a pizza. If not then I can show you how to make it right. Do you have garlic?" Daisy asked before the Allies began to scramble to catch their intruder.

Monica was in the same girly disguise that she was in episode 14 and was holding a clipboard. "Vell, I guess Daisy can't handle being a spy." She said as she crossed wrote spying on the long list of things that Daisy can't do.

Hope you all liked it; after all, I lost all my previous data saved on my memory card and had to type it up from scratch. I hope you all liked it though in honest. Don't forget to place your vote in the review and don't forget the criteria alright. Until episode 20,

Hosta- la- Pasta!