Hey guys, I decided to go through all my papers the other day and I found a whole bunch of my fanfics that I had pretty much forgotten about so I decided to publish this one, I may do some others as well, but we shall see how we go :)

Disclaimer: I do not and have never owned Harry Potter, if I did there would be more guy love and Sev wouldn't be dead (or Fred :'()

Warnings: Dark vampire Harry, m/m relationships

Pairings: hehe I'm not telling yet XP (but I am open to suggestions if you would like to tell me)

Chapter 1:

Some would think that no matter what life continues, the world spins, time passes and people change. For those who live eternal there is little to look forward to in a passing day. Always time to spare. One such man, who was once a Wizard, is how our story begins. A being of the night, and entering his eight hundredth year, his sire was even the grandson of the great Salazar Slytherin by the name of Secerus. In the time since his turning he had spent much time in solitude. He once went by the name of Harold Potter, but as the times changed he would adapt it so that he would appear to be a relation of one of his two brothers. Through time he learned that no man or vampire could live eternity alone, so during the summer of 1980 he cast a powerful spell often used by those of his kind to begin life again. Changing the minds of his brother's descendants known as James and his wife Lily Potter that the child that had appeared in their life was expected to be there. On July 31st 1980 the vampire known as Harold Potter became the infant Harry, the boy who lived.

Harold enjoyed his time as Harry, even though he was sad to watch the death of the last of the Potters left human. He lived with the muggles known as the Dursleys and though he was treated with as much respect as a fly at the dinner table he was given many chances to get back at them. Vernon Dursleys will never understand why every cake or biscuit he eats tastes like ash, or how Petunias once prized flowers never seemed to grow right. Even Dudley, although it wasn't much, or didn't seem like much, seemed to find himself interested in his friends... his male friends and though he was too young to really understand one day he will.

By the time that his Hogwarts Letter arrived he was enjoying the trials of being the saviour of the magical world. knowing about the magical world already I sent my reply to the school before the muggles could say anything against it and not wanting a bunch of freaks to know how they treated the boy they reluctantly agreed to just let him go, that way he will be out of their hair for at least the school months.

## ## ## ##

I was alone during the journey to school right from finishing my school shopping with the teacher that the school sent to me (a professor McGonagall). It didn't really bother me, it wasn't that I was really a frightened first year, but it would have been nice to know that I am not going to be alone during my time at school. I was never really a sociable person, even before becoming a vampire. The train journey from the platform was quite boring, except the annoyingly loud family of red heads that was stupidly talking about the platform in a muggle train station.

It wasn't until I was on the boat on the way to the castle for the first time in this body that I meet my first companion. He is blond and has an aristocratic feel to him (mainly in the way that he sticks his nose up at everyone).

"My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." he says as the boat moves across the surface of the lake.

"I'm Harry Potter." I say taking the hand that the boy had extended, but I didn't miss the way his eyes widen and go right to my forehead.

"The Harry Potter?" he asks forgetting his arrogant airs

"No I am the other one." I say sarcastically.

Rather than being offended he rolls his eyes "no need to get snarky with me, it's not every day one meets the child who defeated the dark lord as an infant." his cheeks tinted with pink.

"Okay then I guess you can be forgiven. What house do you think you'll be in?" I ask as though genuinely curious about the houses. It's odd trying not to give away my knowledge of the school and the castle. Knowing one of the children of the founders means that I probably know more about the school than anyone living today... what an odd thing that seems to be.

Draco seemed pleased when I said I wouldn't mind being in Slytherin, last time I had been placed in Ravenclaw, and from that moment he truly warmed up to me saying still that if I ended up in Gryffindor that he would never speak to me again. Even though we both knew he was completely serious it made us laugh because I could never see myself being in the lion's house even in this new life. Soon though the boats landed at the shore and we followed the giant man that Draco said was named Hagrid took them into the castle and right up to professor McGonagall who gave us all the talk about being a credit to our houses etc. etc., I didn't really listen, but the other firsties became quite tense and nervous after this. They probably realised that this was really happening.

Once she returned and lead us into the hall we were then forced to wait for the woman to call us and allow the old hat to place us. I remember Uncle Salazar constantly complaining about that annoying old hat and the times that Godric had placed it in his chambers during the year. One time he placed a sticking charm on it and made Godric go to classes for a whole week wearing it. Randomly while Godric was trying to talk the hat would interrupt and ended up dissolving into him yelling at his own hat. I smile softly at the memory. It's been so long since I have thought of uncle Sal. He has been dead for hundreds of years but he hasn't been forgotten. Looking around the Great Hall I feel the welcome of the castle. Nothing has changed here in this room except the people and the... the ghosts.

At the Slytherin table is the ghost of the Baron _ looking over at the Ravenclaw table and sure enough above the students was Helena Ravenclaw. They were some of my only friends during my school years, us and Securus were as close as family. The pair of them will be a welcome addition for my years here.

My attention was quickly drawn to the person standing out the least in the whole room. The dark figure of a man watching the sorting with and empty expressionless face. By all rights if I didn't know any better I would have thought he was a night walker, but only assured that I couldn't sense another night walker within the school was I convinced that he was indeed human. He was unique in his appearance and his nose was bigger than average and slightly crooked as though it had been broken and not set properly before it healed, but it added character to his features. In his own way he was quite attractive, but in my current form it would be awkward for him to receive my attentions that way... but what an opportunity to allow to pass me by...

Before I could get more of a look at the room I was called up to be sorted. Faking nervousness I made my way up to the stool surrounded by the whispers of the students. As I sat the dirty old hat was placed on my head.

"WHOSE A DIRTY OLD HAT?!" the familiar voice yelled into my mind making me want to laugh.

"You are, obviously. I don't understand how uncle Sal could stand you being around so much. Even your creator had to find a way to pawn you off on poor old Salazar." I mock the hat and it laughs at me.

"You haven't changed young potter, although you're not very young anymore are you?" he teased "now to get to business where to put you? I see you have an interest in our current Potions master... well that isn't surprising for someone like you, the man can out class most night walkers that you have met. Not to mention your brains would go unappreciated in your old house, they have changed much since the old days when knowledge could not be evil, now people don't like people like you knowing too much... I think it goes without saying that the best place for you to be in this time is SLYTHERIN."

It shouted to the whole school and I returned the hat to the stern professor and made my way to my own seat in the silence that had descended on the whole school. Draco smiled and struck up conversation with me with ease now that he knew I wouldn't be leaving him for Gryffindor or even Hufflepuff. Had I been returned to Ravenclaw we could still have been friends because the snakes and the ravens seem to get along better than others, but there was still a barrier between the houses that made things hard between them.

While I ate at the feast I took the chance to look at the headmaster. Albus Dumbledore. An eyesore at the best of times wearing sparkled purple robes and looking at people over the top of his half-moon glasses. There was something about him that I didn't like, and that wasn't helped by the disappointed looks he kept shooting at me as though I had betrayed him by being in Slytherin. I could almost laugh, it's not like I would ever side with him, though at the moment I am not too keen on Voldemort either. Well there is still time, I wonder whose side the Potions master is on?

The feast was soon over and everyone tiredly made their way to their dorms and to our new beds.

Thanks for reading my first chapter of A new Life please tell me what you think :) Feedback makes me happy