This chapter is for 4ever-A-Nightmare! Enjoy! This one goes out to you.
Betelgeuse P.O.V.
I cackled as Lydia quickly left the room. Breathers were so easy to mess with! Especially her... I sat in the graveyard. I honestly hadn't thought i'd be back in this dump.
I was trying to score with some chick at a bar when I felt a pull. I knew I was being called. It had been a while since someone had called me, but I remembered the feeling. The ghoul in front of me was drunk and having a fun time flirting with me, she was an easy catch and I could've gotten laid. But I wasn't about to let the chance of scamming someone to get my freedom pass me by. So in a flash I disappeared.
I had arrived in a cemetery behind a girl sitting on a bench. The first thought that came to mind was how cliché this was. I mean, a young girl all alone in a creepy cemetery summoning a weird ghost.
I was studying the girl more. Her body had stiffened, like she knew she had made a mistake. I thought maybe she was an old client. And I couldn't have been more right. Imagine my surprise when I saw Lydia Deetz sitting RIGHT infront of me! It's like my unsaid prayers had been answered. I smirked evily. I was gonna have some fun with her...
So until she had gotten home I was gonna mess with her.
When she arrived I would make my presence FULLY known, by appearing in that old tv in the attic. It was WAY to easy to get her to say my name. I thought it would be more of a challenge. The look on her face was priceless. Shocked, scared, and worried all rapped up in one and tied with a big black and white bow.
I sighed and conjured up a reclining chair and sat down for a while. I grabbed a beer from thin air and took a swig. I had got a good look at Lydia, and hot damn had she grown up.
She wore a grey shirt with a baggy sweater, but you could still see the curve of her waist and those beautiful breasts. She was also wearing black skinny jeans that showed her body off nicely. I smirked, time was good to her...very good to her. And even if I had only seen her for a few minutes, I could already tell what she looked like.
I had a sixth senes for those type of things. I could tell if a girl was sexy from miles away. It's a gift I tell ya! Speaking of Lydia, I might as well 'POP' up on her and see what she's doing. Not like I have anything better to do.
So with the flick of a wrist I appeared in a dark room that was only lit by a small lamp. There I saw Lydia sittin on her bed doing something on a piece of paper. As I went to walk near her my whole body hit something hard. I put my hand up to feel in front of me. Realization hit me as I looked around. I was stuck in a freaken mirror!
Damn these restrictions!
The loud 'thump' had caused Lydia to jump, making her drop her pencil and looking around with worried eyes. Her gaze fell upon her mirror and her eyes almost popped out of her head as she saw me standing there. I wanted to laugh uncontrollably but settled for a dark chuckle. She dropped her notebook thing on wher bed and scootched back against her headboard. Her face, if possible, was paler than usual.
"What's the matter, babes? Looks like you've seen a ghost.", I said laughing loudly. She scowled at me. She slowly slid off her bed and ran for the door. She pulled the door only for me to use some of my juice to slam it closed and lock it. "Sorry, sweetheart, it ain't gonna be that easy", I said with a smirk.
She looked at we with fear as she backed far away from the mirror I was in. Lydia opened her mouth to scream but I zapped duck tape onto her mouth. "I wouldn't be screaming if I were you babes. Unless you want to see more of my juice.", I said with a cocked eyebrow. She shook her head. "Good, now you can off the tape.", she slowly pulled off the tape. She rubbed her mouth tenderly after taking off the tape. She glared up at me.
"What do you want?", she spat a me with hate.
"You look cute when you're angry.", I said with a wink. She scrunched her face up with disgusted and she scoffed. I love making her uncomfortable.
"Gross...", she groaned as she edged towards the bed. She sat down on the bed, she was stiff on the bed watching me. "I meant why are you back? What on this Earth could you want from us?", I pondered the thought. I could say revenge, but that was far from the truth. Well she didn't have to know that...
"Well for one, I don't need anything from your dumb parents or those dead beat ghost pales of yours. But I do need something from you," I leaned against the glass. Her face twisted with concussion.
"From me? What do you need from me?", she picked up her pencil and grabbed her sketch book and started to draw. She looked like she didn't care, but it was probably just an act.
"Oh ya know the basics. A cup of sugar, a teaspoon of oil, oh and for you to hold up your end of the deal!", Lydia's body froze. Her pencil stopped moving across the paper and she looked up at me.
"What deal?", I put both hands on the glass in front of me putting pressure on it. As if were trying to break out, which in a way I was.
"You know damn well what deal! I mean talk about a runaway bride. Mine fed me to a FREAKEN SANDWORM!", she gulped. For the second time she put her drawing stuff down. Fear took over her expressions again.
