Do I seriously need to repeat myself?

Black Star and Maka were in the living room playing with Crimson. They squealed at every move he made. Soul felt rage infest his Soul, he swore if he wasn't able to control his emotions he would be a madman by now. That turtle... That... 'hell in a shell'- as he called it, had to go. Black Star pulled out his phone and started to get pictures of the little turtle. Maka clapped at the amusing sight of the turtle's eyes getting bigger by the bright flash. His phone made a beeping noise. His joy was put on pause as he read the text from Tsubaki. He typed something in than pressed send. He quickly threw the phone back into his pocket. In a matter of seconds Tsubaki walked in, "Where is the cute little turtle?" She asked innocently. Soul's mouth dropped. "Not you too!" She shrugged. "I like turtles." She said sheepishly. She spotted the little evergreen shell crawling on the floor and she flew to it. "Aww! it's even cuter than I thought!" She squealed. They all sat on the floor. Soul had enough. He flipped out his phone and dialed a number to a person that he knew could put an end to the madness. "What do you want Soul?" Kid groaned from the other line. "I need your help." "You have Maka." "That's what I need help with." The line was quiet. Death knew it had to be serious if Maka wasn't able to help him. "I'll be over in a moment." Soul nodded thinking he could see him than hung up. He waited for Kid. He spent his time watching the torturous sight of his friends being put under the trance. "Soul?" Maka's hoarse voice asked. Every one felt shock from hearing her horrid voice. "Maka! Your voice!" Tsubaki worried. Maka quickly rubbed her throat and tried to clear it. "Just a little sore." She coughed. "Kiss the turtle!" Black Star demanded. Maka gave him a crazy look. "It helps..." He chanted. Maka picked up Crimson and kissed his little nose. Maka blushed after hearing the little turtle make a cute noise to let her know he was happy. Maka hugged the little turtle and gazed at him. Soul's heart pulsed. He swore he could've made turtle stew if Maka didn't have a good hold on him. Soul crossed him arms and tightly gripped his arm out of anger and jealousy. "You two are so cute!" Tsubaki gushed. Soon there was a knock on the door. Soul jumped and his face brightened up.

Soul eagerly opened the door to see the emotionless face of Kid. His hair was normal, but he wasn't in his usual attire: He was wearing a vertically striped hoodie that was black and white, he was in black skinny jeans that didn't make him look gay, and he wore converse perfectly laced shoe laces. He walked inside the home. "What's wrong?" He asked. Liz walked in with Patty, like Kid they were dressed different: Liz's hair was in a ponytail, she had on a blue tank top that went to a midriff, she wore denim capris that fell to the bottom of her knee caps, and had on white sneakers; Patty had her hair down like normal, she was wearing a yellow t-shirt that had a giraffe on it, she wore light denim shorts, and gray flip flops. (PHEW! That was a lot... (-_-0)... ) Soul's eyes flooded with hatred. He pointed to the little circle surrounding the turtle. Liz gave him a questionable look and started to laugh. "A turtle?" She asked as she walked over to join the circle. In Soul's eyes he saw a Liz slowly walk into a madness that his other friends were already pulled into. Liz sat down by Maka and looked at the little turtle. "He's cute!" She said rubbing his back gently with her first and middle finger. "Wow Liz, I thought you would chicken out." Black Star retorted. Liz glared at him and spat, "Why? I'm not a pansy! I can like turtles!" Kid glared at Soul. "You did NOT call me here to kill a turtle..." He asked with rage. Soul leaned into his ear and whispered. "You don't get it! There is something wrong with the turtle!" He whispered. Kid rose his eye brow and faced him. He put his hand on Soul's head and one on his own. "You don't seem sick." He stated. Soul forcedly removed his hand. "I'm not CRAZY!" He shouted. The circle turned to Soul. "Soul? You okay?" Maka asked. Liz, Patty, and Kid looked at her funny. "You okay Maka?" Liz asked. Patty ran to Maka and stared into her eyes. "You don't seem fine..." Patty mentioned. Kid looked at Soul sternly. "How did she find the turtle?" he asked. "In a thunderstorm." He replied. "What made her go outside?" "She got angry." "Why was she angry?" "Because she was in a bad mood." "Why?" "Because of her homework." After Soul said that Kid smirked. 'Bingo.' Kid thought. He slowly walked over to Maka. "NO! KID!" Soul's Soul (heh...) Cried out. He watched as his last hope slowly slipped into the madness. Kid took a seat in front of Maka. Maka looked at him funny. He held his hand out. Maka noticed this and put the turtle into his palm. Kid stared at the turtle. He smiled and looked at Maka. "This symmetrical turtle is quiet magnificent." He stated. Than it happened. Kid was gone, he fell for the trance. Soul was alone... the only sane one... So he thought. Kid sat the turtle in his lap and stared at Maka. Her olive eyes were dull, she had bags under her eyes, and her voice was hoarse.

