Title: Strawberry Swisher.

Rating: M for Mature.

Pairing: Centon; Randy/Cena. (Also small mentions of Punk/Cena & Randy/Cody).

Warnings: Gay sex, cursing, insinuations of abuse.

Chapters: 24 Total Chapters. 7&1/2 Smut Scenes.

Disclaimer: I sadly own no one in this story, however I've bought enough WWE merch to have paid at least one jobbers weekly paycheck...so there's that.

A/N: Choose your specification then read.

For non-WTCM readers: Hi! I'm JL. So a little about this story: I have a playlist I like to listen to in the shower. One of the songs on it is called Strawberry Swisher Pt. 2 by a band called Dance Gavin Dance. The band is a screamo band I guess you could say, but this specific song is just a normal, cute, little love song. Every time I hear it I automatically think up of a story idea, i.e. this story. My original plans was for this to be an extremely long one-shot, but plans changed when I needed time to type a sequel to one of my stories, so I changed it to a chapter story to give me time to type. That means the chapters will be a bit short, but I still think you'll really enjoy the story. This story will be updated every other day or every 2 days, based on amount of reviews I get. But I always update very often :). I really hope you enjoy it! & Feel free to check out my other Centon (or other pairings) work if you'd like.

For WTCM readers: Hello, my lovelies! Did you miss me? I missed you all :). So I'm back with more smutty goodness while you wait for SIC:GMH to be typed up! SIC:GMH is coming along nicely, it's all mapped out. It's just a matter of typing out my ideas. Gah, rough. I've sent out all my thank you messages as well. Please message me if you didn't get one! So as for this story, it's going to be a LOT different from my usual chapters. It's kind of interactive. You get to use your imagination a lot. This was supposed to be a supremely long one-shot, so now that I've broken it into chapter, it's going to be short chapters that will make you think. Sorry about that. I hope you'll still like it though! And trust me, there will be lots of smut. It takes a few chapters to get there, but I think it will suffice when you get it. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Could you stay a little longer?

I could really use the extra time.

"Faster! Fuck!" John screams out, as Randy pounds him through the mattress. "Anything for you, baby." Randy whispers, leaning down to kiss John's neck before accelerating his pace.

"Oh God, right there!" John says, Randy thrusting against his fuck bundle.

Beads of sweat drip from Randy's body onto John's already drenched skin.

All that's heard in the room is heavy panting and obsenities, along with the sound of skin slamming against skin. There's a heavy scent of sex in the air, and a mixture of both men's cologne.

Randy's neck is covered in passion marks, and John's is covered in bite marks. Both men's lips are red and swollen from hard, passionate kisses.

A clear presence of pure lust and passion encases the room as the men release every sexual frustration they have on each other.

"I need to cum, Ran." John announces, reaching down to stroke himself. Randy swats his hand away, and instead begins stroking John himself.

"Cum with me, baby." Randy breathes.

Soon enough John's muscles tighten around Randy as he cums, and as he does, Randy deeps inside him and fills him up for the umpteenth time.

Randy pulls himself from John's body, and lays next to him, pulling John into his arms. John lays there only up until he catches his breath.

"Ran…" John mumbles. "Yeah, baby?" Randy answers. "I should go." John says, pulling from Randy's arms. "No! No. Please don't." Randy whimpers. "I really need to go, Ran." John reaches over the bed for his shirt, but Randy grabs his arm and pulls him back to his body.

"Please, John, don't. Don't ruin tonight, please." Randy begs. "Tonight shouldn't have happened." John snaps, looking away from Randy's stare.

"Johnny… Please? I miss you so much. You know I do. That's why we always fall back into bed together. Please stay the night. I miss holding you while you sleep. You're so beautiful when you sleep. You look so peaceful, so happy." Randy whispers, running his hand down John's face. John blinks back tears, trying to hold off memories.

"I really do need to go." John says, needing to get back t— "I will beg and plead with you all night till you get tired and fall asleep. Don't leave me. Please. I can't handle that… Not again." Randy admits.

"Ran…" John gives a sympathetic smile, laying a hand to Randy's face. Randy lays his hand over John's as he stares into his eyes. "Stay the night with me." Randy pleads.

John doesn't answer. He can't. He simply relaxes into Randy's arms and closes his eyes.

So again the same scenario plays out. It may always happen a different way, but it always ends the same. Randy glamours John into bed with him, and the next morning John always regrets it. He swears after each time that he won't fall for the same thing again, but he always does. Just like when they broke up, John swore to himself that this time it was final and they'd never be anything ever again. But here they are in bed together, Randy holding onto John's body for dear life as John silently cries himself to sleep again.

It's the same old thing, every damn time.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the opening chapter! This will kind of be a learn as you go story. You get more information on the break-up, their past, etc. as the story continues. Please leave reviews with your thoughts & guesses & etc. & Again, welcome new readers! :). Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading :)

PS: Please no talk of tonight's Raw on here. I know a lot happened, but I've read enough drama on Tumblr. Sorry.