'Its eleven years today everyone,' I thought as I stared at the ceiling from my couch.
Today was the eleventh anniversary of nine-eleven, the day where nearly 3,000 died and their hero hadn't come to save them. I wanted to cry, like I did when I felt their pain, but I couldn't; heroes don't cry so I can't. And so, I just lay on my couch all day with Americat on my stomach; sulking over today and listening as their screams replay in my head over and over.
I jumped slightly when the door slammed opened and England sped walked in; I quickly put on my fake smile. I sat up while holding Americat to my chest and petting him.
"What can I do for ya Arthur?" I asked with fake happiness.
England smiled. "Good, you're dressed. We're going out."
My smiled dropped. "Uh, not today. I'm um… not feeling well," to sell it, I coughed into my fist.
England smirked smugly. "Don't care," he rushed and tied a red, white, and blue hanky around my eyes.
"Wait Artie," I said but he wouldn't have it.
I was clumsily pushed outside; by the cold air I knew it was night, and was pushed into a car. The drive was silent as I wondered where England was taking me on this day and why it couldn't wait; England knew what today was. Everyone, including him, had been there at the summit with me when it happened and I had began to break out in wounds from my peoples' suffering.
Suddenly, the car stopped, my door opened and England pulled me out. Without a word, I let him drag me a few yards before we stopped. I felt his hands on the blindfold.
"We're here," England breathed and pulled off the blindfold.
I couldn't stop my gasp or gaping at the scene. We were in front of the 9/11 memorial, the darkness lifted by flaming lanterns; each lantern having a country on it as well as the word: 'United'. Holding the lanterns was everyone: Germany, the Italy twins, my brother, Canada and Kumajiro, France, Spain, Prussia, Belgium, China, Japan, everyone; even Russia and Cuba. I couldn't believe it; suddenly, England walked over to me, a lantern in each hand. One lantern had him on it, the other was mine; complete with my flag, my land, and the words: 'United we stand'. I gently took it and stared then looked at England who smiled softly.
"You have the right of way," he said.
Carefully, I pushed the lantern up; as soon as mine was up, everyone let theirs go. Soon after theirs went, a barrage of glowing red, white, and blue balloons were let loose; I couldn't help but be mesmerized and… And want to cry. Despite my wishes, tears pulled in my eyes and I quickly began to rub them away but they wouldn't stop.
"G-guys," I chocked, "you're not supposed to make the hero c-cry."
"It's alright to cry sometimes America-kun," Japan said quietly.
England opened his arms to me with his calming smile and I took a step towards him; he finished the distance and hugged me tightly. My emotions exploded and I began to cry into his shoulder while everyone comforted me with their presence or gentle words. What got me though, were the words England was whispering in my hair; I heard him loud and clear though.
"And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that Star - Spangled Banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"
I smiled. Today, the Twins fell and the Lady in Green wept for her children. But from the rubble, rose a single eagle; who shook off the dust and flew out triumphantly. Because nothing can keep a true American down.
. . .
Yo, this is Sympathy for the Lost Love here; I just want to say sorry to all who were somehow involved in 9/11. I was six when it happened and for some reason, I can't remember it and it kinda urks me because people my age remember and I can't relate with them; I barely understand what happened now.
Anyway, just want to say to EVERYONE, where ever they are; here or up there, sorry for that it happened.
The US, a once ignorant five-year old, now a war torn fifty-year old.