"Maka, you have quiet a cold too." Maka's eyes widened. "No! I'm fine!" She quickly lied while the cracking in her sore throat stood out. She quickly grabbed her throat. "Oh, okay. Than I guess it's fine if I ask about your homework." Maka's eyes looked worried. "Oh, um.." She slowly stuttered. "what? Didn't finish it?" Maka turned her face from him. She didn't finish it... her distractions caused her to stop. "What distracted you?" Kid asked. Maka's eyes watered. "nothing." She hiccuped. Soul's heart jerked. Maka was crying. He took a step toward the group but froze. The madness was taking him too. He stared at the turtle who's head was facing Kid. 'No! The turtle is winning! No... Maka... Maka is sad! Maka.. Maka! MAKA!' Soul walked to the group and walked up behind Maka. He grabbed her shoulder and dragged her into his room. He closed the door behind him and glared at Maka. He watched while she tried to wipe her tears away. "What happened Maka?" He asked. Maka didn't say anything. She just dove for his chest and embraced him. She cried into his chest. His heart felt warm yet his blood ran cold. He felt guilt. What was hurting Maka? He had to know. "Maka... tell me.. Now." He demanded. He wasn't waiting for another distraction. He wanted the truth and he wanted it now. Maka looked up at him. She saw the look in his crimson eyes: Sad yet frustrated. "Yesterday... Papa..." Her grip tightened. Soul felt his lungs crush, but he ignored it. "He was..." Maka started to pour out with tears. "Another woman." Soul looked down at her. "Isn't he always?" He asked. "Not like this... Soul.."She felt like she was melting. Her heart throbbed. "They kissed. The way he kissed Mama." She spat. She buried her face into his chest again. Memories of her mother raced through her head. Every heart aching one made her tighten her hold on Soul. Soon he hugged her back. He felt his chest getting wet from her tears. He rested his face on the top of her head and let her cry. Blair knocked on the front door. "I'll get it." Liz said while getting up. She opened it seeing Blair wearing her usual clothed that revealed her 'goods'.

Black Star's nose bled. Tsubaki noticed this and smacked his head. "Pervert." She spat. Blair skipped in the room holding something behind her back. "So, I hear we have a new pet!" She cheered. "Yeah! A turtle." Tsubaki said happily. Blair sat the hidden item from behind her back on the couch. It was a grocery bag. The item fell out she quickly grabbed It as if thinking everyone didn't see it. "A collar?" Kid asked. "It's a turtle..." Patty added. "and your point is?" She asked like they were all idiots.


Soul never saw her so sad. He than realized how she treated the turtle... Motherly. "When was the last time your mom sent you a card?" He asked her. Maka froze. "Last year..." She slowly said trying to not hiccup. "You miss her.." He stated. He felt Maka nod her head. His embrace grew strong. "That's why you are always with the turtle..." Maka slowly pulled away from him. "You're never with your mom. You noticed that your dad is starting to take interest in another woman. You think your family is falling apart." Maka looked at him with thankfulness. He understood. Finally some one did... someone understood her. "That was lost like you. So you took him in." She smiled. The heavy flow of tears lightened up. "He was your family." He added. He noticed Maka's smile, but why was she smiling? "He's not my... my only family." She hiccuped. She got on her tip toes and placed her lips on his. Soul blushed. But soon wrapped his arms around her kissing her back. They both blushed. Soon they pulled apart. They both walked out hand in hand to the living room. The little turtle crawled out of Kid's lap and to Maka and Soul. She picked him up. For some reason Soul's mind went into a day dream. Maka looked older, the sunset light from the window shinned threw the glass, and the turtle she picked up was a little boy who was small, he had spiky blond hair, crimson eyes, a small little nose like Maka's, a blue t-shirt and jeans, and socks. He saw Maka grab his sides and lift him into the air staring into his eyes smiling. They both smiled than looked at Soul. "Soul?" He heard her ask. Soon the vision left and he saw Maka holding the turtle were their 'son' once was.

He knew why he liked the turtle too. He did make them like a family. Mama Maka, Papa Soul, and baby Crimson. Only thing was that he was a turtle. A Kame... which led them to a kiss. A Kame Kiss. He smiled at that little title he gave their first kiss. "Yeah?" He asked. Trying to look cool. "You wanna hold him?" She asked. Soul's heart felt like it was smiling. Happiness flooded him. "Yeah.. I guess." He said trying to sound cool.