Smackdowns for the Scrapbook

A/N: Heeeeeyyyyy TFP fandom~ So, I decided to claim this couple for a rare pairing prompted challenge, because I love them so much their lack of fanwork hurts something in my soul. Some of these could be taken as friendship, some will be really shippy, and all of them will probably take a while because I procrastinate like The Pit. However this turns out, I hope you guys enjoy! (And review too? Please?)

The idea for this first one came from a line in The Karate Kid. Some of you will probably catch it.

Performance Art

In which Bulkhead has to relearn the definition of strength.

He's used to The Wreckers. A bunch of huge, strong mechs who could snap a vehicon's servos – one at a time when provoked – like toothpicks. But when he joins Team Prime, the first bot he comes eye to eye with is this delicate, pretty, tiny femme who more teases him than introduces herself, and Bulkhead has no clue what to think.

He's curious about the strange ways of the humans, but tries not to annoy his accustomed companions with too many questions. So he ends up learning what power lines are the hard way when they break his fall.

The first thought that came to mind after being untangled and checked for battery overload was how his scream was much less warrior-like than her's.

(His second thought was how she'd laughed at him as soon as they knew he'd be alright. Her laugh on the other hand, was pretty, but it also seemed to loud to come from her tiny frame.)

He sees a vehicon going after her and ignores his own opponents to put as many dents in the bully-con as possible, and things continue like that until he hears her shout from behind-

"Hey new guy, head's up!"

-and proceed to jump an enemy he hadn't even noticed.

A Wrecker couldn't take down an enemy so quickly without a wrecking ball or explosives. She does it with her bare servos and a couple of arm blades that are as tiny as the rest of her. He's only heard of the complex moves she's unleashing and can do nothing more than stare at the artistic curb-stomping with his jaw unhinged.

Bulkhead and Arcee are fighting back-to-back moments later.


"'Why' what?"

"Why didn't you tell me you knew circuit-su?"

"You didn't ask."

A/N: I have a bit of a headcanon about the Wreckers; that they may be a tad sexist about the idea of femmes on the battlefield. Not out of looking down on them as much as just not being used to them, since all the Wreckers I've seen so far are these HUGE mechs. So yeah, I always kind of imagined them being protective of femmes just because they normally do have to protect them in fights.

Reviews are love!