"O-oh, that deal...", she bowed her head and said it with sadness. She looked like she was thinking of something to say. "Our marriage-if you can call it that- wasn't part of the deal. All you said was you wanted out. You never said anything about us getting married.", she pointed out. Every time she looked up it was like she was trying to avoid eye contact.
"Nu-Un," I said wagging my finger at her. "Don't go trying to con a conman. I may have not mentioned anything 'bout the marriage, but you still said said yes to me. You didn't care what you had to do as long as you saved your little pets.", she scowled and clenched her fist. "Speaking of your little pets, where are they? Didn't see em up in the attic."
Lydia clenched her jaw and tried to take even breaths. "For one they are not my pets, and two why do you care about where they are?", she said with her arms crossed.
"So I can scare the crap out of them that's why. But until then...", I gave her an evil grin. "Might as well see how your mommy dearest is doing..."
"Step-mother," she corrected. "And leave her alone!"
"Whatever," I waved my hand at her.
"I mean it!", she jumped off her bed standing up with anger.
"Ooo I'm so scared!", I said sarcastically.
"If you don't leave her alone I'll..I'll..", she seemed at a loss for words. I smirked.
"What are ya gonna do? Kill me? I'm already dead!", her face was red with anger. And it was funny!
"Will you shut the hell up and listen to me Beetlejuice!", I smiled wickedly. She didn't seem to notice that she said my name a third time. I was free for now.
And to test out my juice I would use Lydia's mom as a tester. Then come back a bother Lyds.
She looked like she was about to say something but I cut in. "See you on the flip side!", and with that I poofed myself into the kitchen where Lydia's mom was. Sure enough there she was. Her food was perfectly cooked as she started to make some type of salad.
I wonder how she'll feel about adding beetles to menu... One way to find out!
With a snap of my finger beetles started to crawl everywhere. On the food, on the floor, and the best part was when one of em crawled on Debra. "AHHHHHH!", Debra let out a blood curdling scream and dropped the salad blow on the floor. I started to laugh uncontrollably, but I made SURE that Debra couldn't see or hear me.
As if on cue Lydia came running down stairs. She stopped when she saw all the bugs crawling around. Lydia turned and glared at me as I smiled innocently back at her. Debra let out another scream which caught Lydia's attention. Lydia grabbed a broom and opened their back door and started to brush out as many beetles as possible.
Debra even threw the chicken she had just cooked out the door as well, pan and all! That only made me laugh harder.
After about a minute of the same thing I sent the beetles off, but not before dropping a big fat one of Debra's head. She let out a terrifying scream and tried to shake it off her head. "Clam down!", Lydia instructed. "Let me grab it off."
"Just get it off! Get it off, get it off!", Debra whinnied. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. Lydia carefully plucked the beetle out of her step mom's hair and chucked it out the door. Her red hair was a mess and her breaths heavy and uneven. "What just happen here, never leaves this house under stand Lydia.", Lydia nodded. "Good girl. Now I'm going to take a shower. Would you be a dear and clean up this mess?", Lydia groaned but nodded anyway.
Debra quickly ran up stairs and slammed her door shut. I started to have a laughing fit. If I could still breathe, I'd be out of breath my now. I looked up to see Lydia glaring at me. An large scowl on her lips.
"Whhat?!", I questioned with a guilty smile.
"What the hell is wrong with you! You asshole! Now I have to clean the kitchen by myself! You idiot!", she screamed at me. I mean, you can tell she was mad. 'Cause just a few minutes ago, she was afraid.
"Whoa, harsh words there babe.", I said. I leaned against the counter. I conjured up a broom and tossed it to her. "Well looks like you better get started.", she caught it and snarled. She grumbled bitterly. "You gotta admit that scaring her was pretty funny.", Lydia had a soft smile and nodded. "Just get it off! Get it off, get it off!", I mimicked Debra's voice.
" was funny I'll give you that..", she said bending over to pick up some glass. I leaned forward slightly so I could get a good look at her ass.
"Debra is easy to scare...", I said watching her body move. Her butt was up slightly as she clean the floor. She stopped cleaning and looked at me.
"Who's Debra?"
"Well duh! Your step mom. I'm telling ya babe, if you don't know her name you should be glad I'm here.", did she have a brain fart or something? Or was Debra's stupid rubbing off on her?
"Her name is Delia, ya know.", Delia? Boy do I feel stupid...
"Hey, I knew it started with a 'D'."
Yesssss I'm done with this chapter. Next chapter will be how Lydia realizes that she said BJ's name a third time.
SPECIAL THANKS! Thank you to 4ever-A-Nightmare. This person pushed me o wright this. I even got brushes to prove it! Sorry if Betelgeuse is out of character same for Lydia.